Curly cat went AWOL yesterday. Usually he has a little potter around the back garden each day, then spends the rest of the day sleeping on a chair in the study next to hubs, or sitting on the desk if he’s after treats.
One minute, Curly was pottering around the garden, the next he had completely disappeared and despite Hubs and I repeatedly checking the garden, there was sight nor sound of him.
Given Curly is almost blind, pretty deaf and utterly arthritic, it was a shock to think he’d managed to climb a fence and was now out and extremely vulnerable.
We spent the entire day repeatedly checking the gardens, local gardens and fields but he was nowhere to be seen and none of the neighbours had seen him either.
So many fears were running through my head on a loop. Had he broken a leg while falling from the fence, was he lying in a shrub injured somewhere? Was he disorientated? Lost? Had he been hit by a car? Attacked by a dog? On and on they went.

I contacted the local rescue, called all the vets and put him on a missing pet Facebook page.
Every half an hour hubs and I checked the local area, all to no avail. We left the study door open just in case he came back and at nine pm checked the study again only to find him sitting on the desk looking exhilarated, rejuvenated and mighty pleased with himself. He immediately jumped down and promptly devoured three sachets of cat food!
Oh the relief of it all! I can’t describe how happy I was to see that ancient cat! After twenty plus years it would have been dreadful to have lost him like that and never know what had become of him. We have no clue where he went but will now keep a far sharper eye on him while he’s pottering.
In other news hairdressers have been visited again, along with restaurants, pubs and shops. How strange it is being able to do such things! I’ve also stopped sanitising the shopping and open parcels when they arrive without any hype, albeit it with a slight niggling worry. I’m even off to visit friends for an overnight stay tomorrow. How delightful it all is!!!
Is it just me or is it a really good year for roses?
And Finally…

I decorated a bedroom sorely in need of a make-over this week. The colours were based on some paintings that I’m really keen on. Hubs said it looks just like a Turkish brothel, despite never having visited one. What cheek!

Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx
I read your post wish such dread that I couldn’t admire the roses and had to go back. So glad that Curly is back home safe and sound.
Ah, sorry about that, yes, it is wonderful having Curly home. Thanks
I’m glad Curly Cat turned up safely. I can imagine how worried you were. I’ve noticed that our roses are great too this year.
You are braver than us, no shops, restaurants or anything yet.
Thanks Sue, it was a huge relief to have Curly home, safe and sound. I think we all have to go out and about at our own pace, it is hard to suddenly throw caution to the wind. xxx
Wherever Curly went sounds like it did him some good. I think your newly decorated room is far too understated to be a Turkish brothel, not that I have any personal knowledge of same. Your husband must have a low tolerance for color.
I agree re Curly, he certainly had a twinkle in his eye when he came home. Hubs has come around to the bedroom, I think it just dazzled him when the soft furnishings were added. Thanks
Well, that’s certainly an eye- catching title, I can’t imagine anyone moving on without carrying on reading after that. I think I’m going to have to rethink my titles in future. Mind you, it will probably give your spam a whole new dimension.
I’m glad to hear the cat came back, I suspect he was up to no good, perhaps a last fling before he sinks into respectable old age.
Yes, I agree the roses are fabulous this year but I dread to see what non-stop rain is doing to them.
I love the colour scheme in your Turkish brothel.
Have fun going out and about. I have been to the supermarket, but the novelty soon wears off and I’m back to deliveries now, I’d forgotten what a chore it is. But what bllss not to bother washing it all. And I don’t think I’ll go back to the hairdressers either, I’ve finally got the hang of cutting it. But getting together with friends at last is wonderful.
You have me laughing about my title! Hahaha, yes, my spam will be bombarded! I thought a last fling may have spurred Curly on, good for him if that’s the case. We’ve had a couple of days of drizzle so our roses haven’t beaten or soaked fortunately. So pleased you like my Turkish brothel. Yes, going to supermarkets wears thin fast, we’re back to click and collect, life’s too short for food shopping. Oh, I am impressed to hear you can sort your own hair, I haven’t managed that although I can cut hubs, he’s happy for that to continue. Thanks
Believe me — I went through that kind of anxiety a time or two when Dixie Rose disappeared while I was gone on a trip, and it surprised me how panic-stricken I became. She was totally an indoor cat, which meant that a ‘disappearance’ was even more mysterious. Once I checked the closet, under the bed, on the patio, and a few other spots, there was nowhere else for her to be — unless she had somehow escaped through the open door when her pet sitter came.
The longest it ever took me to find her was two hours. She was under the bed, but against the wall, and so flattened against it she nearly was invisible. I go all verklempt just thinking about it — even now!
Oh goodness, I get your anxiety re Dixie Rose’s antics. She sounded like such a character! How weird that she flattened herself against the wall, almost a protest! Thanks
I was so pleased to read that Curly reappeared.
Yes, I think it has been a good year for roses.
I like the colours in your bedroom.
Have a good week, we’ve had some very welcome rain earlier this evening
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, yes it was a huge relief having Curly home in one piece! We had a couple of days of light rain, it sure perked the plants up! Pleased to hear you like the colours in the
I like your Turkish brothel and am so glad your cat came back! I would have been crazy worried, too. Love your roses! It’s been a good year for them in my garden, too. I think they’re celebrating Trump being gone!
Thanks Tammy, lovely to hear from you. Oh yes, it was such a huge relief having Curly back again. Hahaha, I’m sure your roses along with most people are celebrating that creature being
Don’t we worry about our furry friends. I wonder where Curly had been, wherever it was it sounds like it perked him up a bit. Your roses are beautiful. Mine seem very late this year, only one is flowering and that’s only just started, but there’s more flowers on it than I’ve ever had before. I’m waiting for the rest of them to catch up now. Aren’t husbands cheeky sometimes!
Oh yes, we sure worry about our pets! I’d love to know what Curly got up too, I still can’t believe he scaled six foot fences twice. I’m sure you too will have a good year re your roses, they seem to be thriving everywhere. Oh yes…husbands can have the cheek of the devil! Thanks
I’m glad that Curly reappeared as he did given his age and impediments.
I agree, it has definitely been a good year for roses.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Oh, you and me both re Curly getting home safely. I think this is one of the best years ever for roses, they seem to be glorious everywhere I go. Thanks
What a relief when Curly Cat turned up! Never a dull moment, but nevertheless safe and sound is a good thing. It’s good to have some normality back in our lives. Going shopping is one of them for us although I’m still wary of crowded places. Hope you have had a good overnight stay with friends. xx
Oh, there certainly is never a dull moment around here. I was delighted to see Curly home and safe, although I’d love to know what he got up to. It’s lovely getting out and about, but like you I avoid crowds. I had a wonderful time with my friends, all the sweeter for the long wait. Thanks
I’m pleased to read Curly Cat arrived home safely…not too bad for a 20 year old cat! I agree with you, it would be awful to have a beloved pet disappear and never know what happened. I wonder what did happen to Curly Cat??
Your bedroom looks lovely and reminds me of the hippy days when everything was so colourful compared with today.
I can’t imagine where Curly went and how he scaled a six foot fence twice, but wherever he got to seems to have livened him up. I was so relieved to have him back, I couldn’t imagine how awful it would have been if he hadn’t come home. Yes, I think the bedroom looks very hippy, I loved all that flower power! Thanks
How exciting for Curly to have had a little adventure ….. and how traumatic for you! I’m so glad that he’s back safe and sound. Your roses are stunning. Ours are having a good year too; well, the ones that the deer haven’t eaten! Your bedroom looks lovely. Not sure what a Turkish brothel actually looks like but it’s very pretty! :O) xx
Wherever Curly went seemed to perk him up no end! Yes, now he’s safe home again I’m glad he had himself an adventure! Oh, I do envy you your deer, but I can imagine the damage they do. Lol, you and I both re what a Turkish brothel looks like, glad you think it’s pretty, I love it. Thanks
Hello there you !
I am sitting here laughing at your husband’s evaluation of your decor ? LOL
And how would he know about a Turkish brothel indeed ! LOL
I utterly understand your stress over Curly . I would be beside myself too .. Sophie is over 17 now. So hard to believe we have these furry little souls not last our life time with us.
I’m so glad Curly turned up nonplussed over his adventure and your feathers are a bit smoother I hope ? LOL
Your roses are gorgeous ! I have no luck with roses so I have rose envy ? LOL
Lol, yes, what cheek hubs has, here’s me thinking how nice it looks, then he comes out with that! Oh, how I wish our furry friends lived longer too, they are an awful worry when they go missing like that, I can’t get over how chuffed he looked, I’d love to know what he got up too. Good to know you found your roses! Thanks
Oh, my! I was right there with you greeting myself into a knot about Curly…all those fears and more, just like you said! And, wow, did you ever make all the right calls, and remembered the Facebook post! How grand that he’s home and fine, sweet darling.
Your roses are to die for, but I think I’ll limit my response to swooning. Just remarkably gorgeous!
I love the paintings and bedding…pretty sure guests would feel more charmed than transported to a Turkish brothel, but it did make me laugh. Husbands can be so amusing.
Thank you for a wonderful post!
Not greeting myself (stupid spellcheck), fretting myself!!!
Oh, it’s horrendous when a pet goes missing isn’t it, you feel so resigned and helpless. Thanks goodness Curly made his way home! I’m truly amazed at the beautiful roses I see everywhere this year, they all seem so scented too, maybe they like a cold spring. Oh…husbands, yes they sure can be amusing! So pleased you like the bedroom makeover. Thanks Kitty, love and hugs to you all.xxxx
Your roses are amazing, yes, I think it is a good year for roses as mine are doing better than usual. So glad that Curly Cat turned up safe and sound and that he stays at home from now on! x
Thanks Pauline, everywhere I go I see beautiful roses this year, I’ve never known a year like it. Oh, I shall keep a sharp eye on Curly from now
Next time you are both in exotic places perhaps, you may find an ancient place to peep at so you can say, ‘see it’s nothing like it’. I have a visit to a harem on my bucket list, but that’s not quite the definition.
Ooh, glad CC came back full of the joys of spring. How old is he now? He’s obviously got a good snifter with which to find his way.
I like the friendly colours of your spare bedroom and when L’il one is bigger, I bet she will too.
The roses do look super. xxx
A visit to a harem? What an interesting thing to find on a bucket list, of course it’s on mine now, too! Curly is at least twenty now, he’s doing well given how old he is. Littl’urchin loves that room, she’s always in the bed since it’s been decorated. Thanks
LOVE those colours! And the curtains! I want some! Where did you get them??
Glad ole Curly turned up after all. xxx
Thanks Gill.
Here’s the links for the duvet and curtains. The fabrics are lovely and