I’m in my usual state of disorganised panic; guilty of leaving things too late then frantically trying to catch up. Still, lists are written, even if they do get longer each day. One job I won’t be doing this year is sending Christmas cards as we’re having postal strikes, which means cards are unlikely to arrive until February. Given a stamp costs around 70 pence that sure seems a waste of money to me.

The log burner has been roaring away for weeks now as it’s become pretty chilly. Chimineas have been enjoyed and candles are adding a warm ambience each evening. The decorations are up early for once and I’ve even put some lights around the front garden for Littl’urchin to enjoy. Mince pies, from Barb next door have arrived, Littl’ urchin has decorated the windows and glass doors with Christmas stickers soooo… it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, ha…that song will be going around your head in a loop now!

I can’t recall a year when we’ve had so many flowers blooming in December…

even strawberries and raspberries.

Strong winds have blown the remaining leaves down which have now been brushed up, a first around here!

Innumerable Christmas meals have been enjoyed, everything from Italian, Indian street food and traditional carveries. The second pic is from the Sky bar in Liverpool, the old Echo building for those who know Liverpool. I also went to see the new Avatar film, struth, talk about sitting on the edge of your seat throughout, real nail-biting stuff!

Buddy enjoying lappie time with Littl’urchin.

It was cold, but the last week or so has been bitter, -6 some nights. It hasn’t snowed but the ice simply refused to melt for over a week. The ponds were frozen solid and couldn’t be broken with rocks. It was so cold I didn’t take the dogs out the entire cold spell. They were not impressed, AT ALL, but given Sam’s health issues, the fact that Annie had just had eight teeth out, [to the tune of £500] and Buddy has such little paws that would probably have frozen, it seemed a small price to pay to keep them all safe.

It certainly saw all the late bloomers off sadly.
And Finally…

They say you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, well, I dispute that. Given Sam has to have painkillers regularly, and the pills are hidden in delicious food scraps, all three dogs have eyes on me every time pill-time approaches!
Until next time, stay safe guys.xxx
The picture of LilUrch and Pooch concentrating so much at the screen is just so darn cute and gorgeous
Thanks Anne Marie, I think Buddy enjoys it even more than Littl’urchin.xxx
For some reason, I’m not getting your post emailed
so missed this gorgeous one with all that amazing frost. At first shocked to see roses and strawberries in December and then… a killing frost. At least you are all cozy inside with that beautiful fire and attentive dogs (well, as long as you have “treats”).
That pic of Lil’ Urchin and Buddy is so sweet. I’m sure they can each be pretty rambunctious but they look so serene together here.
My subscriber ended sadly so daughter has added a new one at the end of each post for people to subscribe to. Yes, the weather was so odd this year, I’ve never had a december like it! Yes, child and dog are rarely this calm! Thanks Anne.xxx
Gorgeous photos! That rainbow! Hope you’re enjoying this holiday season and all the best for the coming year.
Thanks Amalia.xxx
It was a very cold spell wasn’t it, I forgot to go and pick my chard leaves and lost a whole load but I am sure they will grow more now that it has warmed up. Lovely photos, particularly of your granddaughter. I really want to see the new Avatar film, it is a long time since I have wanted to watch a new film, I loved the first one. I hope you have a lovely Christmas with you and yours.
Oh yes, it was perishingly cold. You’ll love the new Avatar film but it’s nail-biting stuff for sure. Thanks Sustainable mum.xxx
Fortunately we have had some days when we have managed to go out for a walk with Ruby, I have to be careful; using the word walk in any given context as she picks up on it straight away and is eyeing up her harness for hours after. I watched a video on YouTube that said dogs should be given visual commands as they don’t understand language. Made me wonder if they had ever owned a dog. The number of words that we have to avoid is growing daily. For biscuit we have to say custard cream.
Dogs understand language far too well. We have to change words on a regular basis. You can’t mention walking dogs, that changed to exercising the canines, then harnessing the critters….on and on it goes, they’ll always catch on. Thanks Sue.xxx
We’ve got cold galore this morning, and will have for a few days now: below-freezing cold, which isn’t exactly rare, but is unusual. Reading your lovely post warmed me right up: so many lovely photos of the dogs, and Lil’Urchin. Actually, even the frosted flowers are lovely, although it’s more fun seeing them in a photo than it probably is in real time. Of course you’ve been in a holiday frenzy! If it doesn’t get out of control, that’s part of the fun. My father always went shopping on Christmas Eve. It wasn’t that he hadn’t gotten his presents already; he had. He just enjoyed being out at the last minute, enjoying the music, the crowds, and the excitement. Of course, in our smaller town he knew most of the other shoppers, and that added to the fun.
The merriest of Christmas holidays to you! I’m about to go out and chip the ice out of the bird bath!
Good luck with the bird bath. It was so cold here we couldn’t break the ice on the ponds as it was that thick. Thanks Linda.xxx
Lovely to read your post, you have been busy! Your renovated garden looks great even with ice all over the beds. I love the photo of Littl’urchin and Buddy, they are both concentrating so hard! Anyone who owns dogs would love the photo of the three dogs staring at you in the hopes of tasty treats…I agree you can teach old dogs new tricks!
Have a lovely Christmas, and keep warm and it is great to see you blog posts again.
Thanks Gerrie. Oh yes, you sure can teach old dogs anything as long as food is involved.xxx
I have been looking forward to your December post. The icy pictures look so pretty and the doggie photos are lovely. And that photo of your gorgeous granddaughter with Buddy is so charming.
I am not surprised to hear that your run up to Christmas has been a whirlwind. Where do you get the energy ?
I agree with you about the Christmas cards. I have sent very few this year. The last I heard, some areas of the country are still trying to clear post from November !
Take care and have a wonderful Christmas XXX
Thanks Keggy. I’ve had to force myself to get things done this year as we,ve all had the dreaded lurgy. We still have Christmas cards arriving, what a sad waste of money. xxx
Goodness, that rainbow is glorious!
Sending great love to all in this lovely space of time approaching Solstice and the New Year.
Special hugs to all the 4-leggeds, especially Sam, and only joy and gardening bliss in the New Year! XO
Thanks Kitty, all the very best to you and yours. xxxx
Lovely to see and read this post from you.
The photograph of Buddy enjoying lappie time with Littl’urchin is just adorable.
Have a very Merry Christmas.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan.xxx
Just a quick message before the computer goes off again – Lovely blog post. Merry Christmas to one and all at your place. Love Linda.
Thanks Linda, here’s to your connection being sorted.xxx
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. I especially like the one of Buddy and Littl’urchin, and the last one has me smiling.
It was a shame that the cold weather finished the flowers off.
Thanks, and you too. xx
Thanks Flighty. Yes that frost saw everything off. Still I got to enjoy blooms well into december.xxx
Haha, you can teach an old dog anything if food’s involved! Hasn’t it been cold. Even though we haven’t had any snow either, we’ve still had the cold temperatures. I’m glad it’s warmed up a little now. You’re not alone being at the last minute with things, I got my tree up early this year and I thought I was doing well being ahead of the game, but I’ve still got long lists of things that need doing. Ah well, whatever gets done gets done and whatever doesn’t doesn’t.
I think we’re all the same at christmas re chores. I’m glad it’s warmed up too, I can’t recall such a prolonged cold snap. It’s all rain and wind now. Thanks Jo.xxx