Between the rescue, caring for our adorable Littl’urchin [always a pleasure] and frantically digging up and repotting the remaining plants from the front garden and having a social life has resulted in life being a little busy of late.
We’ve been trying to weed/prune and cover all the borders that will remain in the front garden as the builders move in on Monday and will need at least three weeks to do the renovations. More on that next week.
My faithful old canon camera has sadly given up the ghost, but thankfully I’ve managed to snap all these images with my mobile phone.

Roses are dominating the garden at the moment and the fragrance on sunny days is decidedly heady.
Bees are smothering shrubs, flowers and herbs, mainly bumble bees. I read recently that we should avoid killing any flying insects entering our homes as their numbers are dropping drastically. I’m not sure if this applies to bluebottles!

Columbine is out in all it’s glory…

along with the rock rose that has put on a delightful show…

as have these peonies.
A neighbour rang recently: she had found a hedgehog in her garage. It had only been in there for a few minutes, but she was concerned that it may have eaten mouse poison as she found it on a bowl full of it.
I took it home for a few days and kept a sharp eye on it. Happily all was well and the hog was released back into her garden.

A Brian Adams concert was enjoyed, and several large “do’s” attended, from postponed retirements to birthday celebrations and numerous gatherings with friends. Goodness, seems like life here has suddenly got back to normal, exhausting it is!
Hubs and I also celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary, struth, where did that go? Obviously I was a child bride!
Until next time, stay safe guys.xxx
What a month ! It’s nice that the social gatherings have started up again – but all in the same month ! Sounds exhausting but fun.
Your garden is looking lovely as usual. I don’t know where you find the time. Builders always create chaos but I am sure the results will be worth it. Looking forward to photos of the end result.
And how lucky for that hedgehog that your neighbour found him and handed him over to you before he got into trouble !
P.s. I am still reading and loving all of your posts even if I don’t always manage to leave a comment.
Snowbird congratulations on the anniversary !! I was also a child bride ! LOL … and you went to a Brain Adams concert !!!
All your roses are GORGEOUS !!! … I only have a few but I am imagining that spectacular scent .. there is nothing like the scent of roses is there ? .. You are so busy and the builders add to upending your life .. fingers crossed for you that it goes well and quickly .. time seems to be flying by as it is. That sweet little hedgehog … that was a close call indeed.
The new look to your bog is AMAZING .. I have been stuck on my old format forever … I think I am afraid of jumping off the cliff with that one .. so well done YOU !!
Enjoy and stay well and happy !!
Oh my. Your blog! I almost didn’t recognize it. Very impressed with your phone-photo skills. Is this the Canon your husband gifted you not all that long ago?!
The parade of gorgeous blooms seems never to end! Isn’t spring wonderful? You’ve got such amazing color and texture and scents to enjoy. Those roses are looking stellar. And those peonies? Pretty as a painting with those delicate shades.
Many many congratulations on your anniversary! Definitely child bride. Wishing you many many more years together, enjoying life and friends and even the frenzy.
I know! My blog suddenly froze and refused to let me answer comments after I updated it so daughter changed it, it’s a work in progress at the moment! Yes, my poor old Canon has had it’s day, I do miss it. Thanks Anne.xxx
<===== It went that way!!
Talk about life in the fast lane, renovations, gardening, rescuing, childminding AND a whirlwind social life … I'm exhausted thinking about it.
The builders are finally here…oh, the noise and the mess! Thanks Anne Marie.xxx
Lovely to hear from you and so glad that you are doing ok. Your garden is looking magnificent as always. It sounds like you have been really busy with so many lovely things. Many congratulations on your wedding anniversary, your meal out looks delicious.
Thanks Sustainablemum. It’s been pretty dry around these parts so everything is looking somewhat wilted. Here’s to rain! xxx
Congratulations one child bride to another. When Martyn and I were at school together, I never imagined that we would end up together some years later. Time has flown.
A wasp had a lucky escape after it was sitting under a bathroom tap and stung Martyn. I was popped out of a window in one piece..
Thanks Sue, time sure does fly by! Poor Martyn, and a very lucky wasp, most people would have swatted it.xxx
Some stunning photos demonstrating the joys of life and living. Youthful energy obviously at play!
Thanks Menhir. Mobile cameras sure have come a long way. I do miss my Canon though.xxx
Congratulations on your 40th….a wonderful achievement:). Your garden looks as glorious as ever and like you my life seems to have sped up…and things do feel as if they are almost back to pre pandemic ways of being. I believe that the warmer weather gets us all going.
I obviously missed something re your upcoming building work. Good luck with that…and let’s hope the weather stays good for you. Enjoy and have much fun. XXXX
Thanks Janet. It’s unbelievable how quickly those forty years have flown! The builders are here as I type, goodness, you always forget how disruptive these jobs can be. Still, the sun is shining, so upwards and onwards!xxx
Congratulations on your fortieth wedding anniversary, something to celebrate for sure! We are a bit ahead of you, and now our kids tell us they are feeling older too. Maybe during Covid no one talked about age, or feeling older, because we didn’t have anyone to talk to!!
It sure is busy again, I agree with you, quite hectic going out all the time. (but good)
Your garden is looking great and the roses are gorgeous! Lovely for us to see as we are in the middle of winter. Enjoy your garden and little granddaughter and all else that is happening.
Thanks Gerrie. It’s feels strange just being able to go where you want, when you want. I think we all got used to the quieter life! xxx
Wow, 40th wedding anniversary – huge congratulations! Your garden is as productive as ever and I can’t wait to hear all about your renovations. With all the crowds at the Jubilee, it certainly does seem as if life has, thankfully, returned to normal. That was one lucky hedgehog of your neighbours! xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. Yes, that little hog had a lucky escape! It was wonderful seeing it returned to the wild unharmed.xxx
PS: For some reason, I can’t see the comments anymore, so I hope you received my praise for this post, from roses to Bryan Adams, and everything in-between!
Sorry Kitty, I updated the blog and all hell broke loose so daughter has had to change the theme, it is a work in progress but at least I can see the comments now.xxxx
By the way — are you moderating comments now? Mine didn’t appear, and neither have the other four. Perhaps you’re out for another dinner and concert!
Sorry Linda, I updated the blog and all hell broke loose so daughter has had to change the theme, it is a work in progress but at least I can see and reply to the comments now.xxx
What is that lovely, peachy rose just above your comment about your camera? It’s my favorite of all the flowers — such a silky texture!
I’m glad the little hedgehog escaped unscathed. With luck, you’ll remain unscathed through your renovation project. Congrats on your anniversary, too. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to gather now for celebrations? I’m curious about Brian Adams. I couldn’t find any information about him — or, to be more specific, I found several with that name, but was unsure who you’d seen.
It’s just hot and dry here. People are dreaming of rain — literally. It will come, but right now we’re having to content outselves with a layer of Saharan dust to moderate the temperatures a degree or two.
Thanks Linda. I have lost the label of the rose so don’t recall the name sadly. One of Brian Adams best hits was Summer of 69, maybe you know that one, he put on a wonderful performance. It’s dry here too, but obviously not a dry as you, here’s to rain for both of us.xxx
Wow! So much in a month! Your roses are just exquisite; I can only imagine the scent. It must be magical. Everything else is glorious as well; the blooms are stunning!
Truly excited to hear more about the renovations! Can’t wait. It sounds like your calendar has been filled with wonderful gatherings. How joyful! And a very happy anniversary to you both. My goodness! You must have been a child. And a Brian Adams concert, too? What fun!!!
Joy to your midsummer and the renovations! Looking forward to hearing all about them. XO Love to all.
Very glad the hedgehog wasn’t ill. Glad he’s happily exploring gardens again.
Thanks Kitty, the builders are here as I type. It’s noisy, dusty and chaotic but will be well worth it in the end. Everyone is playing catch up here, parties, weddings etc that were cancelled are now all happening at once. I’ve completely got out of the habit of going out so much! Yes, good to see that little hog returning to the wild. Love and hugs.xxxx
Your rock rose is amazing, so many flowers! I can imagine the perfume from all your roses, it must be delightful.Congratulations on your 40th, that is a wonderful milestone for you both, I wish you many more happy years together.
Thanks Pauling. That rock rose loves our sandy soil and blooms profusely each year, it’s such a beauty and so good for the pollinators.xxx
I think your phone camera has taken some lovely photographs.
Many happy anniversary wishes, the food looks delicious.
Enjoy the week ahead.
I do hope my comment comes through ok because for some reason I cannot read any of the comments on this post or previous ones!!! ???
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Phone cameras sure have come a long way haven’t they? My blog went on strike after I updated it, daughter is sorting another theme for me, but thankfully comments are back and I can finally reply to them.xxx
You’ve certainly been busy one way and another. I hope that the front garden survives the builders without any mishaps. Happy anniversary.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty. I have my fingers crossed that the parts of the garden we’re keeping don’t suffer too much damage. xxx