I can almost smell autumn in the air, it’s subtle, but it’s there.
Pink hydrangeas are everywhere, but to my delight this one has voilet-ish tones.

Begonia season is upon us, long may it last.
Herbs be flourishing and flowering…

and yellow courgettes just keep on coming.
Tiny leek seedlings have survived torrential downpours, [that rain was most welcome] and somehow beetroot has appeared amongst them.

The cabbage whites have spectacularly decimated the brassicas. The speed with which they accomplished this was admirable! They are certainly efficient! Thankfully I have back-up plants in the greenhouse to grow over autumn and winter when the blighters have departed!

Blueberries are ripening, and Littl’urchin is stomping around the garden looking for them.
I have to keep a sharp eye on her now as she’s going for anything that looks edible.

She took one look at these rose hips and reached out for one. The usual serious chat about sore tummy’s and doctors ensued. I need eyes in the back of my head!
And Finally…

We’re at the den age now!
Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx
Adorable pic of your granddaughter. The shorter days are a bit melancholy.
Thanks Jason. I could cope with winter if the days were longer, dark at four pm always finishes me off.xxx
I like this time of year. Lovely hydrangea.
Dens are so much fun! Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, yes this is a lovely time of the year. Here’s to dens.xxx
Nice post and great images. Autumn approaches the north, and spring will soon be sprung down here.
You are probably aware that NZ has a few covid problems which we hope will soon improve. We have been in a Level 5 lockdown which will be reviewed on Friday. But nothing like NSW and Victoria in Australia.
Take care
Thanks Peter. Here’s to a wonderful spring and an end to lockdown and covid problems. xxx
I do so agree Autumn is getting so close now, the evenings are beginning to draw in.
I do like the colour of your hydrangeas, it seems to have been a good year for them.
Lovely photograph of Littl’urchin, I remember ‘Den Age’, such fun
Enjoy your week.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. It has been a good year for hydrangeas. xxx
Like you, I can smell autumn….and yes the nights are drawing in….a time of. year I really like.
The little one looks so beautiful…maybe not so little anymore – growing like a weed:)
Sending love Janet xxxxx
I must say I always look forward to autumn, it’s such an atmospheric season. Growing like a weed….indeedy! Thanks Janet. Love and hugs.xxxx
We would love our hydrangeas to be that pretty colour, I think it depends on the soil..so that is not going to happen. I sympathise with you on the white butterfly, but almost everyone we know has very little luck getting rid of them and they are SO destructive!
Lil ‘Urchin is growing up, I love the den age. Unfortunately we are back in Lockdown and unable to see our two little grandies. So frustrating!
Keep well and safe.
Usually our acidic soil turns all the hydrangeas pink, so it was a pleasure seeing that lilac-ish one. I think I may give up trying to grow summer brassicas and just stick to the autumn/winter ones. They do destroy the plants in days. Oh, what a shame about not seeing your granddaughters, I feel for you. Here’s to your lockdown ending soon. Thanks Gerrie.xxx
Autumn? Oh, my. We’re weeks away from that; the only scent of woodsmoke in the air is from the barbeque pits, and the only cool breeze is from the air conditioning! Our blueberries have finished weeks ago — we have to depend on Canada to provide them now!
The hydrangeas are lovely. I see that Lil’ Urchin enjoys lavender, too. What a precious age that is — they always are so busy, aren’t they? Her coloring book looks much like ones I had as a child. It’s always nice to see some traditions enduring.
I do like the sound of the woodsmoke in the air coming from BBQ’s. Our blueberries are pretty much done now too, next up the loganberries. I do enjoy children under five, they are so easily entertained and take such pleasure from their environments. I had colouring books like that as a child too, some things at least last the test of time. Thanks Linda.xxx
Lovely plants. I am sure the herbs will taste as good as they look. Yummy Blueberries.
It doesn’t take long for little ones to create their own space does it. As for ‘active’, the word only describes the half of it!
Thanks Menhir. I am enjoying my herbs, they always taste so much better when freshly picked. Oh yes, kids are great at creating space and as for active, that child runs rings around me! xxxx
Lush and gorgeous as ever, and—oh my!!!— can Littl’urchin be so long-limbed as that?! As for den-stage, you’ve caught me red-faced, as I wasn’t aware it ever ended. Who doesn’t love a cozy getaway space??! For books, and toys, and delicious blueberries!
You’re so wise to have your back-up brassicas. The courgettes look amazing.
Love this time of year. The big payoff for another season of gardening and a good nap and cozy, sparkly months just around the corner!
Love to you and yours. Xoxo
I think Littl’urchin is tall for her age, everyone thinks she’s older than two and a half, especially as she’s so chatty. I’m looking forward to the demise of the cabbage whites and being able to plant my second batch of greens out, I always love to see food growing during autumn an winter. Thanks Kitty, huge hugs and love to all.xxxx
The nights are drawing in – the light disappears so quickly now. We’ll soon be hunkering down, Don’t you net your blueberries? If we didn’t the blackbirds would clear the fruit before it had the chance to ripen,
Yes, the darkness drops like a blanket now, one minute it’s light the next pitch black. I don’t have to net the blueberries as the bushes are well hidden amongst shrubs and to date the birds haven’t found them before us. Thanks Sue.xxx
While I do love begonia blooms, its those funky leaves that captivate me. Yes, may your season go strong and long!
We have no touch of autumn… for at least another 6-8 weeks. I’ll just envy yours! Hmm, eyes at the back of your head, certainly when it comes to edible-looking berries. So many things look edible!’
Thanks for that nice round up of your garden. Kisses to the little one.
Oh I agree re begonia leaves, they sure are deeply dippy. Goodness, I hope you don’t have to put up with high temperatures for another couple of months, here’s to them cooling down a little. Kisses delivered. Thanks Anne.xxx
There’s certainly a touch of Autumn in the air and evidence in our surroundings with trees full of berries that the birds will feed on. Your home grown produce (apart from the brassicas) looks to be doing well and much appreciated, I’m sure. We’re starting to gather the figs that seem bigger each year. I’m sure Little’Un is having fun as she looks for those wonderful blueberries. How she grows, bless her!
Yes, the evenings are notably cooler these days and that autumnal feel is in the air. The leaves are turning and beginning to fall and the nights are drawing in. I do envy you your figs, I have a large fig tree that to date has never borne fruit. Babies sure don’t stay babies for long….sighs. Thanks Linda.xxx
Oh my goodness, just look how fast she’s growing, she was at the baby stage just last week, I’m sure. Yes, the nights are definitely drawing in now. I’m drawing my curtains a little earlier each night. I’m not ready to let go of summer quite yet though.
I know!!! I can’t believe how quickly she has grown, right little chatterbox now. Oh you and me both re not wanting to let go of summer just yet. Thanks Jo. xxx
Oh, I love the den age! Many’s the lunch I’ve had squeezed under a precarious den roof! I love the sound of Littl’urchin stomping round on a blueberry hunt. Shame about your brassicas but your other veggies are growing really well. I didn’t grow yellow courgettes this year and only one of my green ones germinated (must get some new seeds for next year!), but it’s provided for us brilliantly and I’ve managed to keep on top of them. We went to a car boot sale yesterday and someone was trying to sell marrow sized ones amongst their bric-a-brac. They were still there at the end of the morning! Have a great week. xx
Den age is fab for sure! I always seem to lose my summer brassicas however well I net them, a curse on cabbage white! Good to hear your green courgette is doing it’s thing, I always find it difficult keeping up with summer squash and runner beans. Hahaha, I’m not surprised the marrow sized courgette had no takers. Thanks Veggiemummy.xxx