I always plant three crops of potatoes in succession as seen above, now my third crop is coming up, despite Buddy sitting on it. I seem to have potatoes in barrels and pots everywhere this year, along with onions, but I always think a gal can never have too many potatoes or onions.

Last year’s autumn crop of onion and garlic is beginning to die back, so will need harvesting soon, allowing the squash to take it’s place.

Last year’s winter greens are looking ready for harvesting too. Thankfully, they are untouched by the emerging cabbage whites.
Carrots and courgettes are beginning to put on a little growth…

and water cress is in abundance, growing easily in pots and containers.

Runner beans are up and are managing to grow despite slug attacks…
and spring onions, kale, leeks, beetroot and broad beans are thriving in pots in my mini alotement.

Last years kale has now gone over and when I’ve collected the seed, they can also come out.
Brassicas, tomatoes, basil and chillies are coming on in the greenhouse along with lettuce, rocket and chives.
Herb stations are also putting on a growth spurt and are now being picked daily.
And Finally…
Hubs and I have been frantically digging up plants and re-potting them from the front garden, as the builders will be coming in three weeks to carry out some major restructuring work.
To date about ninety plants have been dug up, mainly soft fruit and herbs which will eventually go back into new beds.
I’ve also been trying to straighten out the beds that will stay, tell you what, all this digging, weeding and hacking has every bone in my body screaming!
Hopefully the new front garden will be easier to manage once completed. More about that next week.
Until then, stay safe guys. xxx
I must say, I always so enjoy my visits to your garden! It has such charm and the vegetables are coming along impressively well.
Looking good Dina ! Your hard work will pay off when you are sitting down to eat all those veg. I have left last year’s kale in situ because the bees seem to enjoy the yellow flowers. I am looking forward to seeing the new garden design.
My goodness you !… this is an over the top green grocer that you are running here, no wonder you are sore to the bone with all that you are doing ! But what a wonderfully, satisfying way to spend your time . I could never manage all of that but I totally admire the gardeners that do! .. I do some herbs in hopes of drawing in butterflys .. and yes a little on the side for my cooking as well always helps ? haha
One day I might just try potatoes in a pot just to see what would happen
Rest those achy bones girl ! Good luck with the renovations, I am so interested to read and see what will be happening !
You always inspire me with your use of space in the garden… not one bit wasted! We also liked your rotation of potatoes…we must try that. Isn’t it wonderful growing your own veggies …. Nothing better!

Wow! So much loveliness from your garden in this post. Your veggies look amazing as always. That is a lot of repotting I hope you back has recovered now and your building work is going ok if it has started now.
It all looks wonderful….and I know you will enjoy those veggies throughout the year. Wish I lived next door so that I could poach a few:)
Enjoy the warmer weather….XXXX
Wow. I’m excited to see the big project reveal (she says, from the safe seats on this side of the pond). Moving that many plants is surely not for the faint of heart. I’m impressed with your stamina.
So good to see the progress in your garden. All that fresh green emerging, esp that gorgeous cress. Was just wondering how your plants fared in their enclosure — good to see them flourishing without marauding cabbage whites.
It’s a busy enough time without needing to dig pants up for safe keeping. We have a man working at installing new bedroom furniture at the moment so only pot plants to move.
Just noticed the typo – Oops. Digging up pants would be intriguing,
Buddy must have warmed up the soil. Bless him.
Making gardening less exerting is coming to lots of us. The suppression of weeds and other unwanted elements seems to be less effective than sliced bread!
Nice pics xxx
Oooooh, I’m excited to see the new project! What a lot of work to prepare for it. My goodness! I hope you can book a safe and wonderful massage!
All looks glorious, as always in your garden. You make it look much, much easier than I know it is; you’re such a hard worker and talented gardener.
Thank you for a very inspiring post. I’m wondering when your veggies restaurant is opening?!
Love to you and all. XO
You certainly have a good rotation of veggies going on and plenty of crops to harvest. It’s a busy time in the garden. I hope the making way for the building work goes well.
It’s all sounding and looking good. I agree about onions and potatoes so I grow lots too.
I hope that the building work goes okay.
Thanks, and for you too. xx
I think I may have planted too many potatoes this year, ah well. Your veggies are looking superb – especially those butterfly-free greens, delicious. My kale has gone over too, I’ve never tried collecting the seed before, but you’ve inspired me to give it a go. Can’t wait to see all your building work. xx
What a lovely lot of vegetables you have in your garden.
You can’t beat home-grown
Good luck with the building work.
All the best Jan