Another big job I’m always glad to get out of the way is a thorough brushing of the courtyard. It takes forever as there are pots and containers simply everywhere that all need pulling out. It sure is backbreaking stuff!
Again though, when it’s done it’s just wonderful and I can now enjoy the space on warm mornings with my first cuppa of the day. It really is a little haven out there, so private and with so much to look at.
No leaf litter in sight!

I’ve named my mini allotment in the courtyard, she has now been christened, Little Lotte.

Tell you what, it’s astonishing how much food you can grow in four raised beds, supplemented by pots. Everything is nicely set up here now, I have a tap, a water butt and plenty of pots for tomatoes and salad crops.
Last year I used the top soil I had left over for the tomatoes, but it was far too heavy for them, so this year I’m mixing in fifty per cent of compost to lighten the soil up.

The edges of the raised beds are really sturdy so great for holding pots of garlic, leeks and spring onions.
Rocket, lettuce and spinach have been planted out in pots and the runner beans have been sown in the larger ones, hopefully these will climb along the string supports I’ve tied across the fence.

I’ve had to cover this raised bed as Buddy constantly sits on it, my poor broad beans have taken a hammering. I’ll add leeks to this bed when they’re a little larger.
I’ve a new herb dryer hanging in the hall, it may look overpowering but it is efficient and has the herbs dry in no time. The bookcase against the wall is now my apothecary, just look at all those wonderful dried herbs!
And Finally…
Our old chiminea, on the left, has lost a big chunk out of its side so hubs bought a new one online, see right. The new one will be handy for cooking on as the top half comes off to reveal a grill, but it looks a little tame for sitting round, so it’s back to old faithful, chunk missing or not, until we find a bigger one.
Stay safe guys, until next time.xxx
Wow, you are so productive with all your veg and herbs. My favourite spring herb is lovage. Have you tried it? It makes the most wonderful soup.
Thanks Chloris, funnily enough I grew lovage for the first time last year but haven’t got around to cooking with it. Now it’s back up I’ll certainly try a soup. Thanks for the tip.xxx
Absolutely fantastic! I love your mini allotment and the fun name.
Thanks Amalia. I do get some great harvests from that little allotment.xxx
It’s a satisfying feeling when the sweeping around your pots is done and you can sit and enjoy your courtyard area even more. The raised beds look sturdy and what a good idea to Buddy-proof one. Lots of watering happening in our own pot plant and raised bed areas. I hope you’re enjoying some rest time this weekend.
I couldn’t agree more, once everything is tidied up sitting out is so much more enjoyable. As fast as I Buddy proof one area he manages to find another. Good luck with all your watering! Thanks Linda.xxx
I do like the name ‘Little Lotte’
How nice though to sit out in your courtyard with a cuppa (or two) and be able to admire all of your hard work … well done
Enjoy the weekend and have a good week ahead.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, it is a lovely little spot to sit, especially when tidied up a little. xxx
Cleaning around pots is always a fussy, challenging job, isn’t it? Very satisfying when you’re done, though.
Oh yes, brushing around pots is a chore all right, I only do it it’s absolutely desperate! Once done though…what joy. Thanks Jason.xxx
I also love your raised beds, with plenty of wire protection from pets…we often look after our daughter’s dog and we sure could do with more boundaries… happy gardening, you are doing well!
Thanks Gerrie. What is it with dogs, they seem to specialise in running through borders and sitting on pots! Sighs.xxx
I love private, intimate courtyards…in my mind they beat a big garden any day of the week. Enjoy yours. Love the new chimalea….and one things for sure you wont be in need of any food:). Hope you are enjoying as a lovely a day as it is here in Hampton. Janet XXXX
You and me both Janet, I tend to like smaller spaces, you seem to take more in somehow. Fingers crossed for a successful growing season. Love and hugs.xxxx
How long does it take your herbs to dry? I wonder how they’d do here, with our humidity. It’s already rising to summertime levels, and it runs from 75-95%. That’s quite drippy for humans, and it can make a difference in how things — like varnish! — dry.
Your name for your little allotment is clever. I did read it as a German name first, and that brought to mind Lotte Lenya: Kurt Weill’s wife. Her version of “Mack the Knife” would make perfect listening in the courtyard on a late afternoon, with a little glass of something!
My goodness! The original is on Ye Olde YouTube.
Thank you so much, loved that!xxx
The herbs dry really fast on that rack, usually within a week. They take a lot longer when hung to dry in bunches. I imagine they would dry far faster in your zone. I had a German friend called Lotte, so I do think that and a play on allotment influenced me. Oh…Mack the knife, love that! Thanks Linda.xxx
Is there a back story to LL?
I was trying to work out if the cat is a visitor to your haven, or is it CCat. Maybe the light is playing tricks.
Once all the back-breaking work was done, I hope you managed to slide yourself into a bath of R***x and like in the advert come out feeling like a new woman.
It’ll be lovely to sit back and bask in your courtyard gazing at the growing herbs, spices, veggies and salads, and not forgetting flowering plans.
I just played on the word allotment which led to Little Lotte, very naff but it works for me!
Is it Buddy sitting on the chair that resembles a cat? Curly cat lives in the study these days and only pops out into the back garden on a warm day for a little potter about when the dogs aren’t there, he loathes the dogs, especially Buddy who has got loose in the past several times and attacked him. Oh yes, a long bath always does the trick doesn’t it?
I must say it really is peaceful sitting out in the courtyard, it’s even more enjoyable once it’s had a good tidy up. Thanks Menhir.xxx
It sounds a very satisfying few moments, sitting out in your courtyard with a cuppa and looking at the fruits emerging of your hard work! xx
Thanks Gill, sitting in my little courtyard certainly works for me, just plants, birdsong and insects flitting about, so restorative!xxx
It’s all looking gorgeous and bountiful, my friend! What glory to grow such beauty and nutritious food! I like the way you lightened soil with compost for the tomatoes and would love to hear how that works.
We do a lot of raised beds, but not so much in containers. You are sooooo industrious! I’d porbably hose down the courtyard and call it finished, although I admit I do sweep the decks, especially near doorways.
Good thing you figured out a way to Buddy-proof your beans! I think Little Lotte looks divine and will probably produce treats in abundance.
Your herb drier is amazing! I love it and how cool to have such a well-stocked apothecary. I still want to buy that herb bible you mentioned a while back…if you can share the title again. Sorry. Meant to write it down. I grow a lot and should learn more about them.
Joy to your weekend; thank you for this absolutely wonderful post! xoxox
Thanks Kitty, I’m hoping the tomatoes do better now the soil has been lightened, clay soil is not ideal for tomatoes, last year I was just being lazy! I tried hosing the courtyard but being so small there’s nowhere for the debris to go so it just stays put. Buddy has a habit of sitting on anything in a sunny spot, he’s now sitting on my wheelbarrows full of herbs! Sighs.
The book was called…The Herbalist’s Bible by Julie Bruton-Seal and Mathew Seal, it’s probably the most informative and useful herbalist book I’ve ever read. Love and hugs to you all.xxxx
It’s all looking and sounding good. Brushing the courtyard sounds like a right faff what with having to move all the containers. I like the Little Lotte.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty.I always wonder why I acuminate so many pots when it comes to brushing around them, a right old faff, as you say. xxx
Pots and containers give such a pleasing display but they do take a lot of looking after with all the extra watering, and as you say, it’s a big job when they all need moving. Worth it though. I can see what you mean about your new chiminea, it does look quite sedate next to the work horse next to it.
Oh yes, pots are a lot of work, as you say, especially were watering is concerned. It was so funny when that chiminea arrived, hubs and I just stared at it! It’s great for cooking on though and for a gentle heat while having a BBQ. Thanks Jo.xxx
I love this post. Little Lotte is adorable and very productive! Your courtyard is fascinating; I’d love to sit there with a cup of tea and just take it all in. You’re also very dedicated – all that brushing! Your apothecary is amazing and your hall must smell wonderful. Like Nikki, I’d love a more detailed post about all your herbs and their uses. I hope you find a new chiminea soon. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. It always surprises me how much food can be grown in such small spaces and pots. How lovely it would be if you could sit in the courtyard, what chinwags we would have! I’m afraid I only brush the courtyard when it’s knee deep in debris!
I use herbs for teas and mainly culinary purposes but do like using lavender and rosemary for bathing and daughter and I like smudging so I use bay, bamboo, sage, lavender, rosemary, mint, pine etc for smudge sticks. It’s a full-time job at this time of the year!xxx
Wow. You are serious about those herbs! I’m impressed with your apothecary stash – tell us what you use for what ailments? Or are these mostly culinary uses?
The raised beds are so nicely built. I love that they’re deep enough for serious growing! Good luck Little Lotte!
I do seem to dry more and more herbs each year. I use herbs for teas and mainly culinary purposes but do like using lavender and rosemary for bathing and daughter and I like smudging so I use bay, bamboo, sage, lavender, rosemary, mint, pine etc for smudge sticks. It is a wonderful hobby but means I fly through herbs so am constantly growing more. One fine day I’ll run out of space! Thanks Anne.xxx