While walking I came across the first of the daffodils, they and other spring bulbs are later than last year, maybe the cold spell contributed to the delay.

Snowdrops though, are absolutely abundant this year, there are carpets of them lining the waterways and grassy verges. I also spotted a couple of ladybirds amongst them.

We were due a heavy snow fall but only managed a light dusting.

Utterly feeble. It was gone within hours! My poor veggies are loathing the cold, the leeks were frozen solid.

The first of the lambs have been born here. I heard them bleating so peeped through the beams of the barn. I’m always sorry for the mothers, they are forced to breed year after year until they finally go to the abattoir. The mothers cry for days after the lambs are taken from them. The farmer who owns these sheep couldn’t care less about them, so many are hobbling about on three legs and suffering from other injuries. I’m constantly reporting him.

The farmer has the cutest dog though, every time we walk past she throws herself on her back demanding tummy rubs.
I’ve been reading The Green Witch by Barbara Griggs, it’s fascinating. I’ve discovered that thyme essential oil kills typhus bacillus in two minutes, streptococcus in four minutes and tuberculosis within an hour.
Also a blend of pine, thyme, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, cloves and cinnamon killed a variety of moulds, staphylococci and assorted micro organisms in open petri dishes within thirty minutes of being sprayed.
Clary sage, geranium and lavender oils are anti-viral and anti- bacterial so useful for protection against infectious illnesses, especially flu, who knows, maybe they could help protect us against this plague. I mixed a batch and sprayed all the rooms, they do smell lovely.
And Finally…

littl’urchin is two tomorrow. Goodness, how quickly those two years have flown.

As is my custom, I picked her a little posy from the blooms in the garden.
Happy birthday sweet little child. Your nana loves you dearly, always and forever.
Until next time, stay safe everyone. xxx
It’s just wonderful seeing spring a springing isn’t it! Oh you and me both re getting out and catching up with family and friends once more. Thanks Pauline.xxx
You have had more snow than we have had! Daffodils and snowdrops are everywhere here too, it makes me feel that spring is coming, hopefully just round the corner. Soon we will be able to get out again and catch up with family and friends once more, can’t wait!
P.s. Do you know the You Tube channel – Those Vegan Guys ? They are not so far from you, being based in Manchester. Aside from the vegan cooking, they have just taken on an allotment (community garden for those in the US) and I am enthralled with their updates as they get started on it. They are very laid back and down to earth and I love listening to them.
Ooooh, I didn’t know they are on You Tube, I’ll get onto to that asap. Thanks Keggy.xxxx
Those kiddies grow up so quickly. She will soon be celebrating her 18th and you will wonder where did the time go ? I love the composition of the photo of her striding towards the dog.
There are definite signs that spring is around the corner. It is always lovely to see the first snowdrops.
Sad to see animals in the fields. Most people think of it as an idyllic scene, but the reality of animal agriculture is far from idyllic for those poor creatures, who lead such short, miserable lives. I do wish that more people would do more than just shrug their shoulders when they hear about the industry and its practices. The farmers only produce these ‘products’ because of the demand from shoppers.
I am also a big fan of essential oils. I read that they are more mainstream in France, where they are used in some hospitals. I had an awful virus last week, which left me feeling awful and so tired and unwell. I used essential oils, especially lavender oil as instructed in my Aromatherapy for women’ book, over the chest, neck and jaw and the worst of it was over in a couple of days. I am still feeling tired and having to rest, but I do swear by natural products.
Are you a fan of turmeric for medical treatment ? I have started to get pains in my thumbs, which the doctor thinks may be osteoarthritis. While I am waiting for an x-ray appointment, I am taking a home-made turmeric, black pepper and oil paste twice a day. The people on the turmeric group I am in, swear by it for pain relief. I am feeling hopeful that it will help. Just a small amount with food. Apparently they give it to their pets too, with stories of ancient arthritic dogs becoming like puppies again after the turmeric treatment.
Hope you and yours and keeping well Dina. XXX
Those kiddies grow up so quickly. She will soon be celebrating her 18th and you will wonder where did the time go ? I love the composition of the photo of her striding towards the dog.
There are definite signs that spring is around the corner. It is always lovely to see the first snowdrops.
Sad to see animals in the fields. Most people think of it as an idyllic scene, but the reality of animal agriculture is far from idyllic for those poor creatures, who lead such short, miserable lives. I do wish that more people would do more than just shrug their shoulders when they hear about the industry and its practices. The farmers only produce these ‘products’ because of the demand from shoppers.
I am also a big fan of essential oils. I read that they are more mainstream in France, where they are used in some hospitals. I had an awful virus last week, which left me feeling awful and so tired and unwell. I used essential oils, especially lavender oil as instructed in my Aromatherapy for women’ book, over the chest, neck and jaw and the worst of it was over in a couple of days. I am still feeling tired and having to rest, but I do swear by natural products.
Are you a fan of turmeric for medical treatment ? I have started to get pains in my thumbs, which the doctor thinks may be osteoarthritis. While I am waiting for an x-ray appointment, I am taking a home-made turmeric, black pepper and oil paste twice a day. The people on the turmeric group I am in, swear by it for pain relief. I am feeling hopeful that it will help. Just a small amount with food. Apparently they give it to their pets too, with stories of ancient arthritic dogs becoming like puppies again after the turmeric treatment.
Hope you and yours and keeping well Dina. XXX
I know what you mean about time flying by, the last two years have flashed by. I’m with you on the animal welfare and the poor creatures living short lives. I’m a great believer in herbs and essential oils too. I’ve had a horrid cold that’s lasted for ages so I’ll try the lavender, thanks for that! Funny enough I’ve had painful thumbs over the last few months too so I’ll try the turmeric and black pepper too, it sounds amazing! Thanks Keggy. xxxx
I think the early blooms are attempting to sus out the weather here.
Apropos the smellies; Personally, I liike Lavender, but my system doesn’t. I have to keep well away from it. It’s a pity, as it does have its antiseptic uses and is said to be the bees knees in aroma therapy…only if it doesn’t engender a negatrive reaction ;( Ah well, there’s all those lovely other herbs. I came across someon who called herself The Green Witch, in Fife, Scotland.
Your lambing experiences are so different to what we see across our fence.
Time flies, children’s developement, especially the grandkids, is so special at these early stages. While I envy you your regular contact, I am also very happy for you and little one. Happy birthday wishes to her and I hope she had,or will have, a super day. xxxxxxxx
What a shame about you being allergic to lavender. How wonderful that you have a green witch in Fife. It’s good to know your farmers are more caring. Here’s to you getting to see your little one sooner rather than later, it’s such a shame so many people are missing out. Thanks Menhir.xxxx
It must be heartbreaking for you witnessing the farmer’s indifference, His dog shares Ruby’s enjoyment of tummy rubs. She is over on her back at every available opportunity, Dog experts say that it is a submissive gesture but they obviously haven’t met Ruby.
Yes, this farmer really is cold hearted, it’s awful seeing his animals suffer each year. All our dogs love tummy rubs too. I think it’s only submissive when they roll over for other dogs. Thanks Sue.xxx
I’m amazed to think that your little granddaughter has just had her second birthday. I hope she had a wonderful day. The tradition of making a little posy of flowers from the garden is a lovely idea. I hope your leeks have thawed out and can be used. Nothing much in our vegetable patch apart from the broad beans and pea seedlings that have survived the recent snow. Mr P is always optimistic when it comes to his veg and fruit growing. The book about the essential oils and other herby concoctions sounds interesting. Herbs have all sorts of uses not only for culinary purposes. I was saddened to hear about the goings on at that farm. It’s an upsetting reality. Good for you for reporting it often. It’s the only way to get bad farm management dealt with and hopefully improvements made.
Doesn’t time fly by, I think it goes faster the older you get. What a shame your vegetables were damaged by the snow. Herbs are amazing for sure. It’s awful seeing animals suffering, so many farmers couldn’t care less about their welfare. Thanks Linda.xxx
I can’t believe two years have passed! L’il Urchin is making her way in the world, and it soon will be time for school…then a boyfriend… and a marriage… and…
Phew. Enjoy every day! And those snowdrops and daffodils, and dogs that like tummy rubs. That one’s a cutie!
I know! How time flies! That little dog is called pumpkin, she’s adorable. Thanks Linda.xxx
Great post and images. Spring coming? Autumn here next month. They are starting vaccinations here next week. Border and essential workers first, health workers next and then the vulnerable and the elderly, followed by everybody else. Will take the rest of the year. Take care up there!
Oh, good to know your vaccines are rolling out! Hope you get yours asap. Thanks Peter.xxx
Lovely daffs and snowdrops! Wonderful to see yours, as ours are buried under feet of snow.
Oh, here’s to that snow thawing fast! Your spring bulbs will be up before you know it.xxx
Like others, I love The Green Witch and I cannot fathom how Littl’ Urchin can be two years old. Impossible, but then I’ve been bespelled for a year, so maybe it’s true. What an absolute blessing she seems to be.
Daffodils??! Yikes, weeks away on this patch of the globe, but lovely to see yours, so brilliantly trumpeting spring. And I would be happy to post some snow your way, if only it didn’t come with cold. Will the onions make it, do you think?
I love seeing lambs, but am so sad to hear how inept the farmer is in caring for them. He doesn’t deserve such a sweet dog.
Thank you for a glimpse into what may come as we emerge from a deep freeze and the snow–gradually–melts…
Blessing and hugs to all xoxoxox
Oh, the Green Witch is packed with info for sure. I’ve had it for a while but decided to re-read it. I know, those two years have flown for sure. I think I’ve given up on snow this year and am now preparing for spring. The leeks seem to have survived three days of being frozen…..good on them. I agree, that farmer doesn’t deserve that sweet dog, she seems to roam wild. Here’s to your spring! Love and hugs to all.xxxx
Spring is definitely on the way in your part of the world….that’s exciting. Good for you reporting the farmer, I couldn’t agree more about people who make a living from animals and yet treat them so badly. It just drives me crazy, I think things are getting slightly better now, but still room for change on some farms in Australia.
Happy birthday to Little’Urchin .. she looks very sweet, my granddaughter is 3 years old and I don’t want her to get any bigger!
Thanks Gerrie, spring is always so exciting after a gloomy winter. Good to know things are slowly improving in Australia. Oh goodness, your little one is three? I wouldn’t want her to grow up too fast either. Hoe fast time goes by. xxx
Your first daffodil? There you are then, it must be spring. I can’t believe your little one is 2 already. How lovely to celebrate with a spring posy.
I’ve had The Green Witch for years, I love it.
When you put it like that it surely must be spring! I know, how quickly time flies by. It’s a great little book isn’t it? I’ve had it for years but am enjoying re-reading it. Thanks Chloris.xxx
Wonderful to see the spring flowers and the little lambs. This is when I miss being in Wales so much.
Lovely to see Little Urchin growing like a weed. It wont be long before we are all prancing around the fields like the lambs:)xxxx
I can understand you missing Wales, a magical home for you. Littl’urchin is certainly growing like a weed! Oh, bring on the day when we’re all prancing around the fields. Thanks Janet.xxxx
Aww – two years old already! Enjoy her birthday! These things are precious. xx
Thanks Gill. oh yes, these things are precious.xxx
A good read as always and lovely pictures. For me spring starts when I see the first daffodils. Shame about the lamb farmer being so uncaring.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty. I agree about the daffodils heralding in spring. Yes, I do wish that farmer was a little more compassionate, he knows which sheep are crippled as he drives them down the lane to change fields and the lame ones are always hobbling at the back. xxx
There should be stricter rules for those who have anything to do with animals, they should never have to suffer. Does anything happen when you report this farmer? I haven’t seen any daffodils here yet, only buds so they’re on their way but plenty of snowdrops. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been two years since your little granddaughter was born, that time has passed so quickly.
I couldn’t agree more re animal welfare but sadly a lot of dirty farmers seem to get away with neglect. The RSPCA always say they’ll go out but nothing really changes, every year more sheep are hopping around on three legs or suffering from other injuries. Yes, how those two years have flown. Thanks Jo.xxx
2 years old? Golly, that has gone quickly. Happy birthday to darling Littl’urchin! Oh, those poor sheep and lambs; I can’t bear the thought of the mothers crying for their babies. So sad. Interesting about the essential oils though. I bet your house smells wonderful. Lots of snowdrops round here too, although I’m really missing our annual trip to Welford Park to see them in all their glory. Hurrah for signs of Spring! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, yes, how those years have flown! I know, it’s just awful about the sheep and lambs isn’t it. I was hoping the essential oils would drive the mouse out but no luck! Here’s to us all coming out of lockdown and getting back to our old haunts. xxx
It’s always lovely to see the first of the daffodils, I really feel that Spring is just around the corner! Perhaps wishful thinking!
I can’t believe littl’urchin is two!
The time just flies by (even in these Covid times).
Happy Birthday Wishes to her,
Enjoy the week ahead.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, we’ll probably have a few more cold spells, but spring is on it’s way! I can’t believe how quickly those two years have flown.xxx