After a totally dry April, it’s rained most of May. Today we actually got a glimpse of the sun, but it remains very cold here. Many seeds are yet to even germinate and those that have are growing very slowly, especially the kale and leeks.
The herbs are beginning to fill out in the wheelbarrows and are now spilling into pots and trays.
Cherries and pear fruitlets are romping away while the plum fruitlets remain tiny this year. One of my plum trees unexpectedly died, I have no idea why, it was thriving last year. This year I have apricot fruitlets that have actually hung on, about ten so far, I have my fingers crossed for fruit for the first time ever.

All this rain is creating lush growth, including masses of weeds.
Columbine in various colours are popping up across the gardens, I tend to favour the blue varieties.
The later hydrangeas and magnolias are now flowering along with the delightfully scented lilac.

The little pond that ran dry in April is now filled to the brim.

I must say that paving the back garden has been a blessing. It’s far easier tending raised beds and pots, they’re great for supressing weeds.

Buddy inspecting Littl’Urchins’ new wobbly creatures. Every time the dogs run out they knock them over, I suspect they won’t last long.
This year we’ve had far too many water birds brought into the wildlife unit with wire tangled around their legs. Littering seems to be on the increase sadly. This gull will be released soon, but unfortunately others have died of their injuries.
And Finally…

hubs and I celebrated a wedding anniversary and actually went inside a pub!
Until next time, stay safe
Oh, what a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary! I do like that paving — you don’t have to worry about those dog runs your dogs keep wanting to establish
Thanks Anne. Oh, how I wish I had paved the back garden years ago, it’s all so effortless out there
It sounds like you have a beautiful garden! I’m so excited that the apricots are doing well and that there’s water in your pond again. It sounds like you’re very lucky to be able to enjoy it all.
Thanks Nellai, I think anyone who has a garden is lucky, especially during these strange
Happy Anniversary! I’m so glad you were able to celebrate in a better style than what we’ve become accustomed to over the past year or more. I hope you’re celebrating that garden, too. It really is beautiful. Does it feel as though everything is suddenly exploding with growth? It seems as though winter was dragging on only yesterday. Not now!
Those wobbly creatures look like wonderful fun. The yellow one reminds me of a small yellow chick I had when I was a child. You could fill it with marbles, and then, whenever you pushed down on the body, it would “lay” a marble egg. Such fun!
Thanks Linda. It’s always a delight to see how spring suddenly explodes each year isn’t it? Oh, loving hearing about your marble laying chick, how cute is that?xxx
First off CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding anniversary !!! Many happy returns !!
My goodness you have so much going on I feel out of breath for you ? LOL
You must have an amazing sense of satisfaction with how all your veg/fruit/herbs are doing .. sorry about the loss of your plum tree .. I shudder to say we lost cherry and apple trees our first years here. That is when I decided no more pressure with edibles, the failure is too hard.
I’m so sorry about the birds .. that is so hard to see and deal with.
Do you ever get any rest ? LOL
Take care , be safe and well !
Thanks Joy. It is wonderful being able to grow so much fruit and veg, it is far tastier than supermarket produce, and far fresher. It’s odd how things suddenly die off though! Sighs.
I do always seem to be on the go and behind the game.
Great images, especially the last one. Cheers!
Belated best wishes for your anniversary! It’s good to hear your news. Your garden looks full of promise. We’re kept busy in ours – between the rain showers. You’re definitely kept busy at home and work. A big thank you to your team and all you do for the animals that need your help. xx
Thanks Linda. Gardens are a full time job for sure, but I wouldn’t have it any other
Your garden is looking Wonderfull…..and congratulations on your wedding anniversary and very deserved beers:).
As for litter – one of my big bugaboos. What has happened to us as a nation? We used to pride ourselves on keeping things neat and tidy and picking up litter after ourselves. Fly tipping was not even heard of when I was growing up. I am really sick of it. What can I say, but thank you and your team for saving so many injured creatures.
Today is sunny and warm. I gave a workshop yesterday at the HUB and am loving enjoying their gardens….what a joy it is.
Thanks so much Janet. It’s sad seeing littering on the increase, as you say, what’s happening to us as a nation. How wonderful the HUB sounds, just perfect for you, and luckily, close
We could really do with some warmth and for the rain to give it a rest couldn’t we? Love the pot area in your garden.
I don’t know how you cope having to deal with such tragic situations at the shelter. It would wear me down.
Yes, it seems to be one thing or the other, endless rain or drought! It does get wearisome seeing animals maimed through thoughtless actions of some people. They just don’t seem to think. Thanks
Hooray for sun! Meantime, we finally got some rain last night. Your garden looks lush, even with the cold and wet. Happy anniversary!
Good to hear you got some rain! Thanks
I’ve still to start planting and sowing. Hopefully it looks like better weather is on the way.
It’s all looking good, and as you say rather lush.
I despair at the litter I see everywhere nowadays, it’s no wonder wildlife suffers as it does.
Happy anniversary. xx
Thanks Flighty. I think we’re all behind where planting and sowing is concerned. It seems to be endless rain or drought the last few years…sighs. Yes, it’s maddening seeing so much litter around. xxx
Prolonged happy anniversary to both of you…..
It took me a few minutes to work out what I was looking at, but, studious attention revealed the bird’s leg, plus issues. It is a bonny looking young gull.
Your plantation is thriving, albeit at a more unusual pace this year. Ours has thrust up weeds and the Bluebells are beginning to take heart. I am beginning to be very attracted to the idea of raised beds, (gradually higher and higher) when we are able to think about settling our plants in suitable places.
Thanks Menhir. Thankfully that gull recovered, many don’t. It’s awful seeing how much damage litter does to animals. I recommend raised beds, for some reason they don’t have as many weeds and are certainly kinder on the back. xxx
Happy anniversary, what a novelty going in a pub. I don’t think we’ll take these things for granted ever again. Yes, it’s been very wet of late, and cold too. The plants seem to be enjoying it though, my garden looks like a jungle and there’s not much I can do to tame it in the rain. Where’s the sunshine?
Thanks Jo. Yes it certainly was a novelty going in a pub! There’s a lot of things we’ll never take for granted again. It’s either endless rain or drought these days!!! xxx
Your garden is looking amazing! All the greenery, the paving and the raised beds …. you have been busy and productive during the COVID year.
I agree about the litter around now and people throwing away masks that end up in landfill… awful stuff!
Happy anniversary… nice to be inside a pub!
Thanks Gerrie, it’s such a shame how much stuff ends up in landfill when it could easily be recycled. Oh, it’s wonderful getting back in the pub!xxx
Cheers and Happy Anniversary Wishes
I do like Littl’Urchins’ new wobbly creatures, they look fun.
I do think that littering seems to be getting worse.
Looking back to when I was a child my parents would always say ‘we take our rubbish home’
We did the same with our children and I’m pleased to say the grandchildren have always been told the same.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
We have a Bank Holiday weekend coming up, I’m really hoping the weather improves.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Yes, we were taught to always take our litter home. The worst is when you see people throwing it out of car windows!xxx
Happy Anniversary!! Ooh, those drinks look good! Littering has definitely increased over lockdown and people have been failing to scoop their dog poop too! I think with fewer people about they think they can get away with it. Those poor birds; so horrible. Your garden is looking fabulous and I love Littl’Urchin’s wobbly critters. Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. I’ve noticed an increase in litter since the first lockdown, masks and gloves are everywhere, and dog poo as you say. It really is
Happy anniversary! Your plants are sooo happy, with you looking after them. And it’s awful about the litter. I watch a wildlife programme and they are always catching ducks and swans and other birds to remove fishing line.
Thanks Gill. Oh, fishing line is such a nightmare for sure, I’m sick to the back teeth seeing how many birds and other animals it
Al your seeds are looking really healthy, you are going to enjoy eating them all! Happy Anniversary, it must have been wonderful to be able to go out to a pub once more for a drink after so long.. x
Thanks Pauline. Oh yes, it’s great being able to go out isn’t it? Lets hope this year sees an end to
Happy Anniversary! So happy you could celebrate in style

I’d love some of that rain, but I know too much or too little plays havoc with our gardens…yours look gorgeous nonetheless. I envy your lovely paved space.
I love columbines, too, such happy flowers! Sorry about the plum; I hate when that happens: underground mysteries, most likely, but always sad. I’ve had a thriving colony of lily of the valleys everywhere I’ve lived, over 40 years, and this year, they developed a brown spot and all the flowers died. Still doing my CSI, but what the heck????
I’m always so disappointed in humans behaving badly; wish, when they littered, they’d be ejected from the planet, just boinged into outer space. Sadly, not the case…
Love your garden tours; eager to see the bounty and beauty to come!
Thanks Kitty. Isn’t the weather strange this year, we had endless rain now it’s endlessly dry, and spring was so cold. Climate change is certainly here, I pity the plants trying to adapt to it all. Isn’t it odd when something healthy just dies off? What a shame about your Lily of the valley. Oh I’m with you re people who litter. Love and hugs to you all.xxxx
All these poor birds… and people don’t care about littering!
Well, the flowers pictures lift my spirit… I have taken few of our garden’s as well, and shared on Instagram! The summer colours attract many little bugs and a lot of bees: that’s great!
We had our wedding anniversary as well last May 17th… no pub or restaurant, but a good meal at home instead.
Wish you all the best, hugs and kisses
Thanks Claudine, good to hear how well your garden is growing. Happy anniversary, I hope you enjoyed your