To accompany my Christmas dinner this year, I opted for vegan tofurky, [a tofu/plant based mix] and really enjoyed it.
When I was recycling the packet, I noticed that it was almost two years out of date! I was relieved that there were no negative side effects, after devouring the lot. I’ve ordered more since, but have to say the out of date version was tastier!
The online company happily reimbursed me.
I’ve been completely spoilt this Christmas and for my recent birthday.
It’s been an absolute bumper year for seeds.
Thanks to Kitty, Anne, and Keggy for yet more delightful gifts!
Hubs bought me two self-contained ponds, complete with pots, compost and plants.

These are the water plants that came with them. I was going to add a solar water feature but doubt there will be any room once these babies start growing.

Hubs also gifted me a shedload of grasses and a couple of hydrangeas…

and amongst other things, daughter surprised me with an enormous box of mixed bulbs, more about them when they pop up.
Another delightful gift was this box of mushrooms, they’re at that scary looking stage at the moment, but they are supposed to be edible. There are at least two crops per box. Littl’urchin won’t be able to keep her sticky little mitts off them…

or this chimpanzee garden ornament when she spots it.

Daughter also treated me to two lovely shrubs, a Tiger’s eye and a dogwood.
Littl’urchin will also be terribly impressed with my new flamingo and blue peacock.
And Finally…

Mr Grasshead has had two haircuts to date, he’s worn bobbles and has even sported two bunches. Worth every penny he is!
Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx
I’m looking forward to seeing how your ponds develop – what a fantastic cornucopia of lovely and very well chosen pressies! Belated happy birthday and happy new year, your family and friends know how to spoil you and I’m very glad to read that there were no side effects from your christmas dinner! PS. Lovely that the garden has plenty to tempt Littl’urchin outside – fun times ahead! xx
Thanks Caro, I have high hopes for those little ponds. Roll on spring so we can all get cracking
What an amazing haul of goodies, you are going to be busy with all your planting. Your dinner looks amazing, glad you all survived your out of date vegan turkey! Looks as though you all had such fun!
I certainly will be busy planting and sowing. I can’t wait for spring to get stuck in. Thanks
Oh gosh
I am drooling 
it’s been three years since I had a proper roast dinner, complete with Yorkshire puddings and gravy. Your Christmas banquet looks incredible.
Bulbs and bulbs galore – I’m with lil’urchin I’d be nibbling at those mushrooms as soon as they pop. Mind you, I’d be chomping on Mr Grasshead too!
Love the look in the eyes of the dog in the header photo, it’s almost saying “but Mum it’s mine,” or “yes Mum I’ll be gentle”
How I wish I could have passed a plate of roast to you!!! Hahaha…you are braver than me re chomping on the mushrooms at this stage. How well you read the dogs! xxx
Happy belated birthday wishes, you have lots of lovely presents. They are going to keep you busy. I am intrigued by your mushroom kit, it looks revolting at the moment but keep us posted.
Thanks Chloris. I sure have my hands full with all these gifts, can’t wait to see everything growing. Hahaha, the mushrooms do look revolting, I always wonder id they are edible at this stage! xxx
Wonderful gifts, they are going to keep you busy. Those mushrooms blocks look really intriguing am really interested to see how they turn out.
Thanks Sustainablemum. It’s always fascinating watching mushrooms grow. I’ll keep you
I’m glad there were no adverse affects after eating geriatric vegan turkey. You will be certainly busy dealing with all your lovely gifts,
Oh, me too Sue, I was surprised how out of date the tofurky was. I’m looking forward to planting and sowing, roll on
Oh yes you will have your work cut out for you and Little Urchin will think that she has entered a magical garden…..which of course she has. I love the chimp:)
Happy New Year by the way – may it be filled with peace, love and good health. Here’s to a year brimming with creativity:) and maybe a year when we will see one another again.
Sending much love. Janet XXXXX
Thanks Janet, that chimp sure is quirky! Oh, how lovely it would be to get together this year, maybe we should despite what covid is doing. Love and
Sometimes, matured food goods are far tastier, Christmas Puds come to mind. Your fine festive table is very welcoming. The family will have loved it.
What a trail of green fingered goodies you have. Can you hire another growing plot? You’ve never mentioned space for a roof garden, or the possibility of increasing, step up by step up, raised beds. Was there ever a film called “Carry on superwoman Dina”, if not there should be.
Your garden toys are going to fit in well. Nice to see the four paws friends having a party.
The best of wishes for 2022! Take care. xxxxxxx
Thanks Menhir. Ha! I’ll be in need of another plot if people keep on buying me plants! I would love a roof garden but hubs worries about the weight damaging the roofs. Oh, believe me I’m no superwoman!!!xxxx
Happy birthday and Happy Christmas! You have been given so many plants and packets of seeds, it will be a busy spring. Everything seems to be thriving and your Christmas lunch looks like a lovely hearty meal to warm you all at Christmas.
Have fun with the dogs and Littl’urchin, nothing like having Christmas and presents with a little one around.
Best wishes for the New Year.
Thanks Gerrie. Yes, it certainly will be a busy spring, I’m looking forward to seeing everything growing, especially the ponds. Oh, how true. Little kids sure make
Hope you had a good Christmas
Thanks Peter, I did, hoping you and yours enjoyed the holidays
Happy Belated Birthday Wishes
You certainly received some lovely presents.
I do like the flamingo and blue peacock, and the chimpanzee garden ornament.
Enjoy all of your presents, and happy gardening.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Yes, here’s to happy gardening and seeing what comes up, hopefully spring is just around the
Man, you weren’t kidding about “The Haul” — that is an amazing range of plants and bulbs and grasses you’ve got there!!! Not to mention the nice range of garden decorations. Agree with Linda — that blue peacock is quite lovely.
I still have your Glimfeather (owl) guy peeking next to pittosporum tenuifolium tree.
Agree — those mushrooms are looking a mite iffy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy experimenting!
I certainly have received some lovely gifts, they’ll keep me out of trouble. Loving that Glimfeather still has a home in your lovely new garden! Sam is doing well, he’s passed the dreaded two months the vets gave him two weeks ago and touch wood, hasn’t had any fits or nose bleeds. he’s doing everything he always does albeit with a severely snuffly nose. Thanks
Your blue peacock really caught my eye. There’s a country place on my way to a friend’s house that has two blue peacocks: one on either side of their gate. I’m going to have to stop and take a better look, because it certainly seems that they’re either identical to yours, or very close. That chimp garden ornament is a hoot — I really like that one.
It’s going to be fun watching your self-contained ponds grow. None of the plants were familiar to me, but that makes sense, since you would have been provided plants more suited for your region. I’ve not yet had to break ice on the birds’ water bowl this year, so I expect our native pond plants are happy as can be.
I can imagine how good those peacocks on the gateposts look! Littl’urchin has named the chimp Charlie! I can’t wait to see those little ponds mature, they should look lovely when blooming. Good to hear you haven’t had any severe frosts yet. Thanks
The flamingo, the peacock and the chimpanzee will be loved by your granddaughter. Great garden ornaments. You’re going to be very busy arranging your little ponds, grasses, planting bulbs and sowing seeds. I get the sense of anticipation and energetic activity from your blog post. Take care and all the best.
Oh yes, Littl’urchin is thrilled with the new additions. I can’t wait for spring now, it will be lovely seeing all those bulbs coming up and pond plants growing. Thanks
Aww Dina – what a lovely post, as usual. You are going to be sooo busy. In fact I suspect you need to start trading up your garden … can you buy the plot next door?? Happy new year to you and yours – there’s always something to be happy about, especially growing plants. Hugs xx
Thanks Gill, haha, yes, I need more land! I can’t wait to see these babies in the ground and
Lovely post and pictures. You certainly did well for lovely presents. Happy planting and sowing.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, I’m looking forward to getting everything in the
My goodness, fancy discovering you’ve been sold something two years out of date, I’m glad there were no adverse effects. Wishing you a happy belated birthday, what wonderful gifts, things that will give you pleasure for a long time to come.
I was pretty surprised to see how out of date that tofurky was. I was lucky re not getting sick. Thanks
Oh my goodness! What a lot of greenery and garden fun! Can’t wait to see what all of this yields in your garden adventures. The mushrooms and ponds look fascinating.
So good to see sweet Sam, Annie, and Buddy playing together. My little ones are enduring a cold snap and missing their longer outdoor time.
Your Christmas dinner looks and sounds delicious! What a feast. Your home always looks so welcoming and cozy!
Love to all in the New Year, especially Birthday Girl and all those garden adventures ahead.
Thanks Kitty, I can’t wait to get everything in the ground and growing. I do hope your pups get to enjoy their longer walks again, it’s similar here, pretty chilli. Roll on spring! Love and hugs to all.xxxx
Happy Belated Birthday! You have some fantastic gifts; I quite fancy growing my own mushrooms and those mini ponds are a great idea. We’ve tried tofurkey in the past and really liked it too. It’s also great in sandwiches with stuffing and cranberry sauce. Enjoy your new plants and seeds. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. You should give mushroom growing a whirl, it’s wonderful seeing them growing. I’m addicted to tofurky now, it’s great on a sandwich with a little beetroot or piccalilli. I must look out for the chicken version. I must try it with stuffing and cranberry sauce! Yum! I’m looking forward to seeing how those ponds work out, they should be good for the