It’s been wild, wet and windy around these parts of late and I’ve had two horrendous back-to-back bouts of lurgy that’s doing the rounds. I’ve actually got used to the constant brain fog, endless coughing, sneezing and perpetually streaming nose.
I’ve been traipsing around with a blanket draped about my person that has earned it’s weight in gold as a comforter, I don’t know how I’m to be parted from it.
Last Christmas I received a £70 voucher for a posh restaurant, which was due to expire, so hubs, daughter and I booked a table.
I honestly had no idea what the food on my plate was, I only knew that it was the only vegan option, was arty and came in miniature portions.
We all had a starter, a main and shared a bottle of wine. The bill? £240!!!

Seems we were paying for the views.

The beauty berries are tiny this year…

while the iris seeds are plump, juicy and swollen.

Our Director at the rescue was startled recently when she came across a sleeping bat on her office door. It was checked over by a vet and secured while waiting to be released later that evening.
She was told not to throw it into the air when releasing, instead it was to be warmed in the hand, and allowed to rest there until it released itself.
Apparently the release went on for hours. At one point the bat managed to fly back into the office and had to be caught again, which turns out to be an almost impossible task! All ended well though, several hours later.

I’m seeing lots of peacocks wandering around nearby. It hurts my heart to see them living so close to a busy road.
And finally…
Yesterday, Sam woke up blind. I was utterly horrified. The poor dog wouldn’t move for an age and when he did he was crashing into everything. It was utterly heart-breaking to watch. Given his size it was almost impossible to carry him to his cushion and couch and toileting was a nightmare.
His last X-ray was inconclusive and his nose sniffling had stopped but sadly started up again. A few days ago I took him back to the vet who gave me some antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, and advised a CT scan if there was no improvement in two weeks.

Today I was dreading getting Sam up, but to my amazement and joy he was back to his normal self, albeit with a sniffly nose. He’s booked in to see the vet on Wednesday who is puzzled by the whole situation. She will be checking his blood pressure as high blood pressure could have caused a bleed behind the eyes or a mini stroke, however, if that was the case she doubts he would have recovered so quickly. She will also refer us for a CT scan.
Meanwhile, I’m just going to live in the moment and enjoy him being his usual goofy self.
Until next time, stay safe guys.xxx
Thanks Chloris. Yes, the lift felt weird but I too was OK with the views. The portions are minute.xxx
Oh, I have been up there a few years ago. I have vertigo too, the view didn’t worry me but the lift up did. But those portions! How do they get away with it? Glad to hear Sam is improving. What a worry dogs are. I hope you are better too.
£240! I’m never sure which hurts more, the cost of the posh nosh or the calling at the chippy on the way home to fill up.
Hahaha, couldn’t agree more. Thanks AnneMarie.xxx
I hope you and Sam are now feeling a lot better. Your meal does seem rather tiny, was it huge on the taste by any chance, I hope so but if you were full of the dreaded “lurgy” you probably didn’t appreciate it! I am now getting over my booster jab, so different from the first 2, had horrible reaction this time! Stay safe and well.
Thanks Pauline, thankfully we are both feeling a little better. The food was tasty but not huge on taste. I had polenta for my main which I didn’t like at all and only had it as it was the only vegan option. Sorry to hear of your reaction to your third jab, I’ve heard many people saying the same. We’re due to have ours on Sunday. xxx
Bit wild, windy and wet down here at present
Thanks Peter, it’s the same here.xxx
Goodness the restaurant must be making a huge profit. Fingers and everything else crossed for Sam. It’s such a worry when our pets are ill.
So exciting to have a bat adventure.
Given the prices I was surprised to see the restaurant full. Thanks Sue.xxx
I couldn’t help it. I had to do the conversion. Your meal tab came to US $328.47! That’s nigh unto my monthly grocery bill. I hope it was good — although that view was spectacular.
That’s so odd about Sam. There are all sorts of things that can cause temporary blindness in humans, and I suppose the same is true with animals. As for you — I finally looked up ‘lurgy.’ I have a friend in South Carolina who uses the word, and I’ve always known what it sort of means, but I found this:
“According to the Oxford English Dictionary the word was first used on the radio series The Goon Show on November 9, 1954, and was probably invented by its writers Spike Milligan and Eric Sykes for the episode Lurgi Strikes Britain.”
How about that? Keep that blanket close, and get better!
Yes, that bill was total extortion for sure!!! The food was tasty but not worth the money. Just loving the origin of lurgi, the things you discover through a blog. Thanks Linda.xxx
Fingers crossed for Sam’s full recovery and hoping you will be feeling fully fit, too.
Thanks Brenda. It’s wonderful seeing the back of the lurgy.xxx
Sorry to read you haven’t been well….hope you start to feel much better soon…thank goodness Sam has recovered, it would be very hard for any animal to lose sight.
Don’t you love fine dining restaurants….a little item on a plate costs a fortune!
Love the Halloween costumes, my granddaughter had fun too!
Keep well and safe.
Thanks Gerrie. I am beginning to recover, finally! Yes, I’m grateful for Sam having his vision back, going blind must have been such a shock for him. Lovely to hear your granddaughter had fun too.xxx
Oh my goodness – that’s some week you have had!
The meal looked very interesting and as you say most artistic….hope it tasted good – and that the bottle of wine was superb.
Do hope that Sam recovers completely – I can only imagine how frightening that must have been
The bat incident was quite scary…….glad that finished on an upbeat note…
As for the weather, we have also had some high winds, rain and general murk. Today was a beautiful Autumn day and seasonably cool….at last.
Hope your cold clears soon….Stay well. sending love. Janet XXXX
Thanks Janet. The food, well what there was of it, was delicious. The wine was bog standard!
Autumn is quickly sliding into winter around here. The leaves are almost down and the cold is creeping in. The hour going back has really shortened the day, still, there are always candles and a fire to enjoy. Love and hugs.xxxx
Oh, dear. I’m so worried for Sam, poor love. How frightening for him to wake unable to see. Very glad that passed quickly and I hope the scan will identify the cause and the vet can eliminate it. Holding a swift and peaceful outcome in my heart, dear one.
The restaurant’s view is amazing! I love seeing such views. They really remind you of the shape of things in the way you forget when you’re land bound. The food? Museum-quality, I’m sure, if not life-sustaining. What an adventure.
I think you should keep your blanket wrap and add a crown. Really, rest and heal and banish all lurgies from your general vicinity.
Sending love and a special hug for you and smooch for Sam. Xoxo
Thanks Kitty. Thankfully Sam has retained his eyesight which is a relief, poor thing, he was absolutely traumatised. It is always lovely to see aerial views, it does put a different spin on things for sure. Hahaha…I shall add a crown just for you!!! Love and hugs to all.xxxx
Where to start…..
I do hope you recover ever so soon. It’s very wearing to cope with being bunged up in various directions and keep going with daily tasks.
Sam, what a worry. Prescribed Medication I took did something similar to me, but gladly, much more briefly. So pleased Sam is clowning around again.
I feel your pain about Peanut and her family. It was a remarkable thing that you did, a rare and beautiful relationship indeed. X
what does one say about your posh meal and voucher??? Once your brain fog has cleared you may see the exceptional nature of your outing.
What’s that on the rooftop?
Bat: caress it till it disappears of its own accord-some guts and patience with that one.
L’il U is sprouting isn’t she. A much loved munchkin.
Look after yourself and take care.
Thanks Menhir. Thankfully I’m finally on the mend. Goodness, how awful to have something like that happen to you caused by meds. Good to know you recovered quickly. Thanks for your comments re Peanut, I was lucky to have known her. The rooftop view is of the river Mersey and The Liver buildings. Goodness yes, Littl’urchin is growing far too quickly!!!xxxx
Crumpets. An astronomical bill for a minuscule portion of food! Ah well, I guess it was nice! And doesn’t lil urchin look cute with the stethoscope. Keep that photo for when she’s a busy doctor! Poor Sam – it must have been very frightening for him as well as for you. Glad he’s improving. Hugs xx
Crumpets indeed! They would have been more filling too. Ha! Littl’urchin used to want to be a vet but has moved onto wanting to be a doctor now! Thanks Gill.xxx
Ooh err..that view from the restaurant is too high for my liking. I couldn’t have gone up there with my fear of heights. Those portions were miniscule ! Haha. No need to go on a diet after that meal.
Lovely photo of the beauty berry. It has such an unusual colour. I have always wanted one for my garden. Maybe next year.
What an amazing discovery in the office – a bat ! How cute. It’s not often we get to see them around here.
Poor Sam with his health problems. I do hope the scan gives him the all clear. What a worry for you.
And I hope your own illness is finally on the mend soon. Thanks for sharing the season with us X
Thanks Caroline. Funnily enough I was OK with the views despite having a fear of heights. Yes, the beauty berries are such a delightful, unusual colour. I wonder if the lack of rain caused the berries t be so small. Here’s to you getting one. Hoping all is well with you.xxx
Sorry to see that you’ve had the lurgy, it ‘s certainly been doing the rounds, and hope that you feel better.
I wouldn’t pay that for a meal even if I could afford it.
Bats and peacocks are a bit different.
Poor Sam, I hope that whatever it was doesn’t happen again.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty. There seem to be a lot of bugs flying around at the moment, probably caused by people mingling again.xxx
Oh, poor Sam, what a shock to find him in that state, I’m glad he’s back to normal now and I hope the CT scan shows what the cause was and that it’s nothing serious. Fingers crossed. Our furry friends do cause us a lot of worry, don’t they. Goodness, I can’t believe the food bill, it’s not as though you’ll have gone home with full tummies given the portion sizes, haha. Nice view though. I hope you’re on the mend now and that you’re well over the winter months, I think you’ve already had your fair share of the lurgies.
Thanks Jo, oh yes, our furbabies are a constant cause for concern, especially as they begin to age. I’m finally recovering from the lurgy and have everything crossed that that’s it for a while.xxx
Oh, poor Sam! That must have been terrible – for you and for him. Fingers crossed that he makes a full recovery. I hope you are feeling better too.
Those plates of food certainly do look artistic, just not very filling. The view looks brilliant, shame about the bill though! :O)
Well, now I know how to release a bat safely, thank you. We have a bat box but I’ve only ever seen one up close and personal – it was hanging from the curtain pole in my daughters’ Wendy house. Luckily, it flew off by itself with no handling necessary.
Littl’urchin looks super cute with the stethoscope and I wouldn’t mind a raincoat like that! :O) xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. I’ve only had one encounter with a bat that sadly passed away, They are wonderful creatures though and I love watching them flying around the garden. I’d love an adult version of that coat too.xxx
Oh my goodness — I’m sorry about Sam’s mystery illness with such dire symptoms. Hope he will make a full recovery! And you, too, my poor friend. I’m sure you’re downing loads of hot tea. Hope you get good rest.
About fainted when I heard about your dinner bill. And why do they imagine vegan = extra small?? Did you need a stop at the chip shop on the way back home?
Thanks for the advice regarding bat releases. I’m not sure I could manage hours of holding one until it felt ready to head out!
Thanks Anne. Yes, copious amounts of tea have been drunk. All the portions are minute, not just the vegan option. Hubs almost fainted when he saw that bill too and yes, more food was needed when we all got home. Still, the views were wonderful.xxxx
It seems eating out is getting expensive, and you couldn’t call that a big plate of food! However, the view was nice …
Sorry you have been suffering with the lurgy, hope it clears soon for you.
Sweet pictures of your adorable grand-daughter, and I was pleased to read that Sam was back to his usual self, but hope his CT scan will be ok.
Happy November wishes.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. My lurgy is finally clearing which is a relief. You certainly couldn’t call those portions large, they were delicious bite sized snacks though.xxx