Santa has been visited in the woods, this time behind glass, and no presents were given. Struth, the times we live in.
The local landscape has changed drastically since the storm, never have I seen so many trees down, in the woods, and along the roads, it’s heart breaking seeing so many stumps where fine trees once stood.
The insurance doesn’t cover our felled tree so hubs is beginning to tackle it given tree surgeons are still in high demand.

It’s rained endlessly over the last few weeks with more high winds thrown in, thankfully there hasn’t been any more damage.

I had to visit the rescue late one evening recently, to check on two bunnies that were being bonded. The road outside was totally flooded, and just as I inserted the key, a car drove past and completely soaked me from head to toe with icy water. One was not impressed, AT ALL. Happily the bunnies were getting along so all ended well with another bunny being re-homed before Christmas.
Berries are becoming scarce now and little is blooming in the gardens. Still, seed cases are coming into their own, especially the dainty, translucent moons of honesty.
I did spot a single tea rose, a couple of apples hanging on in there and the viburnum bursting into blossom.

To introduce the concept of growing seeds to Littl’urchin, I recently bought a terracotta sheep that came with cress seeds and a Mr grass head that came with seeds already implanted, which will grow as hair. What fun this project is, we also have a tray of cress growing and a terracotta Llama to plant up! Littl’urchin is truly engaged and checks on them as soon as she stomps in.

I had my hair done yesterday and was gifted with a box of tiffins, how thoughtful was that. I was amazed that my hairdresser had remembered that I was vegan!

Curly cat has been sitting on the floor by the bay windows for the last few weeks, so I put a few blankets down for him. Today I changed his bedding which seems to have put him out no end. Now he’s decided to sleep in his litter tray and hasn’t moved all day! Cats!!!
I’ve had to put another litter tray out for him to use. I do hope this little phase doesn’t last TOO long.

Littl’urchin with her Sam.
And Finally…
The rescue works in partnership with a wonderful organisation called Care for the Paw, which looks after the dogs of homeless people. They offer medical care, collars, leads, easy to carry bedding and food etc.
Each Christmas, a goody bag is given out with treats for people and their pets. Last year, Christmas cards with personal messages were added which seemed to hit a chord, so this year I asked several schools that I’ve been involved with to make and write messages in Christmas cards.
Apparently the children became very involved in the project, and wanted to do far more to help the homeless and their pets, so it was a huge success re raising awareness re these issues. Hopefully the recipients will enjoy them.
Until next time, stay safe
Poor you getting a soaking, I bet he/she was lucky that you didn’t catch the driver,
I used to make grass heads with my class when I was teaching and we sold them at the Victorian fair that my class ran to raise finds for their week’s residential visit,
I really loved this post. So many wonderful things to read about (apart from you getting a soaking, I was really sorry to read that). I love the sound of your care for paw work and getting the local schools involved, how wonderful for them to be involved in helping others in ways that they can at a young age.
Your grand-daughter has really grown in the last year! She looks like a little girl now rather than a toddler. I am sorry to read about Santa behind glass, it is hard for us adults to comprehend this, but as a little one it is probably all normal to her, as it is all she will remember for now.
Festive wotnots to you all, and the furry ones. Tree debris is tricky to handle, and harder to ditch but the bugs and beetles will have a very merry season. Fingers crossed the destructive weather has passed and we’ve only the white stuff to endure.
Ahh, yes, cats, ‘supposedly’ they don’t like to drink where they eat, nor where they poop – it’s a ploy to take over the house?
And so to 2022
A wonderful Christmas post – thank you so much.
I LOVE Curly Cats reaction to your changing the bedding…..such a kitty cat response:):)
Little Urchin continues to grow in leaps and bounds…..I used to love growing cress etc. via blotting paper when I was a little thing….so glad to see you are continuing with this.
Care for the Paw sounds like a fantastic project and again so good that children are getting involved.
Let’s hope that there are no more big storms…..we can hope:)
Sending you and the family much love and wishes for a beautiful Christmas and new year….and maybe just maybe we will see one another in 2022.xxxx
It’s always sad when trees come down in the storms.
Sorry you got soaked when the car went by, that happened to me some years ago now … not nice.
I think Care for the Paw sounds a great charity, and I think this year more than any other year all charities need help and are grateful to receive it.
That is a lovely photograph of Littl’urchin with Sam.
Enjoy your weekend.
All the best Jan
Curly might go back to a blanket if you can put her (his/) own smell on it. S/he’s a determined feline isn’t s/he.
So many trees were felled by Storm Arwen. This being an area where trees are not prevalent, that part of the destructive trail was minimal. Where there are wooded areas, a few more trees joined the ones that came down in previous storms.
The ground has been terribly squidgy underfoot. the rainfall, hopefully will help to top up the reservoirs. Our rivers are looking more as they should and where there are occasional lochens in fields, they have appeared
Nice news about the bunnies. Interesting to hear about the project the schools were immersed in.
Littl’un is at that lovely age where there’s lots of curiosity, (why?) which is communicated about the flora and fauna, (why?) that surrounds her.So sweet. You are such a loving family. Great beginnings for her.
May you all continue to love, laugh and be happy together through the coming year. Happy Christmas and wishing you a good Hogmanay. Stay safe. xxxxx
Sorry to hear you are still dealing with the aftermath of the storms. The loss of so many trees is upsetting. Flooding around the rescue centre is not good and to hear you got soaked as a car went by was such a shame. You are truly dedicated to looking after helpless animals. Lovely photos of little granddaughter. Take care all of you.
Santa under glass isn’t nearly so appealing as pheasant under glass — even though our occasional pheasants never were served that way when Dad still was alive and making his annual hunts in the Iowa cornfields. I hate that so many trees came down during your storm(s). Sometimes we lose them even without wind, if the rains have been so substantial that the ground becomes soaked and they just tip over.
I can’t remember ever seeing your pups so calm and placid, unless they were asleep. That’s a wonderful photo of Lil’ Urchin with them — Christmas card worthy!
Lovely post keeping us up to date with everything. Sorry to see you had so many trees down in the storm, always sad when big trees go. Poor Santa being behind glass, nothing seems the same at the moment does it? Love the children’s involvment with the homeless charity, its good to make them aware of such things.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and wishing you all the Best for 2022.
What a lovely photo of Littl’urchin and Sam, he looks as if he is on his best behaviour, with his best girl by his side! It’s great of kids to have a garden at times like this, Covid has brought a whole new meaning to appreciating your garden. The seed ideas are really great, I must remember them too.
I agree with previous comments, the Care for Paws is such a great way to bring awareness of pets and homeless people, I bet the kids loved being involved in it.
Best wishes to you and your family for Christmas, and stay safe for 2022!
Well, here I am, awake and amazed by all the news and photos in this post.
It certainly is staggering how these big storms can change the landscape. I’m sorry for the loss of so many lovely trees.
Curly is such a cat! Unpredictable and independent. I hope he surrenders the idea of a litter-bed soon, silly boy.
Your sweet Li’l Urchin and her visit to Santa! Strange times indeed. It looks, though, like all adjusted well. I LOVE her photo with Sam and little Buddy. And the seed ideas are so clever, Dina! I kind of want to be your grandchild and do all those fun activities, too!
I can’t say how wonderful Care for the Paw is! What a sensitive way to consider and meet these needs. My friend’s just started a hospice care for the homeless; my heart is so touched and happy that this population is receiving more attention and care.
Just a rich and beautiful post; thank you so much!

What a terrific way to engage the little ones in caring for others — both people and pets!
Adorable photo of Lil’ Urchin and Sam. I’m not used to seeing him calm and sitting relaxed.
I can’t imagine the rain AND wind you’ve been having. That’s a deadly combination for trees. Our neighborhood lost lots of its jacaranda trees several years ago during a wet and windy winter. Yes, the landscape does change. Good on J to try tackling your trees himself!
Your viburnums! Bursting into bloom…now? Those paper seed pods are magical. Thanks for sharing a look around your garden. Happy Tiffin-ing
Lovely post and pictures. It’s always sad to see toppled trees.
What you wrote about Curly made me laugh.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Here in the south we got off fairly lightly from the effects of the storm – high winds but nothing too threatening or dangerous. (But good for getting the washing dry!) Hopefully the country isn’t in for another winter of storms and floods. Speaking of which, poor you getting a soaking! There’s a bit of nearby road that I have to avoid in heavy rain as I know that’s where water pools and cars splash! Forewarned, etc! Love the picture of Littl’urchin on the sofa with the dogs, she really is too cute for words. Hope you and yours are keeping safe and well with this new virus variant. xxx
Isn’t that sad, seeing Santa behind glass, yes, the times we live in. Littl’urchin is growing so fast. Awww, Curly Cat has always been a bit contrary so it doesn’t surprise me he’s taken to sleeping in his litter tray, haha, always likes to keep you on your toes. That’s a lovely photo of Sam, I hope he’s doing okay xx
I hope Littl’urchin enjoyed her visit to see Santa; even if he was behind glass! She looks so cute sitting there with Sam. Poor you getting soaked! I’m glad though that the bunnies bonded and found a home. The seed sheep is a fantastic idea – I’ll keep a note of that for the next time I need to buy a present for a little one. Care for the Paw sounds like a great charity and I’m sure the recipients will love the goody bags.
Vegan tiffin?!! Yum. xx