And so it begins. Two weeks in and the entire house is filled with dust. How these poor guys cope with constant dust clouds amazes me. They say I’m like their mother as I’m constantly asking them to wear masks to protect themselves, finally, they’ve caved in and started wearing them.

Until last night we’ve barely had a drop of rain in over a month. I’m hoping for a few decent downpours to wash away the cement and brick dust from the drive and garden, in places it’s almost an inch thick.

The birds are feasting on the cherry trees. The ripe fruit barely lasts a day, which is fine by me as the cherries are sour, it also distracts them from the soft fruit which Littl’urchin loves to pick. Strawberries dunked in honey are her current favourite.
The winter garlic has been picked and although some bulbs are small they are still perfectly edible.

Despite the lack of rain the garden is bursting into bloom, it seems to be another good year for the roses.
Long walks have been enjoyed, although I think the heat of this last week has us all somewhat drained. Sam, [touch wood] is still very much with us and is enjoying life as usual. He’s still running, walking, playing and eating. He was given two months max and is still beating the odds having just passed the eight month mark. Still, we go a day at a time and just enjoy our time together.

Hubs and I stumbled across a lovely park while attending a hospital appointment recently. We had no idea it even existed. It was teeming with water birds which we spent an enjoyable hour watching.

The park also had a delightful cafe/bar aptly named The Watering Hole. A cold beer went down nicely here.

Littl’urchins’ “Enchanted Garden”, can you spot the rusty old bunch of keys?
And Finally…

An Ed Sheeran concert was enjoyed.
Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx
Just stopping by to say hello and hoping you are doing ok with the building work and these hot days we’ve been having.
My good wishes.
All the best Jan
Busy, busy.
The enchantment of little one’s garden is a delight.
It’s good to hear about Sam. He’s a good ‘un.
It never ceases to amaze me how lackadaisical Tradesmen are about their own present and future health.
Keep enjoying your summer.
Glad to know that Sam is still enjoying life. The cafe looks lovely, and the lake. Not envying you all the dust, I hope it’s all gone soon. The birds are eating pounds and pounds of cherries here too, but also the blueberries, tayberries and mulberries. I am managing to steal some away from them though.
It is unbearably tough to know a beloved furry friend is on that path, but enjoying every minute is key for all of you. We were going through this last year .. I never thought in a million years we would end up with our girls, I thought that part of our life was over because the heartbreak was too much. They teach us profound lessons in life, our furry companions. I cherish and honor that . They make me be a better person . Fingers crossed for Sam !
Who wouldn’t want a cold beer at that cafe ! and the hidden secrete garden ? perfect ! … Your new space is going to be fantastic … hope you get some good refreshing rain soon too !
The garden is taking shape. I hope the dust has settled now, both metaphorically and literally !
I love discovering new places and that park you found near the hospital is delightful. The birds seem to think so too. Water, birds and a cool cafe. That’s a find.
So happy to hear that Sam is defying the odds and still with you. Keep enjoying each day with him
And that lovely little enchanted garden for your granddaughter. How magical.
Ed Sheeran isn’t someone I thought I would like, but he is very talented. I read about his life some time ago and he seems to have worked very hard to get to where he is now. His success is very well deserved.
Thanks for another glimpse into life ‘up North’.
As always I’m late to comment. That’s a lot of work happening in your garden and I hope that you’ve had some rain by now and hopefully you’ve got to the clearing up stage. It’ll look good when finished. Always better to have everything around the house to suit your needs. I’m pleased Sam is still doing well. It looks as if you’re having a nice time in other ways, concert, family times with little granddaughter and, of course, your garden continues to delight you with the flowers and the produce you’re growing. All the best, Linda xx
So pleased that Sam is still doing ok.
The Ed Sheeran concert looks amazing.
Oh, I just love Littl’urchins’ “Enchanted Garden”, and yes, I did spot the rusty old bunch of keys
I hope you enjoy these last few days of June, I don’t know where the year going – it’s flying by.
All the best Jan
Wow, can hardly believe the amount of dust vs. no rain. That’s a lot of paving, but hopefully working well for you at the end.
Nice to see blooms charging ahead despite the lack of rain. And hoping you’ll get some soon!
SAM! I’m so pleased to see that guy beating the odds.
So glad Sam is still with you asI was wondering about him. No rain here
I am loving the new blog look :). I cannot for life of me remember what the work is you are having done but it looks to be a big job! Hope all the dust makes it worthwhile.
Oh, how I love the little ones garden, absolutely delightful!
I have to confess the image of that concert looks like it belongs in Dante’s circles of hell. Of all the places I’d want to be, that isn’t it! I did take the time to listen to bits of a couple of Ed Sheeran’s videos, since I’d never heard him, but I think I’d still pass.
What pleased me was seeing Sam still up and about, and that lovely park you found. It’s such fun to come across places like that: appealing, but a bit off the beaten path. Watching birds is lovely no matter the location, but I suspect that was more enjoyable than usual.
I did find the keys in the Enchanted Garden. I was a bit surprised by Lil’Urchin’s love of strawberries dipped in honey. That’s something else I’ve never heard of. Chocolate or sour cream, of course — or the occasional whipped cream with liqueur. I’ll have to try the honey!
I sympathise about the dust and noise, and hope that it ends soon. Rain here would be welcome as well.
Glad to read that Sam is still doing okay. The park and bar/cafe look like a good find. I like the enchanted garden.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Ah! Seeing sweet Sam on his walk was such a wonderful image to wake to this morning!
Dust all over the house not so much, but my excitement to see what’s coming next that I’ll imagine it damped down and a thing of the past. Your summer sounds like our last year. I got so tired of writing about the wretchedness of watching the river evaporate and standing in the scorching heat to water the plants… it felt like no one could really fathom our fears and fatigue…the whole world is suffering from climate change (and idiocy, another story); who cares about ours? But I do know how you love each leaf and bloom and visitor, so I’m hoping rain will fall in abundance, dear friend. It looks and sounds like blooms are happening and flowers are fruiting.
I would like to play in that enchanted garden with L’il Urchin. The keys are riveting, but I’d go for all those silver balls…magical!!
I have to confess, I don’t understand quite what’s happening in your yard…it seems they’ve dug, bared, and and flattened a great space. Is this to construct a home addition or to create a new landscape? It’s seeming to be a massive project and I cannot wait to see what’s to come!
Hooray for the surprise of a park so lovely and another cheering concert.
Peace, rain, and the joy of happy transformation to your week, my friend! XO
Sounds like you are enjoying all the fruits of summer – plus when everything is done and dusted in the garden…..I am sure you will love:)
It is a lovely time of the year. I seem to be doing quite a lot including a day at Eel Pie Island tomorrow.
Enjoy XXXX
I’ve decided Renovations are up there with one of the most stressful things you can do… we were so glad when our kitchen was finished.
I love the small bulbs of garlic for cooking especially in winter… enjoy yours!
Great to hear that Sam is still enjoying life. Enjoy summer.
Good for you, looking after your workmen, once a Mum, always a Mum I think and they do know best! Hope the much needed rain has damped down the dust and you can get back to normal. Glad to hear that Sam is continuing to enjoy life, each day is so precious. x
Good old Sam; long may he stay well. Very envious about the Ed Sheeran concert – I loved his rendition of ‘Perfect’ at the Platinum Jubilee. That cafe looks excellent and I love Littl’urchin’s Enchanted Garden! Good luck with the dust; I can’t wait to see the finished result. xx
So glad that Sam continues to enjoy life!