Goodness, Christmas has come and gone in a blurr, as always. The time in between Christmas and New Year is always so relaxing by contrast.

Daughter and Litl’urchin graced us with their presence and a vegan [except the salmon for hubs] feast was enjoyed. The dogs have decided to sulk during Christmas dinner and sit in the kitchen instead as they have decided cracker pulling equates to fireworks, and are not putting up with it.

Daughter gifted me with some delightful bird feeders…

and hubs found a lovely firepit and mini chiminea in an auction. The firepit is upside down at the moment as we are now being battered with endless rain and wind.

Isn’t this wall mounted double cactus and orchid delightful? Courtesy of daughter.

When the frost finally melted recently, I took a peek in the greenhouse and was horrified to see the lemon tree had dropped most of its fruitlets, over twenty in all and lots of leaves.The rest of the small lemons were completely withered. In contrast the lettuce leaves were absolutely fine!
And Finally…

The Build has ground to a halt and won’t be picked up until spring. The doors and window are in but it still needs cladding inside and out and electrics installing.
We have another project on the go for spring too. We bought eight large wooden sherry barrels which need the tops sawing out, a shame really, but the plan is to plant the accidental orchard trees in them.

They really are rather lovely!
And finally, finally, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for reading my blog and sharing your lives with me. Here’s to a happy, healthy, prosperous 2023 to you all.
Until next time, take care guys.xxx
Thanks Sue. I still can’t believe the lettuce was untouched! All the best for 2023.xxx
I’m so sorry I missed this! Still not receiving your wonderful posts in my email.
Your table is so elegant and festive and the meal sounds delicious! I’m sorry the dogs wouldn’t join in the fun.
What wonderful gifts! Those bird feeders and the orchid are perfect. Your daughter knows you so well! And I can’t believe how tall Little Urchin has become. Goodness!
I hope the lemon tree makes a comeback. The lettuce looks delicious!
Blessed galore on your new year. I hope it holds great joy for all of your family.
Oh goodness, I don’t know what’s going on with my email notifications….sighs. I do hope my tree recovers, I’m still irked at the loss of all those potential lemons. All the best for 2023. Thanks Kitty, love and hugs to all.xxxx
Oh, I was looking forward to your Christmas post! Lovely table, beautiful smiles, and thoughtful gifts, sulky dogs notwithstanding. I’m crossing my fingers for your lemon tree… was surprised to see any fruiting at all! I grew my current tree in a container for 3-4 years and it never produced any fruit despite my following a careful regimen of feeding and watering. But once put in the ground, it took off. Those are beautiful barrels indeed. Your orchard will look quite smart in them! Happy New Year — and happy birthday, my friend!
Thanks Anne, how quicky Christmas comes and goes! I was surprised to see so many lemon fruitlets on that little tree. I’ve now bought some fleece to wrap it in, I really thought it would be safe in the greenhouse. All the very best to you both.xxx
There are so many vegan products in the shops now, we are spoilt for choice. I just heard that Heinz has brought out a vegan version of their classic cream of tomato soup, and I can wait to try it. I bet your Christmas meal was delicious.
Those bird feeders are so cute with the little metal birds on them. I love watching all the different kinds we get on our feeder.
Your lovely granddaughter is growing up fast. She looks so grown up.
Shame about the lemons, but it is really too cold for them at temperatures under 10°C. I used to have to bring mine into the house over the winter because I don’t have a greenhouse or conservatory. It got too unwieldy over the years and then I lost it. But i got it for nothing. I planted a pip from a lemon I bought at the supermarket.
I like the idea of the sherry barrels for your orchard. Will look forward to seeing how you get on with those.
As ever, lots going on in your household and your posts are a delight to read.
Happy new year to you and yours XXX
We are certainly able to eat well as vegans these days. I hadn’t heard of the heinz vegan soup but I did buy a shedload of plant based tinned soups I saw for the first time in Tescos last week. I really thought my little tree would be safe in the greenhouse, obviously not. I now have some fleece to wrap it in. Thanks Keggy, all the best to you and yours.xxx
Good to see that you enjoyed yourselves. Shame about the lemon tree, I hope that it recovers.
It looks like you’re going to be busy one way and another in the coming months.
You’re most welcome, I always enjoy reading your posts. Thanks, and you too. xx
I’m hoping my little tree recovers, it must have got far too cold even in a greenhouse. Thanks Flighty.xxx
Happy New Year to you, your family, and all your animal friends! Litl’Urchin isn’t so little anymore.
Thanks Brenda. All the very best to you and yours.xxx
I do love those bird feeders, such lovely gifts. I had to laugh when you mentioned a new project for spring, always looking to the next thing, haha. Those barrels are lovely. Wishing you and your family all the very best for 2023 xx
Thanks Jo. All the best to you and yours.xxx
Your news is always so interesting especially accompanied by the family and gardening photos. What a shame re the lemon tree! Our citrus trees have so far not produced fruit. They stay healthy and remain ornamental. The barrels for fruit trees is a great idea. Hope the work in that area resumes in the new year so that your garden project gets completed. Wishing you and your family a happy new year.
Thanks Linda. How odd that your tree doesn’t bear fruit, I wonder why that is? All the best to you and yours.xxx
What a pretty table you set! I laughed at Lil’Urchin. She looks like she’s not entirely certain what might be coming next. You certainly have had your share of bad weather; it’s a pity about your lemons. We’re looking rather forlorn around here, too, but I’ve noticed that the pansies and snapdragons are perking right up. They seem to have done as well as your lettuce!
Those barrels are terrific. How long will they serve the trees? Will you have to keep pruning them to keep them small, or will they do fine in the barrels for a few years? I have a large Hawaiian schefflera that’s going to get the pruning of its life come spring. I kept repotting it as it grew, but now it’s such a pain to move it requires two people, even with a wheeled plant stand. It’s healthy, though!
Thanks Linda. Yes, Littl’urchin is looking uncertain there, I think she was somewhat overwhelmed by Christmas. I’ll get a really good topsoil for the trees, hopefully if I feed them they should do well, especially with a little light pruning. Your Hawaiian schefflera sounds wonderful. All the best to you and yours.xxx
Lovely family photos. I am so sorry to hear about your lemon tree, I feel your pain. Lovely as the lettuce is I am sure it won’t make up for the loss. Your bird feeders are wonderful, what a lovely present. I am sorry to hear that the garden work has ground to a halt I do hope it is completed as early in Spring as possible. The barrels are a great idea for fruit trees! Happy New Year to you and yours.
Thanks Sustainablemum. I was surprised to see the lettuce thriving while the lemon tree was wilting! All the best to you and yours for 2023.xxx
My birthday is sandwiched between Christmas and New Year, so the celebrations continue. I’m looking forward to a relaxing January though. Love the birdfeeders and the fire pit etc. and I can’t wait to see your mini orchard planted up in those beautiful barrels. Littl’urchin is getting so big! Shame about your lemon tree; fingers crossed that it will recover. Best wishes for 2023. xx
Thanks veggiemummy. That’s an awkward birthday, mine is as bad as it’s on the 2nd of January, people have always had enough by then. All the best to you and yours for 2023.xxx
Lovely family photographs
I agree the time between Christmas and New Year (Twixmas) is a lovely relaxed time.
Happy New Year Wishes to you and yours.
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. All the best to you and yours for 2023.xxx
What a shame about the lemons – the lettuce will only go a little way to lessening the blow. All the very best for 2023 hoping the lemon tree will recover