Sam went for a CT scan last Friday. It was strange not having him home for a day as being a large dog, his physical presence was notably absent.
Midday, the vet rang with the most awful news. They had discovered a large stage 4 tumour blocking the right side of his nose which had spread behind his eye and was now heading to his brain. This is what had caused the sudden blindness last week, fortunately, now only in the right eye.

I didn’t opt for a biopsy as any chemo or radiotherapy would only extend his life by months, and even that couldn’t be guaranteed, so I saw little point in putting him through it.

He has been given one, possibly two months to live.

After falling apart for several days, I have now got my act together and am planning on making every moment of Sam’s life the absolute best it can possibly be.

Currently, apart from having a seriously snorty, snuffly nose, Sam is happy within himself. He bounces out of bed, loves his food, his people and his doggy siblings. He’s playing with his pals, his toys and is galloping about as though nothing is wrong. He’s also still loving his walks.
The vets are astonished at his good health but warn of bad days and fits to come when the growth enters his brain, but until Sam has no decent quality of life left, we will enjoy him and spoil him absolutely rotten, ensuring every moment is the best it can possibly be.
And Finally…

there is always hope, if only a fools hope.
Until next time, stay safe guys.xxx
I’m late in commenting. I’m so sorry to hear about Sam. It’s going to be a hard time for you. I know you’ll do the best for Sam as you’ve always done – even more so now. Thinking of you all.
I am so very sorry to read this. I know exactly how you feel. Our last dog Tivvy had a brain tumour but at one point it shrunk and with medication she had a good three more years with us. Enjoy Sam whilst you can
Enjoy Sam while he is still around – enjoy the memories. Hope things are OK up their. Covid is slowly spreading here outside of Auckland. WE will have our second jabs next Sat.
My heart goes out, that call must have been like a rug tugged from under you all, but his face says a different story. He will take the lead, lap up the spoiling, enjoy the fun times.
I had so hoped to read better news here, even though I’ve been concerned about Sam’s chances for recovery. I’m so sorry for you, and for him, but I must say he’s going to be extra-well cared for. Enjoy your time together; I think your approach is just right, and that you’ll make the right decisions when they’re called for. I’m just so, so sorry.
I’m so sorry, sending lots of love. I’m sure you’ll make his last few months super enjoyable and fun, regardless of how long he has. Ruth xx
Devastated to hear this news Dina. It’s so hard to lose faithful companions and animal friends. I know you will make the most of the time he has left with you. Sending you hugs and comforting wishes. XXX
Oh Dina…Darling Sam – spoil him, love and nurture him…All any of us have is one day at a time…and so I know that Sam will have a wonderful last period of his life….and given that you have chosen the right way to go with this….so with you and the family – both doggy and human:)
Sending much love Janet XXXX
Dina, my thoughts are with you, it isn’t an easy time for you all. Sam is so lucky to have you looking after him and I know you will make the right decision when its necessary. Love to you all xxx
I am so sorry to read this sad news.
I think your approach is right though …
Thinking of you and sending my good wishes.
All the best Jan
That wonderful threesome picture. You have given and received love and loyalty from your super dogs. So very sorry to hear of Sam’s health issues. You are doing what I and so many others would do, the very best possible, for Sam.
It’s difficult to know what to say,or describe what I feel. I seem to have been linked to your family for so long now. Lots of treats, hugs, pats and tickles behind the ears.
A cuddle for you and hubs. xxxx
Oh Dina, I feel so sorry for you….it is devastating losing a pet, as they are such a part of the family. When they are big personalities it is even worse …..the house seems so quiet. It is a comfort to have your other dogs … but they seem to grieve as well… as Brenda said there is nothing easy about losing a dog…
…best wishes..enjoy walks with Sam while you can…
I am so sorry to read your news. Sending you all hugs and as you say enjoy every day. xxx
Big hugs for you and Sam, Dina. Enjoy every moment with him xxx
So very sorry to hear this Dina. I know you will give him the very best last days. There is nothing easy about losing a dog–they leave such a hole in our lives. I’ll be thinking of you and Sam.
Just crying. I’ve loved Sam all these years, just knowing we’d be the best of buddies. You have given him such a loving home, the perfect life, and I know you’ll usher him through and on with that same love. My heart is sad with you. Sending only love, dear friend. Please give dear Sam my love hugs and kisses. Take good care of yourself. Xoxox
OH NO!!! I saw the title and knew something wrenching was ahead. I’m sorry to hear the diagnosis but glad you are taking a wise path. I learned it the hard way with my last cat (Nikki) who’d had cancer.
I know you’ll pour the love on dear Sam. He’s had a good life with you all and he’s probably traveled more with you than many.
Poor Sam, my heartfelt sympathies.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Your lovely Sam. So sorry to hear this Dina. I hope you can get to enjoy the time he has left.
Oh no, I’m so sorry. I’ve been thinking of Sam and hoping for the best. This is the worst news. It’s a blessing that they don’t know what’s going on, isn’t it, it’s us who suffer but that’s the price we pay when we take them into our lives. I’m glad he’s still enjoying life, I know you’ll make the time he has left the absolute best, and what doggy could ask for more. Sending big hugs to you all xx
Darling Sam. I hope you realise (as he certainly does) how blessed he is in having such a loving family. He has truly had the best doggy life with you and I can think of no-one with whom he would rather spend his final days. Wishing you many glorious autumn walks with your boy. xx