Most of the UK has been swaddled beneath a blanket of snow, yet here barely a flake has fallen, much to my disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, it gets old fast when it lingers and turns to ice, but one deep, transforming fall would be fun.
It’s been bitterly cold here of late, as I type it’s -6 and the ground is frozen solid. Yet the sun shone out today and was utterly dazzling, it almost blinded me and revealed how utterly filthy ALL my windows are, and how dusty the place is.

We may be short on snow but not on snowdrops, the grassy verges are filled with drifts of them.

A deliciously scented Daphne
I’m noticing all sorts of things since this plague struck. For example, a tube of toothpaste used by one person lasts ten months, the same applies to brown sauce. I would never have known that without all these lockdowns.
When a quick visit to the supermarket is out, you really get to know what foods and other products you use regularly and how quickly those supplies go down. I’m also taking far more notice of use-by dates on cans and dried goods and was surprised to see that most tins can last years.
Hellebores emerging
Some dried foods seem to last forever, especially rice, who knew? This information is handy when it comes to keeping a reserve of supplies.

Given the kitchen mouse is still evading capture, despite six humane traps dotted around, I’ve discovered the only foods I can leave out that it won’t eat are garlic, ginger and onions. It even ate chilli peppers!

Lily of the valley, along with a huge green caterpillar
I’m also surprised at how many candles I go through along with lamp oil, I’ve been ordering these online, but recently packages are taking an age to arrive, I think it’s due to the Christmas backlog when so many posties were off sick with the plague.

The first crocus
For some strange reason I seem to be forgetting to turn the volume up on Zoom of late, people have now taken to writing signs saying ‘I can hear you!’
It could be worse I suppose, on the news today I saw a lawyer appearing on Zoom as a talking cat, he kept saying, ‘I am not a cat’, well of course he isn’t, last time I looked, cats can’t talk. Apparently his secretary’s daughter, aged six put the filter on, while none of the adults could rectify the problem.
Then there was the Zoom….Jackie Weawer, you have no authority here, saga. Struth, life gets weirder by the day.

Witch hazel, I just love those spidery octopuses.
And Finally…

Littl’urchin and Buddy went walkabout today. Littl’urchin decided to plonk herself down on a tree stump and once settled said, ‘a cup of tea, please’.
Oh, I say, how terribly British.
Until next time, stay safe guys.
I think the last picture, ( littl’un and Buddy) is a cracker. I have never seen a photo of Buddy looking so calm and relaxed!
Your Witch Hazel is attractive, will you ‘brew’ it to make the curative clear fluid?
Your slow deliveries of oils and candles might be being held up with the various trade and border restrictions, disrupting smooth supplies to businesses.
We’ve had lots of snow, powder snow, smashing for winter sports. Perhaps it’s not too late for it to come your way. Xxxxx
Now you mention it, Buddy does look calm there. I was surprised to see him sit with her, he’s usually hypo when out walking. I shall have to google how to brew witch hazel, I’ve never thought about it before. Oh, yes, it may be a border issue. I still have about ten outstanding deliveries. Your snow sounds lovely. Thanks Menhir.xxxx
I’m sitting here thinking about toothpaste. Either you have a huge, five-pound tube, or I’m being wasteful. What’s the same for us both now is cold, cold weather that’s bringing temperatures well below freezing, along with freezing rain, sleet, and snow. Trees are dropping all over the state from the weight of the ice. We thought we were going to miss winter this year, but that little illusion’s been put to bed.
I love the picture of your tiny tea-sipper. I’d forgotten until I typed that the students at Texas A(gricultural) & M(echanical) always referred to students at the University of Texas as the “tea-sips” — obviously a humorous putdown of another school. I’m sure UT had a response, but I don’t know what it was.
I don’t use much toothpaste, just a small pea portion. I’ve seen your weather on the TV, all those poor people without power and water in those temperatures. I do hope it’s resolved soon. Tea sips! Now that’s a new one on me! Thanks Linda.xxx
So good to see all your bulbs starting to come out…spring on the way! I think you are all doing really well staying sane during Covid Lockdowns and such wet weather.
Buddy and Littl’urchin look as if they are really enjoying being together….very cute!
Thanks Gerrie, I think this third lockdown is driving people crazy, it’s so much easier during the summer. Still, vaccines are flying out so there is hope of a normal life. xxx
I’m sure you know what I think of the lingering snow and ice here! I can’t wait for it to be gone. I love all the plant growth in your garden and area. My favourite is the witch hazel. Your little granddaughter is getting very grown up. “A cup of tea please” made me smile. A lovely post. Take care Dina. Have a good weekend.
Yes, your snow and ice has lingered hasn’t it? There’s nothing worse than walking on ice. Witch hazel and hellebores are such a treat at this time of the year, a little much needed colour. Thanks Linda.xxx
Lovely photos, especially that last! Here we are desperately impatient for our snow to melt.
Thanks Jason. Here’s to your snow melting.xxx
I love snowdrops. I know just what you mean about dust and dirty windows.
I love snowdrops too, the grass verges are full of them this year. There’s nothing worse than dirty windows when the sun shines is there? Thanks Sue.xxx
Be careful what you wish for. The novelty of snow wears off very quickly Lucky you being able to enjoy your beautiful snowdrops and witch hazel. Zoom is great for pilates and meeting up with friends. Tonight we are doing a quiz with family and friends. I watched a garden club talk the other day and when it started, everyone disappeared and we were left with the speaker, his pictures and me cringing in the corner as I didn’t know how to turn myself off. How do other people know these things?
I love the picture of your little cutie.
Yes, snow gets old fast when it stays around. Just one fall would do me, one that melts quickly. I’ve never seen so many snowdrops as I have this year, they seem to be everywhere. I laughed at your zoom encounter, poor you!!! Thanks Chloris.xxx
Great post. Fantastic images. Vaccines start arriving here in NZ from next week.Frontline health workers.Border staff,other emergency staff and then vulnerable and aged people. Will take a few weeks.
Good to hear your vaccines are on their way, I hope you get yours asap! Thanks Peter.xxx
So good to see all the signs of the garden returning to life. Makes your heart sing doesn’t it? In spite of everything.
Oh yes, it’s just lovely seeing the plants waking up! Thanks Jess.xxx
I’m glad I’m not the only one with dirty windows and lots of dust,, I’m too busy gardening anyway even in this freezing weather!!! We have just had 2 sprinklings of snow, gone in a couple of hours, I too wish we could have a proper covering instead of this freezing wind all the time. The flowers are all coming on and make the garden look very pretty, but without sun to open them, the crocus just don’t open up. It is supposed to be warmer next week or should we just say less cold.
There seem to be quite a few of us with dirty windows and dusty rooms! Respect on gardening in this weather! I’m struggling to even walk the dogs! It’s lovely having just one deep snowfall that disappears, maybe we’ll finally get one during the next cold spell coming our way. My crocus are struggling to open too, here’s to a little sunshine for us all. THanks Pauline.xxx
In my part of the UK we’ve only had a few snow flurries, but it has been so cold! Brrr!
Soup and warming casseroles have been on the menu.
I did enjoy some local walks and nice to see the new shoots appearing everywhere – isn’t nature wonderful
I just love the photograph of Littl’urchin and Buddy …magic.
Take care
All the best Jan
It has been bitterly cold hasn’t it, perfect weather for hearty soups! It’s lovely seeing everything shooting up, trees and shrubs won’t be far behind. Thanks Jan.xxx
That Lil’ Urchin! She’s knows what she wants!
I love seeing all the emerging new growth and blooms. How I envy you those daphnes! Your hellebores love you. I’ve tried three times with some that were supposed to love California. No go. Will have to just admire yours.
I’m smiling at your new appreciation for expiration dates. Roomie was building up our emergency supplies list and considered some dried egg product that last decades. Ugh.
While you are near freezing, we’re still in the 70s, hoping for that bit of rain promised tomorrow. Stay warm, friend.
That little gal sure does know what she wants, she has a mind of her own now. What a shame the hellebores won’t grow for you, it’s funny what will grow and what won’t. Oh my, powered egg that lasts decades….who knew! 70’s? Wow! Here’s to you getting that rain. Thanks Anne.xxx
Yes let’s get weirder by the day:). All this crazy stuff does bring humour into our homes. Beautiful photos on this post – especially the header with the three babies looking so innocent…:)and of course Little Urchin and Buddy:);)
One thing I do know and that is food is getting more and more expensive!
Spring is definitely on the way and yes it is cold…..brrrrrrrrr…….
Janet xxxxx
Thanks Janet, it’s certainly been a year to remember one way or another. Yes, I’ve noticed prices creeping up too. Thankfully it’s warmed up here. Roll on spring.xxx
I do love your header picture of your three dogs! Hilarious! Yes, with life so much slower, we do have time to notice the things around us more. I feel for you with the dust and the windows. I am terribly proud of myself – I actually cleaned my bedroom windows today, first time for ages … but that was only because the BT man was here yesterday and decided he needed to go into the bedroom and I thought AARGHH!! I got shamed into it … xxx
Thanks Gill. I suppose I’ll have to tackle the windows before spring arrives, they look so hideous when the sun shines. Haha, you may have been shamed into cleaning the bedroom window but a least that’s one in the bag! xxx
I saw the lawyer cat too; it was hilarious. I have recommended that L put the filter on next time she has a case via Zoom! :O) Lots of grubby windows and dusty floorboards here too. My excuse at the moment is that I was gardening this morning and managed to get a bit of thorn embedded in my thumb – I couldn’t possibly clean the windows, it’s too painful. Love the Littl’urchin and Buddy photo. ‘A cup of tea’ – that little girl has her priorities right! xx
Haha, I would love to see L as a cat on zoom! I need to get a thorn in my thumb too, I really can’t face cleaning the windows yet. Indeedy, she sure knows what she wants!xxx
I’m thankful that there’s only been occasional flurries here which haven’t settled. It’s been too cold in the bitter wind for me to venture out this week.
The last picture made me smile, as did the comment about wanting a cup of tea.
Thanks, and you too. xx
It’s been the same here, lots of flurries that don’t settle. We’ve had similar weather here, freezing cold with bitter winds. Thanks Flighty.xxx
You’re quite welcome to our snow, it’s still hanging about here. It falls, turns to ice and then more falls on top of it, it’s treacherous out there. We have had some sunshine over the last couple of days too but it just isn’t strong enough to melt the snow and ice, it’s been nice to see some blue skies though. Ha ha, little ones pick up on what they hear so who could it be that she’s mimicking. Lovely to see so many signs of spring all around, it can’t come quickly enough for me.
I’ve given up on snow now, although there is talk of a cold spell coming our way early march. Your snow does sound lethal, I hate it when it turns to ice. Yes, I’m looking forward to spring, it was mild enough today to open the kitchen door and leave the heating off. Thanks Jo.xxx
I love the photo of the first crocus – such a brave little soul and a promise of things to come.
Thanks Amalia, yes a promise of things to come.xxx
I love this post. I can’t believe how many bulbs and plants are growing!!! Beautiful, Dina.
We still have about 18” of snow, and I’m very happy for it blanketing the gardens as it’s been bitterly cold all week! My babies need their snow blanket! We have a couple -15 F nights coming yet. Brrrrr.
Oh, I say, Ms. Urchin is looking and sounding quite grown up! What a sweetie pie!
As for your data collection: I must be using too much toothpaste! But yes, my candles are melting quickly.
Blessings to all; be well and safe!
Thanks Kitty. Oh my 18 inches is certainly something! -15 nights don’t sound much fun, I suppose you’d have to leave the heating on overnight. Yes, Littl’urchin is two today, how quickly that has gone by. I only use a tiny amount of toothpaste as I dislike mint. Love and hugs to all.xxxx