I haven’t had a good look around the garden of late, given the endless, grim weather.

The watercress seems to have been steadily growing all year.

I noticed the first hellebore buds…

and the winter box is blooming, oh, the scent is just lovely.

The first bulbs are pushing through, daffodowndillies methinks…

and I’ve spotted the first snowdrops.

Seeing the garden awakening reminds me of all the brushing, clearing, pruning and cutting back I need to be getting on with.
Soon, I tell myself, soon!

Indoors, I’ve become quite besotted with Lithops, my living stones. I’m hoping they flower later this year. Daughter bought me a packet of living stone seeds; the advice re the germination and growing of these babies is…patience!

Mr Grasshead has proved to be a huge hit with Littl’urchin. He’s had two haircuts to date and has recently sported a pony tail and bunches, a Mohican may be next.
The terracotta lama and sheep have been de-cress-ed now and I’m hoping to use them for growing micro greens throughout the year.
The plant beneath Mr Grasshead is a wandering Jew. I bought it online and it arrived withered, to within an inch of it’s life. Lots of tlc is still required.
And Finally…

the ‘shrooms have gone from decidedly scary to distinctly edible!
Until next time, stay safe guys.xxx
We have had some lovely sunny days to potter in the winter garden this month, aren’t the scents wonderful? I never thought of growing Supermarket watercress. I must try it, it’s full of vitamins.
I’m catching up with your news and happy to see so much going on in your garden and indoors with plants that are doing well. The box looks healthy and I’m glad you included the daphne as I saw a similar shrub locally and thought the flowers were pretty. The first snowdrops are always a welcome sight. xx
Thanks Linda. It’s wonderful seeing signs of life in the garden again.xxx
How nice to see that snowdrop
Out and about you can see growth all around as plants and bulbs are slowly coming to life.
Enjoy your weekend.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, I always love to spot the first of the snowdrops. Hopefully the rest of our winter will be mild! xxx
It is always nice to see things beginning to grow in winter, signs of good things to come! I’d love to get a Mr Grasshead for my granddaughter, I think she would just love it!
I have heard that watercress is packed with vitamins and good things, another plant I must try to grow.
I’m also interested in your Lithops, your living stones, I would like to see them flower.
Thanks Gerrie. I’m sure your grands would love a Mr Grasshead. You can’t go wrong growing watercress, I hope you give it a whirl. I’m hoping for Lithop flowers, how strange they must look on the little stones.xxx
Your garden is ahead of ours. Love the shrooms.
Thanks Sue, you’re usually ahead of us!xxx
Lots of bloomin’ plantation.
Your Spider wort is doing well, (aka Tradescantia Zebrina). Lovely colours.
Stone plants are a favourite of my brother. He’s trying to train them not to be responsive when they’re not expected to be, nor grow bigger than they should within their given environment. I guess so, if he says so………. I think they’re native to deserts. Not having been to one , I can’t comment.
Tidying and clipping will be on my agenda too when the weather settles.
It’s lovely seeing the spider wort recover, I really must remember to call it that now I think on re the possible negative connotations of it’s other name! I think the living stones are desert plants, who knew you could train them! I’m just trying to keep them alive. I think all the garden chores are still a way off given these cold days, but it’s encouraging to think spring is not too far away. Thanks Menhir.xxxx
Signs of spring – always a joy! xx
Oh yes, roll on spring. Thanks Gill.xxx
Watercress is a wonderful plant, I have not grown it but have grown land cress which is the same. It tastes wonderful and is so good for you. It also seems to be really hardy too which is always a necessity where I live.
Those mushrooms, they look amazing! Hope they taste good too x
Yes, watercress is one of the easiest things to grow and is so good in salads. Full of iron I believe. I’m going to eat those mushrooms soon! Thanks Sustainablemum.xxx
I’m so taken with those Lithops. Yes, they’re odd, but they’re interesting. Your watercress reminds me of our duckweed. Now I’m wondering if duckweed’s fit for human consumption. Probably not, or it would already be in the high end groceries, but the waterfowl certainly do love it. I don’t think I’ve ever had watercress, and I don’t remember coming across it in the stores. Perhaps it’s too delicate for shipping and storage. In any event, I’m glad yours is healthy!
Lithops are fascinating, they really do look like little stones, I do hope they flower this year. I am surprised that watercress isn’t available in your parts, it’s very robust and only needs water to grow like a weed. Maybe it’s not popular in the USA. Thanks Linda.xxx
I love Mr Grasshead with his sheep and llama friends ….. laughed at your shroom chant “looks deadly must be edible” the psychology of poison, lol, I’d be truly tested not to nibble.
I have become very fond of Mr Grasshead too. Those early mushrooms sure are scary! Thanks AnneMarie.xxx
I love Mr. Grasshead:)
For the last three days we have woken to beautiful frost, and lots of sunshine…my kind of weather. I am also beginning to see lots of bulbs peeking through and some blossom on trees…..all of which reminds me that it wont be long before Spring is here with us. I can smell it in the air, and given the bird song so can the birds:). Have a wonderful weekend my friend. XXXX
Lovely to hear of all your growth, it’s always wonderful seeing those early buds. Roll on spring. Thanks Janet.xxxx
I love a walk round the winter garden, it’s such a great time to notice all the small things growing. Buds are coming up here too but the only flowers are a bright pink cyclamen and one random ox-eye daisy from last summer! I’m looking forward to seeing buds on my hellebores … hopefully soon! Cold today but warmer weather promised for the weekend, I’m surprised the garden knows what season it is!! Have a great weekend Dina xx
The weather has been very changeable this winter, I fear for many plants that come out too early. It is a great time to spot all the little things as you say. You have a very hardy little daisy!!! Thanks Caro.xxx
Good to see there’s plenty of interest given the time of year, with lots more to come.
Well done with the living stones, and I look forward to seeing them flower.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, I have everything crosses for flowers on the living stones. Theyreally are such odd little plants.xxx
You’ve reminded me to go and have a look at my winter box, didn’t notice it flowering the other day. Your mushrooms are amazing, you must tell us what you do with them. Its wonderful seeing the garden wake up once more and see all the early blooms.
I often miss the winter box, it always takes me by surprise to suddenly smell it on a cold winters day. Thanks Pauline.xxx
AS we move through summer
Yes, soon it will be autumn in your part of the world. Thanks Peter.xxx
Yikes! I’m always so surprised to see how vastly more temperate your climate is compared to ours. It’s so inspiring and refreshing to see such signs of what’s to come! So beautiful. The box and blossoms and indoor plants and fungi…such life everywhere! Thank you for this, dear one…it’s like a spiritual booster shot.
I’m always surprised to see shoots popping up everywhere in the heart of winter, it shows such promise for spring. I have to remind myself to go hunting for snowdrops and hellebores, and signs of witch-hazel flowering. Thanks Kitty, huge love and hugs to you all.xxxx
Shame you get only two harvests of those gorgeous mushrooms — at least, I think that’s what you mentioned about the kit. They look absolutely edible! As do your sweet cress. Lovely to get some brilliant green.
So nice to get a peek at the awakening garden. And your success with lithops! I’m not nearly as successful at succulents. Just haven’t got the hang of water/light requirements.
Why why why can’t we have a smidge of your rain??
The instructions on the growing kit say to turn the kit so with luck I may get four harvests, fingers are crossed! Succulents are a nightmare for sure, I’m always afraid I’ll over-water!
Here’s to you getting a little more rain. Thanks Anne.xxx
You know what? We did! Just a smidge. Thanks!
Oh my goodness ! Those mushrooms are unrecognisable after seeing them in your last blog. Looking much more friendly now
(they were a bit scary before).
Belated happy new year and happy birthday. You certainly have got a lot to get on with in the garden. I have noticed locally that shoots are appearing all over already. Commenting on both this and your last blog posts, the quirky items in your garden are so much fun. I am sure your granddaughter will love them. I do.
Lol, yes, the ‘shrooms have certainly upped their games! It’s lovely seeing those first shoots appearing, the hope of spring is encouraging, along with the lighter nights. Littl’urchin is loving the new additions. Good to know you like them too. Thanks Keggy.xxx
Those mushrooms are fabulous, it’s amazing how they change so quickly. I always enjoy seeing new signs of life at this time of year, I’m sure winter has much to throw at us yet but knowing that spring is just around the corner helps us to get through it.
Thanks Jo. I’m always surprised how quickly the mushrooms change and grow. Yes, we’ve still got winter to put up with but signs of spring are wonderful.xxx
I’m very envious of your watercress. I’m quite tempted to give it a go as I love the stuff. Is it easy? I’ve had mixed experiences ordering plants online – some have been quite disappointing, whereas I’ve been very pleased with others. It’s all a bit hit and miss. It’s so lovely to see signs of spring isn’t it and I can’t wait to see what you make with your first mushroom harvest. xx
I started my watercress from a batch from a greengrocers, it always comes with roots so I just put it in the pond or bowl of water. It grows like a weed here. Oh, I can’t wait for spring, even lighter days will do me! I will have to give some thought re what to cook with the mushrooms. Thanks Veggiemummy.xxx