Tomorrow is Freedom Day here in the UK, despite an explosion of covid cases. Basically, everything will return to normal and we will no longer be required to follow any rules.
I have mixed feelings, part of me accepts that I need to live my life and get on with it, another part wants to crawl under the duvet and wait the next few months out.

Life has pretty much returned to normal here, I attend indoor meetings with large groups of people, meet up with friends, go to the pub, eat out, shop etc, but the idea of shunning the mask in shops has me apprehensive, despite knowing they do little to protect from covid and are merely a comfort blanket.
Maybe it’s Stockholm syndrome.
Anyway, hopefully the jabs will keep the death rates down and no new, sneaky, vaccine immune covid variant will develop.

Around these parts it’s been hot, hot, hot, for us anyway, as we’re simply not used to days of 28 degrees, and it’s going to get even warmer. Oh, it’s so very muggy!
Our dogs are flopping right, left and centre all over the kitchen, the coolest room in the house, and can’t be walked until after eight pm when the temperature has dropped and pavements have cooled.
So many dogs die in the UK every summer from heatstroke, when walked or run in hot weather and so many suffer from horribly burnt paws. I do wish people would be more sensible, they need to ponder on what it would be like for them walking or running in hot weather, in a heavy fur coat, with no shoes on.
OK, rant over!
The garden will need a hosepipe job soon, so many shrubs and flowers are beginning to droop. How I loathe getting that hosepipe out.

Hubs gets sick of me whining about the weather. Those who garden are rarely happy with the weather. It’s too hot, too cold, too dry, too wet, too windy…
At this time of the year all three gardens begin to resemble jungles, initially I rather like it, then I realise that nature is reclaiming the land and attempting to make a move on the house, so pruning moves up the ever-growing garden to do list.

The climbing beans have taken off, how I love the flowers and seeing them romping away.

I’m also delighted with my Accidental orchard, the little trees are doing well and the wild flowers I planted in the trugs are flying up.
And Finally…

I spotted the first mushroom of the season, a shaggy parasol. I’m always so smug when I can identify a shroom!

And…a dragonfly actually settled in the courtyard for once, allowing me to get a quick photo. The garden is full of dragonflies this year.
Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx
Thanks Jason. Our numbers dropped for a few weeks but are rising again over the last couple of days. Vaccinated people are also catching covid but aren’t getting as sick. I simply don’t like heat!xxx
Love the dragonfly pic. Cases are rising here as well, but almost entirely among the unvaccinated. We’ve had a hot summer as well, not weather that I enjoy.
Hello there you !
That photo of the dragonfly is magnificent !! well done you !
Frankly I don’t understand this concept that “freedom” is being taken away from people when they are asked to just follow sensible public health guidelines. One of the worst examples is the Americans .. masks and vaccines have become a political football that actually have people ill and dying to prove a point of their freedom not to do the right thing? Where is the sense in that? and what about my freedom not to be infected by IDIOTS?
OK .. rant over .. I love the runner beans as we call them here and their bright cheery flowers are beautiful ! Your gardens are jungles, try to remember that when you are in the middle of a bad winter ok ? LOL .. I know we work ourselves into the ground with our gardens at times .. because we are crazy gardeners !
Take care and keep yourself safe from the idiots !
Thanks Joy, you rant away! I am amazed by the covid deniers, why and how could the entire world agree to a conspiracy, most of the world can’t get along never mind pull something like this! My runner beans are prolific this year, I’m harvesting every day now. I always wish we were back to jungles in the throes of winter. At least we can look back at
Yes, it was so called ‘Freedom Day’ in England, but the scene is very muddled!
I do feel for everyone who may have been affected by Covid, and many are still very cautious about things.
However, last week ‘Official figures showed that more than 830,000 children in England were absent from school.
Around 747,000 of those absent were forced to quarantine due to coming into possible contact with Covid
Furious education leaders said children are ‘at greater risk of harm in crossing road than from Covid virus’
I don’t know what the answer is – does anybody?
But Covid is going to be around for sometime yet.
Take care, and in this summer heat stay as cool as you can.
How about a nice G&T?
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, some interesting facts there! I don’t think anyone has a clue how this will all pan out, as you say it’s far from over, new waves are constantly breaking out. We just haveto hope the vaccines hold the fort! xxx
Your garden looks wonderful and the dragonfly is absolutely beautiful. I will be wearing my mask when in a store (which is not that often and staying away from any crowds! I think we have quite a long way to go yet with regards to this virus….
Stay well, stay cool and enjoy your garden. Janet XXXXX
Thanks Janet. We’re still wearing masks too and avoiding crowds. I do wonder how this will all pan out in the end, some things may change forever for many people. Looking forward to a storm tomorrow and hopefully plenty of rain.xxxx
Turn off the tv, get off social media, and live your life. The fear-mongerers have their own agenda, and I don’t intend to allow them to impose it on me. And that’s what I have to say about that!
Is that gorgeous yellow flower with the red center a Coreopsis? It looks much like our natives; I suspect it might be a cultivar. I laughed at the thought of your garden making a move on the house — such an apt description. It’s hot and humid here, too, and miserably uncomfortable, but that’s standard for our Gulf Coast summers. We haven’t broken 100F yet (38C), and that’s really unusual. We have all the rain we need and more, and everything is green and lush. Quite a difference from 2011, when we were beset with drought and fires.
There certainly are plenty of fear mongers about and fake news stories re the virus! Yes, that is coreopsis, it’s variety is fields of gold and it certainly lives up to it’s name. So pleased to hear you have rain, yo certainly don’t want any more wildfires, half the planet seems to be burning at the moment, so sad to witness. Thanks
Great post and images.
Thanks Peter, I hope all is well with you
Last time I saw one of ‘your’ Dragon flies was in a Japanese Garden in Edinburgh. They are sooo interesting to look at when they give you the chance to gaze.
Your Acer tree is delightful. I’m hoping our junior version might look like it eventually, minus our wind burn.
It looks like you might have a Bonsai orchard…an interesting development, or you’ll need an extending (up) greenhouse roof!
Apart from masks keeping your face warm in cold weather, very helpful in that regard where I live, I do appreciate that any droplets from coughing sneezing and spluttering are not transferred far and wide. Those are the pros, important ones, and yes, there are a number of cons, including infrequent washing to refresh masks, and the uselessness of ill-fitting ones, to name but two. I would not be in a rush to relinquish mine. The arid sound bites of showmen politicians are irritating.
I really hope doggy owners will pay heed to the welfare of their pets in the very hot temperatures you are experiencing. We’re overcast and wet today.
Totally agree about dragonflies! I do hope your acer takes off, they do loath wind though which you seem to get plenty of! Loving the expression bonsai orchard! We’re sticking with mask too although I simply can’t wear glasses with mine. Still hot and humid here but we are promised a storm tomorrow so looking forward to rain, how the garden needs a good soak. Thanks Menhir.xxxx
I’m still staying safely at home and wearing my mask when I go food shopping. I was pleased to see that everyone was still wearing masks yesterday when I shopped. I have met with people outdoors but not indoors yet, I am in no rush to get back to “normal” and don’t understand why everything has been relaxed. I understand about the concerns of business but the mixed messages are confusing.
The mixed messages are and have been confusing since this plague started! Only about half the people are wearing masks in the shops here. Thanks
I always think humid hot weather is the worst, but many plants love it! Yes, I agree with you, I don’t think we are ready for Freedom day yet….in most parts of the world the Delta strain is taking off, and here in Australia it is spreading quickly. Unfortunately the vaccine rollout has been very slow, so both Sydney and Melbourne are in Lockdown again. (Groundhog day!)
Your garden is looking stunning and the first photos of the lily are just lovely. Nice to see your lush garden, especially looking out on our wet wintery days. My daughter’s dog is a Spoodle, so he is very fluffy and curly, I’m sure he will hate the summer!
Hope you can enjoy some of your free days especially in your garden.
Couldn’t agree more re hot and humid weather. Sorry to hear of the delta spread and lockdowns, delta does seem to be spreading worldwide, I hear it’s taking off in China too. Thanks
Oh, dear; it’s hot, humid, and dry here, too…scraggly gardens, but watering faithfully.
I guess calling it Freedom Day doesn’t make it so, when the the variants are still thriving and moving about. I’m out more, masked always, and only indoors to food shop. But that works for us.
Meanwhile, your garden looks dreamy, a landscape for losing oneself.
Your photos are stunning! The dragonfly!!!
Peace to your week…and cool relief! Xoxo
We seem to be almost having similar weather to you this summer, hot, humid and dry. How I pity the wildlife, they are certainly struggling. My biggest fear is a new variant emerging that bypasses the vaccines, that would put us back to square one! Thanks Kitty, love and hugs to you all.xxxx
Freedom doesn’t make any difference to me, still indoors, carers still in PPE, situation usual. I think the pinging/isolation issue needs better clarification, it’s not practical for so many to self-isolate when they’ve been double jabbed and symptom-less. So many local businesses have had to close for lack of staff as a consequence of the football gatherings.
Your garden looks most verdant, yes it’s stifling for the pets, not my cat staggers in and flops.
The pinging was causing mayhem! I think it’s sensitivity has been reduced now thankfully. Poor not my cat, Curly cat does a lot of flopping too. Thanks
Oh yes! I agree with all that you’ve said Dina – the dreaded hosepipe hasn’t come out yet (it takes so long to water everything) but I need to top up the ‘water butts’ (waste bins :D) very soon, probably tomorrow at this rate!. Very very hot here but so lovely in the cool of the evening, makes up for feeling like I’m melting during the day. My mask is staying firmly in place, I’ve made it through the pandemic safely so far and not going to take risks now, especially as the majority of people here in my part of London seem to think they’re now immune to Covid!! It’s bonkers, I tell you! One of my friends is waiting for a third lockdown by September/October …. I have a feeling he may be right. Stay safe, lovely xx
All our water butts are bone dry, as is the pond. I always end up wetter than the garden when using the hosepipe. It is lovely when the sun goes down in this weather although I’ve noticed the nights pulling in. New waves are constantly breaking out worldwide, I do wonder how long it will take to be free of covid. Thanks
Brilliant dragonfly photo; it looks like a candidate for a photography award! Very hot and humid here too – I don’t do either very well. The only bit I’m looking forward to is the thunderstorm when it breaks. Hamish is suffering too and is moulting horribly. Watering the garden is one of my least favourite jobs but needs must. I’m currently trying to decide if making a curry for dinner is a good idea or not! Keep cool. xx
That dragonfly sure was a handsome beast! You and me both re hot and humid! Dog and cat hair is rolling round like tumble weed here! We are due a thunder storm tomorrow, hoping for rain at least, although I do love the drama of a good storm. Struth, you’re brave contemplating a curry in this weather!xxx
Ah, the lushness of your garden. That shot of the clems… siiiigh. I do love that initial jungle look, especially after wet dry branches. Humidity your way, too? We haven’t any rain, but were nearing the 90s in relative humidity.
Fantastic shot of the dragonfly. Nice of it to pose for you.
Thanks Anne. I love the jungle look too until I can’t walk through it. I’ve made a start cutting the large plants back, especially the climbing roses hanging from the apple tree, they constantly snag us as we walk by. Oh yes, horribly humid here, storms predicted tomorrow so I’m hoping for rain. It’s lovely having the dragonflies in the garden, they’ve only been around for the last few
It’s anything but Freedom Day for many people, and I certainly won’t be changing my routine with regard to wearing a mask or social distancing.
It’s been hot here as well, with I don’t like and always feel sorry for dogs.
Good photos as always, especially the dragonfly. xx
Thanks Flighty. I’ve noticed almost all people still social distancing outdoors, I think the government are just letting individuals take personal responsibility for their actins now. I’m not a fan of hot weather either. xxx
I won’t be doing much different Freedom day or not. I think there is a division of opinion over masks . To wear is said to give some protection to others which makes nonsense of the individual choice idea, I’ll wear mine to protect you but you won’t try to protect me attitude, Ruby can’t understand why her walks have been cancelled.
Dogs do get puzzled when they can’t go out, ours mither us something shocking if walk time is ignored. I’ve noticed about half the people are still wearing masks, hubs and I wear them in shops etc. The virus hasn’t gone away. Thanks
I dread to think what will happen now that all the responsibility has been put on us to take precautions. I’ve made sure I’ve followed the rules but others aren’t quite so bothered, we’ll see what happens. Archie doesn’t like this weather at all, poor boy. I do feel sorry for dogs in big fur coats. We have Archie clipped and though his fur is shorter than normal at the moment, it is beginning to grow back. We’re definitely watering the plants a lot more at the moment, they’re very thirsty in the heat. What a fabulous photo of the dragonfly, it’s quite rare that I see them, damselflies seem to be more common here.
Thanks Jo. It’s strange how the numbers have been dropping isn’t it? They did go up yesterday though….fingers crossed they stay low. It’s been terribly hot and dry here, thunder storms are due tomorrow so I’m hoping for rain. Our dogs don’t do well in the heat