The laurel and hedging is looking rather pretty at the moment despite the greyness of the days.

How I wish these hellebores could raise their sorrowful heads.

Suddenly, crocus are everywhere. Touch wood, the rain hasn’t damaged their delicate flowers yet.
This little yellow one certainly wasn’t planted by me. I just love the dark blue ones, about to open, on the right.
These little clumps, growing in the lawn are self-seeded too. Crocus never seem to grow where I plant them.
The snowdrops will be over soon, how I’ve enjoyed them this winter, a breath of fresh air they are.

This quaint primula has popped up in the lawn too, I’ll have to dig it up before the lawn is mown.

Rosemary flowers…

and the first Tete-a-Tete beginning to bloom.

Just look at this little haul that hubs let me choose for Valentine’s day. That’s me sorted for onions, potatoes, vegetable seeds and flowers. Most of these items were half price, a steal at twenty pounds for the lot!
The yellow blob on kitchen roll is a mango stone that I’m going to try my hand at growing.
And Finally…
I have a new wooden shed/greenhouse.

The chaps had this up in two hours! It now needs painting, and all the protective covers removing from the windows, then all that’s needed is shelving. More on that later.
We have two storms rolling in this week with wild, wild winds and possible snow predicted. I do fear for this shed/greenhouse amongst other things. Thankfully, the roof has been repaired over the last few days, lets hope it holds!

Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx
Love the blooms and colors. Flowers make me happy.
Thanks Amalia. Oh yes, flowers make me happy
Lovely wooden greenhouse… great choice. I will get somehing similar to put a couple of chicken
to be sure my kids receive real bio eggs from creatures well treated.
I’m hardly trying to be vegan, but sometimes I use cheeses for the food I cook. Some recepieses are so difficoult to bake with the cheese surrogate.
Hugs and kisses
Thanks Claudine. How exciting re getting chickens, I’d love to rescue some too. I totally agree, vegan cheese is awful, I can’t wait for someone to come up with a good substitute. Love and hugs to
I do like your lovely spring flowers, ours too seem to be growing well, always a joy to see.
I like the look of your new shed too.
Stay safe and warm in the storms … Eunice has not been a good one.
Fortunately Eddie and I have been okay but my heart goes out to all those who have not been as fortunate.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Yes, a lot of people had it so much worse than us. Hopefully that’s the end of the high winds, we’ve all had more than our fair share this
How exciting to have a new greenhouse but a worry with the storms gathering, Your garden photos are similar to the ones that I have just taken
Thanks Sue. It’s always exciting getting a new greenhouse isn’t it. Thankfully it wasn’t damaged! Yes, our flowers are very similar this year. Usually you are ahead of us. xxx
It was good to catch up and see how your garden and gardening is progressing. I hope the storms that we’re experiencing right now have not caused any damage as I remember you’ve only just cleared up from the last lot of bad weather. The shed will be very useful. Take care all of you there in your corner.
Thanks Linda. All good here this time around, the first early storm did the most damage around here hitting all our vulnerable spots. I’m glad we got the roof repaired in time for these latest storms. xxx
Such an uplifting post, and I love your shed – hope it survives the storm and gives you many happy hours!
Thanks Gill. Thankfully the shed survived, I’ll certainly make good use of
I always enjoy seeing your flowers that don’t thrive here at all: crocus, snowdrops, and such. Even daffodils aren’t one of our flowers. A bit to the north there are daffodil gardens, but that ‘bit’ is a couple of hundred miles north, so it’s much easier to gather a bunch at the grocery store.
I hope that glorious shed survives the winds intact, along with the fences and such. We’ve been having some strong winds here, too. They’re not so bad as the ones predicted for you, but they certainly have brought to mind the old verse I learned as a child: “March winds and April showers join to favor bright May flowers.” You already have some flowers — I hope the winds don’t bother them, either.
I always thought daffodils grew everywhere! Thankfully the shed withstood the storms! We had little damage this time around, the first early storm did the most damage and hit all our vulnerable spots. What a lovely verse, that’s new to me. Thanks
It’s lovely to see so much colour at this time of year. Good luck with the mango.
You sure did well for Valentine’s day presents. Lucky you with the shed, which I’m sure you’ll soon put to good use.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, early spring colour is most welcome! It will be interesting seeing if that mango ever germinates. I’ll certainly put that shed to good use!xxx
It is lovely to see spring springing:). We need colour for so many reasons.
Love the look of your new shed… I do love a shed:) – and Hubs has provided you with enough stuff to grow your own nursery. I will be very interested to know how the mango develops…..
It was pretty stormy down here last night but nothing like you and further north got…and tonight apparently is the big one even down south.,,,,,Batten down the hatches everyone:)
Climate change is most definitely with us but sadly I see so many who don’t seem to give a fig!
I’m loving that new greenhouse/shed too! I can’t wait to start sowing seeds, almost time! Yes, climate change is real for sure sadly, hopefully we can all turn the tide before it’s too late. Thanks Janet, Love and
I hope your new greenhouse/shed hasn’t been damaged in the winds. We’ve got damage to a couple of fence panels but it seems we’ve got off lightly so far. Saying that, there’s worse to come. How I hate high winds, it’s my least favourite type of weather as it can cause so much devastation. It’s nice to see some colour around, though you’re further along than here, I haven’t seen a crocus of daffodil in flower yet, plenty of snowdrops though.
Fortunately there was no damage this time around, just a fence panel. I do hope all is well with you. I loathe strong wind too, as you say, they are so destructive. You have all those spring flowers to look forward to. Thanks
Lovely to see the beginning of spring happening with all your plants surfacing. I like Hellebores, but, as you said, I wish they could lift their heads. And as for crocus, I love them, but they stubbornly refused to grow anywhere that I have put them.
Your shed looks great, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the storm isn’t has bad as predicted, and that everything stay intact!
Thanks Gerrie. What a shame about not being able to grow crocus, I wonder why that is? Thankfully there was no damage this time
Your new shed/greenhouse is fantastic and your Valentine seed haul was a real bargain! I can’t wait to see if your mango seed germinates. The wind is howling outside as I type this. It’s rather cosy but I do fear for the trees. Stay warm and I’ll cross my fingers that your shed remains intact! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. Yes, that little haul was a great bargain for sure. I’m curious re the mango stone given I’ve never tried to grow one before. I do hope you didn’t sustain any damage! xxx
Hope you don’t suffer any damage tonight, especially not your lovely new shed! Hellebores are sensible, they hang their heads so that their pollen doesn’t get washed or blown away, they protect it for the bees that come when the weather is calmer and better! Lovely to see all your colour.
Thanks Pauline. Thankfully we didn’t have any major damage this time around. I think the earlier storm hit all our vulnerable spots. xxx
The wind is howling around here tonight and that’s nothing to what is forecast for Friday, stay safe!
I can imagine, it was the same here, the huge beech trees were bent almost double. Thanks Anne
I’m very excited with that greenhouse/shed (though those windy conditions makes me worry that your windows will get cracked due to flying debris). I know you’ll get great use out of it once shelves go in.
So lovely to see all the peeps of colors around your place. Hope you can save that gorgeous primrose. Such a saturated color. Also the deep indigo of your crocuses just starting out. Beautiful!
Thanks Anne. I can’t wait to get things growing in the new greenhouse. This time around we got plastic windows given how much wind we get so that’s one less thing to worry about. I love the deep blue crocus too, my favourite! xxx
Really brave of you to erect a greenhouse/shed with two back to back storms en route. We saw a tree uprooted this afternoon with a gust of wind. If the crocuses know what’s good, they’ll stay hidden a few days longer.
You are going to keep yourself busy with planting things and nurturing them. Will a Mango stone produce anything resembling its fruit in our climate, even in a greenhouse?
Your munchkin isn’t interested in playing with or near Laurels is she? I’ve always been told they have poisonous properties.
How are the pets? Also, how’s progress with the indoor plantation you have been growing with fervour and love? Xxxxxxx
We were lucky with those storms, we had no idea they were coming so fingers and toes were tightly crossed! I’ve never tried to grow a mango from a stone so it’ll be an interesting little experiment. I do tell Littl’urchin never to eat anything in the garden until I tell her it’s safe, thankfully she’s a very sensible child. Pets and plantation all doing well. Thanks Menhir. xxxx
What a lovely tour, dear one! I’m looking at drizzle, melting snow and unrelenting gray…it is quite warm (for our area) for a few days, though.
Your buds and blossoms were SUCH a treat to see! Thank you! And wow, are you ever set for veggies and flowers! What fun. I love your greenhouse. Wow! So is the old one gone or is this a second? Can’t wait to see how you paint it; I know it will be gorgeous!

Enjoy those lovely crocuses! XO
Oh, your weather sounds dreary, I hope it improves. This is a second greenhouse, I’m expanding! I’m keeping the painting plain as I don’t want it to stand out too much. Love and hugs to you all.xxxx
Your flowers are lovely, we are a little behind you here but I am looking forward to them popping up here too. I must go through my seeds and order some or else I will not be growing anything again this year!
I do hope your shed is ok in the storms, it is wild out there tonight, the wind is fair howling. Stay safe.
Thanks Sustainablemum. Here’s to you acquiring some seeds! Thankfully there was little damage this time