As usual, I ‘ve taken pity on the plants that are growing in restricted conditions. This poor creature arrived in a rattan ball which has now been plonked on the top of the compost. The roots have grown through the rattan ball and it’s now twice the size it was.

The same has happened with the bonsai tree with exposed roots, that too has been given a decent pot to grow in.
I don’t know why I buy plants in such conditions as they always end up being potted on or planted out. My last bonsai tree is now a monster in the courtyard that constantly needs hacking back.

Shooting star
It’s been a sad week. A trustee of the rescue died suddenly; she was only in her fifties. She left behind two extremely feral house cats that needing catching. A colleague and I managed it after a frantic couple of hours. Trying to outwit two incensed, furious cats is no joke. Thankfully we were armed with towels and heavy duty gloves so none of the vicious bites and scratches hit home.
The cats are now in the rescue and will be re-homed together. I do hope they come around a little, at the moment they are in the depths of their igloos.
Recently I came across an exhausted looking wood pigeon which was pretty easy to catch. Given it didn’t have any injuries I decided to feed it up for a few days as it was clearly rake-thin. We have an outbreak of bird flu here so the rescue can’t currently admit any birds and the vets are just putting them to sleep.
After a few days it was clear that the poor creature wasn’t eating so I took it to the vet who said it had an awful case of canker that had blocked it’s entire throat. Sadly, it was put to sleep.
An unstable tree was finally taken down by a tree surgeon. Hubs didn’t want to fork out a major fortune for it’s removal so decided to cut up and dispose of the entire tree himself.
I was unaware of this and nearly had a heart attack when I saw the state of the back garden. I was furious and and have to confess to a bout of absolute ranting. That’ll take some clearing, that’s for sure!
Touch wood, Sam is doing really well. He has a runny nose and snuffles quite heavily but is still doing everything he would normally do. He runs, walks, plays, and eats well. Apart from losing a little weight you wouldn’t know there was anything wrong with him. He isn’t in any pain as he has anti-inflammatories and painkillers throughout the day.
He was given four to eight weeks, eleven weeks ago. Thankfully, he’s not had any nose bleeds or fits.
Curly cat slept on the litter tray for a few days but has now gone back to sleeping on more orthodox bedding. I noticed he was passing more water so after a lot of faffing managed to get a water sample. The vet didn’t pick up on any infection but did say it was very diluted which could indicate kidney failure for which there is no treatment.
There is no way Curly will go into a cat carrier or be handled by a stranger so I’ll have to employ the rescue vet to come to the house if any further treatment is required. Our rescue vet is accustomed to handling feral cats and I am able to hold Curly.
It’s all about taking things a day at a time with Sam and Curly cat.
In other news, I found dozens of lady birds all huddled together under the rock rose leaves, I did wonder if they were trying to keep warm.
And Finally…
remember the shrooms? I harvested the first batch and after much pondering on how to cook them I simply decided to add some chestnut mushrooms and have the lot on toast.
Oh my!
I’ve now turned the box as I think all four sides may crop. Fingers are crossed.
Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx
Oh Dina, you have reminded me of my own massive lime tree that needs a hood pruning. It is so expensive to have the tree surgeons in, so i can’t blame your hubs for trying to save some money. But what a mess! I can’t blame you either for your rant. What a shock to find the garden in that state.
And as for Sam and Curly, glad to hear they are doing well so far. I know they will get the best care from you. Each day at a time, as Janet said.
And mushrooms on toast are one of my favourite snack meals. Especially with some mashed avocado underneath the mushrooms.
*good pruning!
Lucky you having a massive lime tree! Hubs cleared the tree very quickly to my surprise, saved a fortune too! Yes, a day at a time it has to be, thankfully all is well today. Oh, I must try mushrooms on toast with avocado, that sounds delicious! Thanks Caroline.xxx
I’m so glad that Sam is continueing to do well and that Curly improves. Your hubs has a lot of work to do there, hope he manages it all ok. The mushrooms on toast look heavenly!x
Thanks Pauline. Hubs did a great job clearing that tree!xxx
I can’t quite envision “feral house cats”. I’m sorry about your colleague passing so suddenly. Hope those cats will calm down enough to accept a new home.
Thanks so much for that update on Sam. I’ve been worrying over him. May he continue to beat his odds! And Curly. Oh Curly.
Aaaaand you’ve got me craving mushrooms on toast. Well done, you!
Thanks Anne. I was surprised by how feral the cats were given my colleague had them for over ten years. Curly was feral but became friendly with our household quite quickly. Yes, here’s to Sam and Curly beating their odds! Hope you indulged in the mushrooms!xxx
Don’t our pets give us a lot of worry but they are so worth it.
There always seems to be some ‘fashionable’ wat of displaying plants which rarely survive the test of time. It’s similar with those mixed displays that you can buy as gifts, The plants usually end up needing their own space.
Oh yes, our pets are worth all the worry, but it’s always so hard parting with them. Yes, these plant fads are a pain as you say. Thanks Sue.xxx
I’ve never heard of mushrooms on toast! Creamed eggs, or tuna? Certainly — but never mushrooms. It looks so wonderful, I’m going to give it a try.
I had a pigeon who died on my balcony, and who exhibited the same symtoms: unable to eat, although it could drink a bit. It was so terribly sad, but I suspect now it may have had the same problem as yours. After it was gone, I did give it a proper burial at a nature center, in a spot where I knew it wouldn’t be found or disturbed (by humans, at least). Sigh. It’s a hard world, for sure. Still, as I remind myself every year when the baby mallards start getting gobbled up, it they all lived we’d be up to our hips in ducks.
It’s good to see Curly and Sam doing well. I’m sorry about your coworker, and full of admiration for those who caught the feral cats. It was hard enough for me to catch my Dixie Rose, who tended toward feralness whenever she realized I was after her!
If you haven’t had mushrooms on toast, you haven’t lived! I like to fry them in a little vegetable oil, or alternatively you can use a little water instead. Or if you are feeling decadent, you can add a creamy sauce. There are lots of recipes out there. And a bit of chopped parsley on the top finishes it off nicely.
I do hope you gave mushrooms on toast a whirl and were not disappointed. How sad about your pigeon, yes, it sounds like it had the same symptoms as mine. As you say, nature can be cruel. Catching those cats was a challenge for sure, I do hope they calm down and get re-homed. Thanks Linda.xxx
So glad you were able to catch the cats, I wonder if anyone will take them if they are so hard to handle….well the world is full of kind people.
Good luck with Curly cat and Sam and hope they stay well. It is much harder to do anything during this pandemic, so I hope they both stay in reasonable health.
Chestnut mushrooms on toast sounds delicious!
Thanks Gerrie. Re-homing those cats will certainly be a challenge! I’m hoping they calm down a little as they will be handled more now. I have my fingers crossed for Sam and Curly, one day at a time it is.xxx
Oh well done on harvesting mushrooms, I was quite dubious when I saw the kit but they look delicious. Good luck with your pets, I hope they continue to keep well. I always think Bonsai is a bit cruel, like feet binding in China years ago. Shooting Star is a beauty.
I must say those mushrooms looked pretty toxic in the early stages but oh my, they sure were good! I agree re bonsai being cruel, I don’t know why I keep falling for it, I always pots them on or plant them in the garden. Thanks Chloris.xxx
You do see life in all its forms. Would a leaf vacuum deal with the issues with the c,utting up of the tree? Seems you may have next year’s Xmas pressie sorted. An electric garden chopping/mulching machine.
I wonder how old Curly is. Your TlC with your pets is magic.
I’m sure I’d get addicted to fresh mushrooms on toast. I salivate at the thought.
My condolences at the loss of your colleague. Two feral cats to home as a pair. That won’t be easy, not even if they were individually offered. I hope all works out for them.
Take care. Xxxx
Hubs has cleared the tree surprisingly quickly! Yes, a garden mulcher would earn it’s keep here, good idea! I think Curly must be around twenty year old, he’s such a trooper, I hope he hangs on in there. Oh, I would buy those mushroom kits every month if they were a little cheaper, I’m a hobbit when it comes to mushrooms. Yes, it’s no easy task finding those poor cats a home but I have my fingers crossed. Thanks Menhir.xxxx
That is a lot of clearing to be done! I hope it doesn’t leave too much mess. So glad to see your other plants are thriving. The bird flu seems to everywhere doesn’t it, it is so sad to see the photos of dead birds I keep seeing on my FB feed. I am glad to hear the animals in your life are currently thriving and those mushrooms look yummy!
Thanks Sustainablemum, I was surprised how quickly hubs cleared that tree, maybe it looked worse than it was. Oh, it’s horrific hearing about how many birds are dying, I do hope it passes quickly. Those shrooms were utterly delicious.xxx
A lot of living with dying in this post, which of course we all are (meaning every living thing on Earth). I’m so sorry for the sudden loss of such an earnest member of the rescue team. Hooray for getting her cats together and safe!
The wood pigeon was blessed by your love as it prepared to leave the world; how kindly you usher life to deeper life, and through it to the next mystery, my friend.
So glad for thriving plants and Sam and Curly knowing your loving sustenance and joyful heart. Your rant is understandable, since the felled tree threatened the life beneath it..and the mess is not fun to clear…but I know you love the one who made the mess, too, so that will be restored as well. Humans gotta human!
I must go; your mushroom feast has made me very hungry.
Peace and joy to your week! Mind bird viruses; they can transfer to humans, but I’m sure you know that. Just want you safe.
Special hugs to Sam and Curly!
Thanks so much Kitty, I was sorry about that poor woodpigeon, such a shame it couldn’t be helped. I do hope those poor cats calm down and get re-homed together.
I must say I was surprised how quickly hubs cleared that tree, maybe the rant egged him on! Haha, aren’t mushrooms the best, especially on toast! Yes, I did wonder if the woodpigeon had bird flu but had to try to help it. I was super careful around it. Huge love and hugs to all.xxxx
It’s certainly been somewhat up and down week for you one way and another.
I’m glad to hear that Sam is still doing okay.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, Sam is still perky and more or less his usual self, fingers crossed.xxx
Live is all about one day at a time. The loss of your colleague shows us this….we never ever know and so we must make the best of every single day.
Glad to hear everyone and every creature is doing relatively well….although having said that, it is that time of the year when there is lots of stuff around.
It wont be too long before spring is with us….mild balmy days – oh wow.
Sending love – stay well Janet `xxxxx
Yes, it’s best to live in the moment and make the most of it. It’s cold here but spring is still slowly marching in. Love and hugs.xxx
I’ve been wondering how Sam is, lovely to see such happy photos of him doing well. I’m glad that Curly has vacated his toilet, haha, I’m sure you provide him with much more comfortable bedding. Oh, sad about the little pigeon, not all rescues have a happy ending, but it’s good that they don’t have to suffer. Those mushrooms look delicious, fingers crossed that you get another crop.
Thanks Jo. Fingers crossed, Sam and Curly are still doing well. Unfortunately the mushroom kit was knocked over by the dogs and is now in the compost heap, maybe it will carry on growing there! xxx
Pleased to read that Sam and Curly Cat are still doing well.
Shrooms on toast … delicious
Enjoy the coming weekend, the weeks seem to pass by so quickly!
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. This year does seem to be flying by.xxx
Ooh, shrooms on toast – yummy! R is very good at pruning things and leaving the branches lying all over the lawn. I’m the one who has to clear up the mess before it kills the grass! I’m glad your plants are thriving. One of my favourite bits of garden centres and plant shops is the ‘sad corner’ where half dead specimens are sold off cheaply. If you manage to resuscitate them, you can get some marvellous bargains. I’m glad that Sam and Curly cat are still enjoying life and I hope your 2 rescue kitties find a loving home. xx
It’s so easy to cut things back, it’s always the clearing up afterwards that takes longer. I love rescuing plants from the reduced corner too, I found some real bargains in the past. Thanks Veggiemummy.xxx