Despite being struck down by the lurgy, hopefully not the plague this week I’ve finally managed to get the decorations up. Normally I’m the biggest humbug on the face of the earth, but this year I’m actually enjoying the run up to Christmas.

I’m delighted that I haven’t had to power around the shops, one of my all time pet hates! For once I’m organised and actually ahead of the game and I must say I’ve enjoyed shopping entirely online, so very civilised isn’t it. No crowds, no dashing about in lousy weather looking at tons of old tat that I wouldn’t want if people were giving it away.

Cards have been written and posted, presents bought and wrapped in the main, with just a few items still to arrive. Christmas slots for food are booked and a few foody bits and pieces are already cooked and frozen. Who knew you could organise Christmas completely via the internet? Thirty years ago I would have laughed at the notion!

Yes, it’s all been rather wonderful sitting in a warm room browsing an array of interesting items online.

Of course there is a down side to all this wonderful browsing of interesting things! My stock of candles and pandemic buying of books has grown dramatically and I find myself googling house and garden plants far too frequently which will account for the six shrubs due to arrive, the acquisition of a shedload of air plants and a few fabulous rush plants that almost died in transit as they need to be kept very moist.

Juncus Effusus slowly coming back to life. I just love how the ends of the stems curl up.
Whenever I feel guilty about these decadent indulgences, I remind myself that I can only afford it due to not haunting the garden centres, or spending days out with friends and family and not visiting the hairdresser, well apart from once this year and that was in the garden!

Air plants. I have many more winging their way to me. How I love them.
I’ve also made my life easier. Why I’ve put up with rancid, aged ice cube trays and a knackered potato peeler for so long I don’t know, but now I have state of the art new ones, and even a spanking new plastic pastry brush and a fire extinguisher of all things. Yes, I am shiny, transformed and super efficient now! Anything that looks remotely past it is instantly replaced these day, well, apart from hubs and I!

Albuca Frizzle Sizzle on the right. I have a feeling I may have got the names the wrong way around re these rush plants.
In other news, Curly cat, who still absolutely refuses to leave the house is now literally hot- desking with hubs. He’s now moved from his chair and has decided to live on the desk. It’s so funny as he walks across hubs’ computer when he wants to stretch his legs. In the end I put a blanket out for him to lie on. He could sit anywhere in this room, on comfy chairs or in any of the many cat baskets I’ve set out, but no, the desk is where he wants to be!

Given how feral Curly cat is with anyone apart from hubs, myself and daughter, I must say I’m surprised how he’s take to Littl’urchin. Whenever we go in he instantly hops off the desk and comes over to her, even allowing her to stroke him! Struth!

And Finally…
Buddy received an ecard from the kennels today. Goodness, how he enjoyed it. He watched it over and over while sitting on my knee. Lots of dogs and cats prancing around, wonderful it was.

Until next time, stay safe guys.
Thanks Anne. I’m becoming obsessed with them. I have lots winging their way to me. Oh, that post was marvellous! I must say I’m surprised Curly cat entertains a toddler! But that I suppose is the unpredictability of cats.xxx
I’m looking forward to seeing how tillandsias fare for you! Check out this blog post and a most ingenious way of displaying them.
Nice to see Curly Cat making himself at home with all of you — even the littlest one!
Thanks Jan, my cold is finally on the run! Children shoot up so quickly don’t they.xxx
So sorry you have not been well, hope you are 100% now.
Fabulous photographs, especially the one of your adorable granddaughter stroking Curly
Hasn’t she grown!
All the best Jan
Dear Dina,
I hope that by the time I leave this comment, you will be over the lurgy and looking forward to Christmas. It’s lovely to see how your home is looking cosy and warm and hard to believe that Curly is the same cat who wouldn’t set foot inside the door when you first introduced him to us. He is well installed in his favourite spot now.
I like your range of vegan cookbooks. Have you watched Matt Pritchard (the dirty vegan) on his cooking programmes on TV ? I think he may still be on the BBC IPlayer on the welsh channel S4C (in English luckily). I hadn’t heard of him before, but he was apparently in some daredevil show where he took on some scary challenges before he started cooking. What a character !
And I love the photo of your granddaughter stroking Curly (and him letting her !).
Thanks Keggy. Curly cat sure has come a long way hasn’t he. I’m so glad he’s moved in I couldn’t bear to think of him outdoors at his age. I’m sure the cold would finish him off. I haven’t seen those programmes but Matt does talk about his antics in his books. There are some great recipe’s in them too, just a shame they use so many ingredients I don’t have and hard to come by during this pandemic. we’ll have to swop recipes when we finally meet up.xxx
Odd as it seems — at least, to me — I have everything that needed mailing well on its way, and what decorating I decided to do is done. I did simplify many things this year. For example, the Christmas baking simply went by the wayside. There seemed to reason to do it since we weren’t having the kinds of parties and such that always marked the season. If I baked, I certainly would have eaten more than was necessary!
I’ve been coping with some of life’s usual problems — automotive, primarily — and in a way it’s been refreshing. Thinking about car maintenance is rather more pleasant than thinking about politics or pandemics. After all, you can fix a car!
Thanks Linda. I think a lot of us will be enjoying a simpler Christmas this year. Oh so sorry to hear you are having car problems, I do hope all is now resolved.xxx
Ha ha, happy early Christmas! Nice pictures of your cosy home! I think I would love air plants too. They are so unique. Buddy is so very cute!
You too, and wishing you and all your loved ones, a very Merry Christmas and safe, Happy New Year!
Thanks Jade, I have a real crush on air plants at the moment. All the best to you.xxx
Dear, wish you and your family all the best for Christmas and New Year…
Looking forward to get the paypal address where to send some money for the rescue
Hugs and kisses
Thanks Claudine. Hoping you all have a wonderful time. The rescue doesn’t have a paypal address but if you go onto the site it will advise you how to donate. Love and hugs to you all.xxx
Love the pic of little one communing with and stroking Curly Cat. So adorable.
Well, I have done all the acquiring I shall do. Posting has been done, a few deliveries are left to do. I shall wait till nearer the time to do those as they are very local.
I promise you, I have not attempted to make candles. I much enjoyed your results, but also decided it really wasn’t going to be a restful activity for me. Not that I am accident prone usually……it wouldn’t be a first though!
Everything your end looks jolly and warm. have a super time with little one and your family. Stay safe. Peace and good health to you and yours. xxxxxx
Thanks Menhir. Good to know you are organised too. Haha, so glad you haven’t been tempted to create any fancy candles. Very wise decision! Enjoy Christmas!xxx
Wishing a very merry Christmas to you and all the family and no surprise at all that Curly Cat loves Lil Urchin…..children and animals gravitate:)
I have been doing all my shopping on line for many years since the time I lived in Wales. This includes art supplies, food, and anything else I need. I like you HATE to shop and can only imagine the nightmare that’s happening today as people seemingly refuse to understand that we are living through a pandemic and bets are on that they will be crowding the malls, etc. However, you and I won’t be doing that. Instead we can enjoy the comfort of our own homes and take lovely walks.
So glad that you are enjoying and hope that the rest of the holiday period is equally as good. Stay well, drink lots of liquids, and relax….
Sending lots of love
Janet XXXX
Children certainly love animals! Oh, I can’t think of anything worse than shopping in crowded stores, especially during a pandemic. The internet is such a blessing, especially during these trying times. Thanks Janet.xxx
Lovely post, hope you are feeling 100% by Christmas! On line shopping has been wonderful this time, like you I’m so organised for a change. I made the decision that I will be spending it by myself this year, I felt the risk was just too great to be with family, but I have lots to keep me occupied for the few days of the Christmas holiday. Family will be facetimimg me so I will be “seeing” them all at various times.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a much better 2021 ! x
Thanks Pauline, It’s been a real stinker of a cold but slowly we’re getting better. Shopping online is so much more efficient! Yes, the risk is too great and given a vaccine is coming soon it’s hardly worth taking the chance. I hope you have a lovely time facetiming your family.xxx
I totally agree with you about online shopping, it is so good! I think twice about going to the post office these days! I love Curly cat taking over the computer desk, pets sure do make us fit in around them! I love the way she (he?) lets your Little ‘urchin pat her, so very sweet. Also Buddy receiving his ecard…gorgeous, I might get one for my daughter’s new pup Charlie.
Best wishes for a happy Christmas and I hope you enjoy using all your cooking books!
Online shopping certainly makes life easier! Curly cat is such a character, why he would want to live on a desk id beyond me. Haha, I hope Charlie enjoys his ecard! Thanks Gerrie.xxx
No I am definitely far more bah humbug than you. Online shopping makes it seem like Christmas every day when delivery men are almost a daily occurrence. I do think many people will permanently change their shopping habits.
I agree Sue, I’m sure many will change their shopping habits. It’s rather nice to be enjoying Christmas for once!xxx
Enjoy your quiet and organised Christmas, lovely Dina! Hugs from me xxx
Thanks Gill, you too. Hugs to you too.xxx
I know you have had it tough up your way while we have been protected by our borders, but enjoy your family and friends. Signs that things may improve with new vaccines coming. Have a great Christmas.
Thanks Peter. Yes, here’s to a vaccine coming to all. You have a wonderful Christmas too.xxx
I wonder how many people will enjoy Christmas more this year with it being a pared back affair. Many of us will be missing family and friends that we usually spend time with over the festive period but I should think there’ll be others who will enjoy having a quieter time too. How lovely to see how far Curly has come over the last few years, I remember when he wouldn’t even come near the house. He’s obviously enjoying his home comforts and a little human company in his old age.
Funny you mention that Jo, I read an article recently where lots of people were delighted to not have horrible relatives visiting or have to dash from family to family. Curly has certainly moved in now….forever! Good on him!xxx
Lovely post and pictures. I hope that you recover from the lurgy quickly and it doesn’t linger. Curly cat looks and sounds like he’s mellowed. Good to see Buddy enjoying his ecard.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, the lurgy is lingering but we’re both on the mend. Goodness, it’s hard to remember how stroppy Curly cat used to be. Buddy is a one for sure!xxx
Apart from hearing that you’ve been unwell, this is a delightful post! I never thought I would order items on line the way I have these past months. Mind you, I can’t wait to get to a garden centre again. There’s nothing like a browsing experience among plants and related garden goodies for sale. Enjoy your amazing new plants in the cosiness of your home.
It’s astonishing how we can order practically everything online isn’t it. Hopefully we always have power too! You and me both re visiting garden centres, you just can’t beat it! Thanks Linda.xxx
Darling Buddy enjoying his ecard is so sweet! I love the idea of Curly hot desking – I hope he doesn’t add to/destroy anything vital when he walks over the keyboard! I’ve had a few near misses giving R’s keyboard a casual flick of the duster as I walk by! Maybe Curly regards Littl’urchin as an extension of you? True in a way. Well done on getting organised re: Christmas and your new plants are fabulous. I’m sure that I shall really envy your food delivery shop when I’m slogging round the supermarket on Tuesday. I’m hoping to go really early! Have a wonderful time and I’ll see you on the other side. xx
Buddy really is the only techy dog I’ve ever had! How quickly he picks it up! I laughed out loud at your casual flick of the duster!!! Hilarious! Curly does tend to be nice to people around hubs and I so maybe that’s why he has taken to Littl’urchin. Oh, good luck with the food shopping. Yes, here’s to the other side! xxx
Oh, I do love your 4-leggeds and their distinct personalities…Mulligan always lounged on the printer when I wrote…I do miss him. Curly cat is a doll.
And speaking of dolls, how unbelievably precious is your sweet little one???! She’s getting so big!
Your home looks stunning! It always appears magical. I love the trees and candles…and that Juncus! Oh, my. I love your air plants, too. We’ve been ordering up seeds like mad for spring, have a few trees and several perennials ordered, and I am searching for the right indoor ficus tree/benjamin fig.
Sending love your way and much gratitude for such a lovely post, Dina!
(It didn’t come in the mail, so I’m glad you wrote that you’d posted! :))
Joy to your holiday: sounds like you’re beautifully set for a wonderful celebration!
I’d forgotten how quickly kids grow! Two mid February, where did that go? I miss Mulligan too, such a character, if only they lived longer. I have a marvellous stash of seeds too, can’t wait to start sowing, some of the herbs can be sown as early as January. Oh, looking forward to see what tree you settle for indoors! Happy holidays, and love and huge, huge hugs to you all. xxxx