My mini allotment, Little Lotte, has been busily growing leeks, lettuce, winter greens, spring onions, kale, onions and garlic throughout the winter months. Now the weather is improving I’ve planted potatoes and more onions and garlic and I’ve sown runner beans that will ramble up the fences.
Now that so much clutter has been cleared from the greenhouse I’ve been able to give it a good clean. I’ve had herbs, spinach and kale growing in here throughout the winter and have now sown basil, tomatoes, broad beans, lettuce, rocket, courgettes, chillies, spinach, leeks, peppers and aubergines. I’ve sown carrot seeds in deep pots outside. That little lot will keep me busy methinks.
I’ve also trimmed the lavender, thyme and oregano and have noticed that the herbs are beginning to grow back.
The shack, which has somehow morphed into The Hut, is slowing coming to life. New shelving has been installed and innumerable house plant and flower seeds have been sown. I’m going to grow house plants, flowers, bulbs and cuttings in here and keep the greenhouse for veg and herbs.
The lemon and home grown avocado tree seem to be happy in here, they must be enjoying the extra space as they were horribly overcrowded in the greenhouse. I’ve also treated myself to a mini lemon and orange tree to keep these company. I do hope they arrive in good condition!
In the garden, more and more flowers are popping up,
and the crocus are hanging on for dear life, it’s been a wonderful year for them.

I also treated myself to this lovely Frida planter and added a string of pearls plant to act as hair.
And Finally…

aren’t these roses and lilies lovely? Daughter surprised me with them for International Women’s day. I’m hoping to take cuttings from the roses, I do hope they take.
Until next time, stay safe guys.xxx
How very strange — I’m sure I left a comment. Oh well, String of Pearls is perfect for your Frida planter! I’m so impressed with your lemon. I hope it will continue to do well for you. And I have to agree with Linda… your gardening efforts are amazing and seems a little bit exhausting this time of year. So good that you have The Hut for getting things sorted and cleared out.
Thanks Anne. I can see the Hut filling up far too quickly.xxx
I love the Frida pot and ‘hair’
You have made a good start with all your plants. Lots to enjoy later on in the year.
I am currently away from home for a few months and really miss planting my seeds. That bouquet is really lovely. I do love the smell of lillies. I never thought of taking rose cuttings from a flower arrangement. I do hope they take.
Thanks Caz. Isn’t Frida cute? Hopefully you can sow seeds when you get back, good luck with that. Next time you get gifted roses give it a whirl planting them out!xxx
Two jobs that we need to do finishing tidying the greenhouse and planting onions. Oh I forgot that’s three we need to sow some tubs with carrots. Good luck with the rose cuttings.
Thanks Sue. Good look with those jobs. I’ll keep you posted re the rose cuttings.xxx
We have been travelling, so I am late to comment I’m afraid, however, you look very busy, and everything is doing so well, you seem to be producing more than you did before Covid? Does this mean Covid had a silver lining for you and your family?
I love the flowers your daughter gave you, we had a wonderful flowering Lily, just like the one in the photo, and we have a photo of our two girls sitting beside it, when they were in primary school… so seeing yours brought a happy memory.
Stay well and enjoy spring.
Thanks Gerrie, I hope you enjoyed your travels, looking forward to hearing about them. I do seem to be growing more food each year, I like to be as sustainable as possible and covid was a wake up call. The world seems so unstable right now, it’s always comforting to have something in the ground. What a lovely memory. xxx
I think I don’t have the energy to be a gardener, let alone the skill. I’m so impressed by what you’ve already accomplished this spring. It’s going to be interesting to see how it all develops. Everyone here is hoping we’re finally past frost. There are some plants, like our strawberries, that shrug it off, but the tomato growers are getting restless!
You bouquet is beautiful; what a nice gesture. I still have crocus envy, but I’m hoping more spring flowers here will ease it a bit!
Thanks Linda. Things always start out OK but it’s early days. I had an awful tomato harvest last year, they never really got going as our spring was so cold, so I sympathise with your tomato growers. I think your delightful spring flowers more than make up for the lack of crocus.xxx
Good luck with the rose cuttings, hope it works as would be so lovely to have a memento from your bouquet. I love the Frida Kahlo planter, perfect plant for it! And I have shed/shack/hut envy – brilliant to have so much space at last but you’ve been very busy – they say that nature abhors a vacuum, so true in your shed and greenhouse, haha! xx
Thanks Caro, I have my fingers crossed for the rose cuttings! Frida sure is cute with her string of pearl hair! Littl’urchin loves her. I always manage to fill every nook and cranny so the hut will be bursting at the seams soon. Lol, how true about nature abhorring a vacuum!xxx
That’s it,, I’m moving nearer so I can volunteer to make use of any spare harvested goodies
I’m exhausted just looking at all your prowess I can’t even keep silk flowers.
You have me laughing re not being able to keep silk flowers! If only you lived nearer!xxx
Did you hace already managed to make rose seedlings from cuttings?
Unfortunately, I always throw them in the “green” to compost…
Sure it would be a great idea, but I don’t have much luck with roses. Unfortunately, we only have 2 or 3 plants, and they easily get rust… they lose all their leaves and then new buds come back.
However, the petals are beautiful to dry and then alternate with mint tea or verbena with which I give gifts!
Hugs and kisses :-)claudine
I’ve potted those rose stems up now so have my fingers crossed that they’ll take, they usually do. We get a lot of rust here too, it’s such a shame. I’ve never used rose petals for tea, how intriguing! Thanks Claudine.xxx
How lovely to read about plants and flowers and the beginning of spring. It’s an oasis in a world where thunderstorms are happening. Thanks, Dina xx
Thanks Gill. Yes, far too many thunderstorms sadly. Here’s to an end of them all. xxx
I love to see the progress of your garden….Oh how does your garden grow?:)
Love the addition of more exotic items:)
Spring is definitely springing. Enjoy XXXX
Thanks Janet, everything seems to be blooming at once, the colour is more than welcome after a long winter.xxxx
All is looking lush and delicious! Wow, what beauty and energy. How is a cutting from a flower shop rose managed? (And that is a gorgeous bouquet.)
It’s only 4:30 A.M. here and I’m hungry for salad and veggies.
I love your planter. String of Pearls has always attracted me, it’s perfect for Frieda’s hair!
Our crocuses may soon appear with the abrupt warmer temps coming; yours have certainly kept my spirit engaged and bright. All the beauty and healthy delights you create are inspiring. Thank you. XO
Thanks Kitty. I often take cuttings from bouquet roses. some I root in water, some I dip in honey and plant straight out. I have quite the success rate. Just remove the flowers and most of the leaves and hey presto, free roses! I do love string of pearls, it really doesn’t look real. Oh, it will be wonderful when your spring arrives, ours is almost over already. Huge love and hugs to all.xxxx
I always enjoy my visits to your mini allotment. You’ve created such a great space, I envy your green fingers.
Thanks Amalia. It’s handy having a mini allotment outside the kitchen door.xxx
You have been so busy, I’m exhausted just reading about what you have been doing! You are certainly going to have plenty of food this coming year. Lovely flowers fromyour daughter, what a kind thought.x
Thanks Pauline. I do hope I get a good harvest later in the year. xxx
Your garden always looks so amazing, I am in awe of what you manage to grow year round. I am hoping that I manage to actually sow some seeds this year, I did not manage any last year. I have been out tidying up the garden a little in the past week or so, just need to keep the momentum going. Your flowers are wonderful, little pops of colour to brighten this time of year.
Thanks Sustainablemum. It’s surprising how much can be grown or started off over winter isn’t it? Here’s to you getting your seeds sown.xxx
Wow, you have been busy. I really must get out to my greenhouse and sow my March seeds, I’m a bit behind with them. I love your Frida Kahlo pot with the string of pearls and your International Women’s Day bouquet is beautiful; what a lovely thought. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. I just loved that bouquet that daughter kindly bought me. I really am chuffed with Frida. Good luck sowing your seeds.xxxxxx
You’ve plenty of options for growing your vegetables, herbs etc. now that you have the greenhouse, shed and ‘Little Lotte’ space. Our indoor window sills are still fully occupied with new seedlings although today Mr P transferred some trays into the greenhouse to harden them off. The covered yard is another option as the plants get bigger. It’s always nice to be given a lovely bouquet or buy colourful pots.
Thanks Linda, the more space I get, the quicker I fill it! I do like your covered yard it’s a great place for providing a little protection to plants. xxx
It’s all looking and sounding good, and you’ve certainly been busy.
I’m surprised that you’ve sown some runner beans as I think that it’s too early for them.
Lovely crocuses. xx
Thanks Flighty. The runner beans are in a very sheltered spot so germinate quite happily for me this time of the year. It has been a good year for crocus, they’ve even survived the storms.xxx
It’s a busy time of year for gardeners, so much to do but all the hard work will pay off when harvesting time comes around. Your flowers are lovely, I had to laugh at you taking cuttings from the roses, always looking for more plants, haha. The first thing a gardener does!
Thanks Jo. The seeds seem to shoot up around now, potting on will take over soon! Yes, lol, I’m always after cuttings of some sort.xxx
You’ve certainly been busy and ‘Little Lotte’ has done you proud over the winter months, what a great collection of vegetables you are growing.
I do like your lovely new planter and the string of pearls, and the flowers your daughter bought you are very pretty.
Have a good week.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. I really am thrilled with my new planter.xxx