I’ve never seen so many ladybirds as I have this year, up to twenty at a time can be found hiding under leaves on individual shrubs and bushes.

Now that hubs has been clearing leaves, the wrought iron birds are actually visible again.
Spring flowers are popping up across the gardens…
and cherry blossom is floating on the air like confetti. How fleeting it is.

I have an awful case of lurgy at the moment, the worst I’ve had in years, I’ve barely been able to hold my head up.

I’ve a hacking cough, runny nose, sore throat, you know, the full works. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic during a phone consultation, with a view to seeing me if there is no improvement. The lurgy fits with covid, but to date I’m testing negative.
Still, we’ve had a gloriously sunny week, spending most of our time lounging and pottering around the garden as hubs took a week off. It was wonderful seeing the sun again. Back to cold today though with -1 tonight, a good evening for firing up the log burner.
Daffodils are out in their many forms…
and the fruit trees are beginning to blossom. The apricot has now gone over with the pears, damsons, cherries and plums beginning to take centre stage.
And Finally…
Daughter spoilt me rotten with some delightful plants for Mother’s Day.
This lovely purple primrose is my favourite.
Until next time, stay safe guys.xxx
Oh dear! I hope you feel better soon. It is such a shame that cherry blossom falls so quickly.
Thanks Sue, I am feeling better by the day. Yes, I do wish cherry blossom would last longer.xxx
I think I can share the feeling of “annoyance” caused by the state of health… 13 months after I got covid, I am still not what I was before. OK let’s also put the age too, as Emanuele Giosuè says. Of course the fluctuating temperature does not help us, neither there, nor here in the south (it snowed again up to 900 m. And today it is 5 degrees with an annoying wind).
But your garden is beautiful in bloom… and come on, come on, soon it will be even more bloomier. A hug
Oh, so sorry to hear you are suffering with long covid, here’s to you feeling yourself again soon. Your weather sounds dreary, here’s to that improving too! Love and hugs to you all.xxxx
Your garden and plants look lovely, so colourful.
Sending lots of healing thoughts and good wishes to you, hoping you feel better soon
Take care.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. I’m finally feeling more human again for which I’m grateful. xxx
I expect you enjoyed Hub’s time off and your gardening has also benefited.
However, sorry to hear about your bad cold lingering on. Here, I look back at to those warmer days we had in March and hope better weather returns this month and beyond. We had a slight sprinkling of snow overnight again, but it’s dry unlike yesterday’s sleet and hail storm. They say that ladybugs indicate a healthy gardening environment. I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks Linda, I’m on the mend now which is a relief. Goodness, more snow! The weather is certainly changeable to put it mildly! There won’t be a green fly to be seen this year given all our ladybirds!xxx
That forsythia is glorious! And it’s really interesting about the lady bugs. I’ve never seen so many as I have this year. One day, they quite literally were swarming. I can’t remember who I mentioned the experience to — might have been you — but there were so many they were crawling all over me as well as the plants!
I can’t believe so many mentions of snow. Of course I don’t know where everyone is, but I know where you are, and that kind of weather is just insulting. I do suspect the upanddown temps and the change in seasons may have you a little draggy. Lots of people here are suffering from allergies, thanks so our rambunctious, flowering trees! I hope you feel better soon.
The forsythia sure is loud but most welcome at this time of the year. How odd re your ladybirds, they are almost swarming here too now! It’s quite late for snow in the UK, the weather certainly has been up and down, climate change I suppose! Thankfully I’m finally feeling better. Thanks Linda. xxx
lovely colourful photos. It does make you believe Spring is sprung. We’ ve popped back into winter. Snow sleet and hail showers with highs of 4degC. And frosty nights.
Thanks Menhir. Ouch, your weather sounds horrid, I do hope it’s warming up now. xxxx
I hope you feel better very soon. At least you have those gorgeous Mother’s Day flowers to cheer you up. We’ve had some glorious sunny weather recently but then it went and snowed today! Love your iron birds. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy, I’m feeling far better now. Goodness, you got snow too??? The weather is weird this year, very up and down.xxx
You poor thing! Do hope you feel better soon. Until then, keep warm and keep dosing yourself.
I love the primrose: I took a walk yesterday and found one in someone’s bank which is a beautiful very delicate pale mauve colour. Never seen one like it before!
Hugs xx
Thanks Gill, I’m feeling a lot better now, that sure was some bug! I love that primrose too, as it matures the flowers become lighter and lighter, so delicate. Your primrose sounds lovely!xxx
My sympathies, I hope that you feel better soon.
Lovely pictures, and lucky you seeing so many ladybirds.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty, thankfully I’m on the mend now.xxx
Spring has sprung spectacularly for you up there.
Thanks Peter, I hope you are having decent weather.xxx
Oh no, I hope you feel better soon. The colour of spring here is white, we’ve got up to snow this morning and more forecast tonight, I doubt it will hang around though, Hard to believe we were walking round in T-shirts last week. Your garden is looking lovely with all the pops of colour and the blossom is gorgeous. I haven’t seen a single ladybird, bee or butterfly yet this year.
Thanks Jo, I’m on the mend now. Goodness! Snow!!! How odd the weather is this year, up and down. I wonder why there are so many ladybirds here yet sparse in other parts of the UK. There are lots of bees about here too, sadly many are dying. xxx
So sorry to hear that you are not well,do take care of yourself and don’t try to do too much. How wonderful to have such a pretty colourful garden to enjoy, so many different flowers and so many ladybirds, I have only seen one so far!x
Thanks Pauline, thankfully I’m feeling a lot better. How odd that you haven’t seen many ladybirds, they are absolutely everywhere here at the moment.xxx
Your garden is looking wonderfully colourful and full of spring flowers, that should cheer you up with that awful lurgy…..my daughter had something similar, (not as bad) and she also came up with a negative COVID test, although the symptoms were similar.
Last year we had so many ladybirds, but this year almost none. However, we’ve had so much rain this year, we have attracted every bug in Australia!
Hope you get well soon.
Thanks Gerrie. Covid is everywhere here, I’m sure that’s what I had despite the negative tests. We’re just expected to live with it now. How odd about the ladybirds! They are almost swarming here.xxx
Ladybirds and Lurgy. Someone was just saying that there are so many ladybirds this year….and as for Lurgy – I have had it and other people I know are complaining of the same thing. I think it’s the change of season and up and down weather patterns.
It is lovely to see colour everywhere…..after last weeks gorgeous weather we are now into cold again….one day at a time:)XXXX
Thanks Janet. There are even more ladybirds around now, I’ve never known a year with so many. Yes, the lurgy does seem to be doing the rounds for sure, everyone seems to have something.xxxx
I am so sorry to hear that you have been so unwell. I do hope you are feeling better soon, its sounds like you have been really ill.
Your garden photos are wonderful as always, I would love to come a visit your space it always looks so amazing in your photos. The blooms are wonderful. Reading about other people’s gardens inspired me to spend a day tidying up last weekend, my garden looks so much better now!
Thanks Sustainablemum. I’m sure I’ve had a bad bout of covid despite testing negative. Thankfully I’m finally on the mend. You are more than welcome to visit if you’re ever in the area. Glad you have cracked on with your garden, it’s surprising how good a garden looks after a tidy up.xxx
REALLY sorry to read you’re feeling so weary, dear friend. Hope the Dr. can get to the root of it and restore your pep. In the meantime, rest, please.
My, the colors are glorious! What a treat for my eyes and my heart. It’s hard, at this time of year, with all these gray, rainy days, to imagine our gardens will ever be in bloom like this again! So, thank you for this. And hooray for your darling daughter’s Mother’s Day gifts. Wow!
I love your beautiful birds, too. What a glorious accent for your gorgeous gardens.
Thank you for all the eye treats: now take good care of yourself!
Thanks Kitty, I’m finally on the mend, just the annoying cough now. I’m hoping your garden is beginning to come to life now, what bursts of colour and growth you have to look forward too. Huge love and hugs to all. xxxx
I’m so sorry about the lurgy! No fun feeling unwell. Here’s to a swift recovery!
Your big photo on top is amazing! (Is that forsythia?) My jaw was still dropped as I scrolled through the other blooms and progress in the garden. You had a photo of something greenish that looks like euphorbia. I’m new to them and loving their strange habits. Those white daffs are beautiful (making lists for next year).
Thanks Anne. The lurgy sure lingered, finally I’m beginning to improve! Yes, it’s forsythia, so very yellow but welcome at this time of the year. That is only the second euphorbia I’ve ever bought, I do like it’s lime green colour. Here’s to making lists!xxx