Farewell my Curly Cat

Sadly, Curly Cat passed away a few days ago. He was due to be put to sleep at home last Friday as he had suddenly become very frail. When I went into the study Friday morning he had passed away. I’m hoping he died peacefully in his sleep, as the thought of him suffering is unbearable.

I have never known a cat quite like Curly. He behaved like a devoted dog around me and took to all the human family members but remained utterly feral with everyone else, even people who fed him when we were on holiday.

I will always fondly remember him as my gardening companion; what great company he was, edging along with me, usually sitting on my kneeling mat.

Despite loathing dogs, Curly was determined to get inside this house. For those of you who don’t know, Curly turned up in the garden many moons ago, either an abandoned or feral cat. I think he was about twenty, as I’ve been feeding him for fifteen years and he was in the garden for many years before that.

Initially he lived in a dog kennel I put in the garden but as he got older I would bring him in each evening and keep him in a room separate from the dogs. As he got older still we stopped letting him out in the front and moved him into the study, a room he shared with hubs. He did go out into the back garden each day as it is enclosed and he was no longer able to scale fences.

Looking back at early photos of Curly reminds me how large Curly was, never was there a cat who enjoyed tummy rubs as much as him.

I will always remember the ferocious battles he had with the neighbourhood cats, he was such a territorial chap. He also had two horrendous run-ins with Buddy and lived to tell the tale.

Curly was very loved and will be terribly missed, the house already feels empty without him. Fare thee well Curly cat, I salute you.


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  1. I’m so sorry I missed this. Curly was such a delight to read about, and I can only imagine how large a space he left: in the house, and in your heart. I still miss my Dixie Rose; after eighteen years together, we knew each other well!

  2. Somehow I missed this! I’m so sorry for this loss of a dear little garden friend. You were his territory and he guarded you well.

  3. So sad to hear of the loss of Curly. I remember when he first started coming indoors and how he had lived in the garden for a time. You will surely miss him terribly X

  4. My heart goes out to you sweet friend. We have had many a cat, and every passing is horrendously emotional for us. I feel your pain but you have posted such loving memories of Curly … he was well loved and cared for … just look at that round tummy and think of how many rubs he was given with love. These characters leave us with indelible feelings for them.
    We never forget what they have meant to us. He was safe and comfortable when he passed, be assured of that and take comfort in it.

  5. Oh, my dear. I’m sorry I missed this post, but see how very much support you have and can only guess how much more surrounds you at home.

    Such a beautiful boy, and he always looked soooo content to have found a home with people who believed he was lovable and deserving. And what a sweet tummy to rub.

    I don’t know about you, but I feel all my little ones still around me in those still moments of the day; I hope Curly’s sweet presence will bless you; I know your memories of him will visit often.

    Sending hugs and love, my beautiful friend.

  6. So sorry to hear that you have lost Curly but it was better that you avoided the trauma of having him put to sleep. He certainly live to a good age. A very clever cat to when he picked out your garden to settle in.

  7. Oh no! These fur balls certainly lodge deep in our hearts. What a beautiful spirited chap such a friendly on his terms champ. What a loving life you all treated him to. It will take time to adjust to not having his presence.

  8. What a lovely tribute to a wonderful companion. He sounds like an amazing cat, I am sorry that he is no longer with you. Thinking of you x

  9. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    So sorry to read this sad news.
    This was a lovely post in Curly Cats memory.

    Thinking of you and sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. So sorry to hear the sad news about curly Cat, pets do leave such a big hole in our lives when they go. You have lots of happy memories of him, how lucky he was to find you.xx

  11. My sympathies. I’m sure that you’ll remember him with fondness and a smile. xx

  12. Oh, I’m so sorry to read this. It’s always a most difficult time when one of our fur family leaves us. I’ve enjoyed reading about his antics over the years, he certainly knew his own mind and did things his way, right up to the very end. That’s typical of Curly from what I’ve heard about him. I know you’ll miss him greatly but you’ll also have some very happy memories too. Sending hugs xx

  13. Oh my friend, I am so sorry for your loss. At least he went in his own time and you didn’t have to ‘do the deed’. Curly was a lucky, lucky cat to be taken in my such a loving family and one whom he clearly adored. I’ll be thinking of you in the coming days and I’m sure that Curly will be gardening with you in spirit. Sending hugs. xx

  14. I’m so sorry and sad to hear about Curly Cat who was such a big part of your family life. Hugs, Linda.

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