While rummaging through the garage recently, searching for something or other, I came across our old fireplace that we removed when we had the log burner installed. I decided to move the palette planter and put this in its place in the courtyard. I’ve added a mirror and a couple of rockery plants to the grate and put my trailing rosemary and Indian mint on the mantle. I rather like it, especially with the cyprus trees. I plan on sanding and varnishing the wood but can’t decide if I like the rust or not. To paint or not to paint, that is the question!

The rusty tin palette is now in the Little Lotte area. The wildflowers in the tins have gone over so I’ve added ferns from the garden wall and succulents I found dotted around the garden. The plants need to grow but should look better next year.
You can certainly tell autumn is creeping in looking at all that detruis.

The garage roof is in terrible shape and no builder will touch it as we have asbestos…sighs. Our only option is to remove the asbestos then rebuild the whole thing. I can’t say I’m looking forward to the expense and disruption but for now hubs has a tarp covering the roof. To distract from the monstrosity, [or to draw attention to it] I’ve hung a couple of garden planters which I plan to grow herbs, and maybe a few strawberries in.

I’ve also added a few planters to the fence where I plan to grow lettuce, spinach, rocket and chard next year. This year my salad crops bolted in the greenhouse due to excessive heat, here they will be cooler most of the day.
I’m also pleased to see that my grapevine, planted late spring, on the other side of this fence, has reached the top and is now creeping along the fence.

The three raised beds in my Little Lotte, have nearly all gone over. One bed is full of potatoes that need harvesting and there are still a few carrots, tomatoes, courgettes and leeks that will come out soon, then it’s in with the autumn onions and garlic, which seem to do far better than the spring planted ones.

The Steps have filled out considerably and soon I’ll have to cut back all the grasses, soft fruit and herbs. It seems strange to think this was only built last year, it feels like it’s been here forever.

There be apples galore from the accidental orchard.

I have indulged in a fruit press which still needs to be assembled, then this gal will have an endless supply or fresh apple juice, maybe even cider!

I was thrilled when hubs acquired the steamer chair on the left, free from a buy nothing group. The two on the right cost us £50, a bargain I think. He’s going to sand them down and give them a coat of varnish.

The corn has been wonderful this year and to my surprise, aubergines, that I’ve never grown before, are romping away in the greenhouse in tiny pots as I never got around to potting them on. I haven’t even fed them. I plan on picking them soon as I’ve heard they are delicious small.

I will have far too many cabbages, I’ll have to freeze a shedload of them.

I’ve given my seeds a good sorting, many were out of date so I sprinkled all the herbs around the garden, I’m not expecting much but if they grow that will be a bonus! I’ve started sowing some herbs for the hanging planters, late I know, but they may get a head start for next spring.

This area next to The Build , [which is slowly but surely getting there] is another ongoing project. Just look at all those beech nuts! Anyway, I have paths through here, some will be covered with stones, some with astro turf. I sowed woodland wildflowers in the bed areas, which didn’t do much as the ground was trampled by the builders. The clematis on the bower is romping away and the ferns are doing well in the old chimney pots. I have more wildflower seed which I’ll sow in spring. If that fails to grow I’ll plant ferns and grasses as there is a lot of shade under the beech trees.
And Finally…

I had friends around for lunch recently and both left with a small harvest from the garden. Here’s what one made with her offerings.
Until next time, take care guys.xxx
I enjoyed reading this and looking at the pictures over a week ago then forgot to comment!
It’s all looking and sounding good for the time of year, with plenty still going on.
Have fun with the fruit press. xx
Thanks Flighty, I’m looking forward to using the fruit press.xxx
You really are imaginative. The new garden is really well established.
Thanks Sue, it’s always surprising how quickly plants grow.xxx
Wow, those steamer chairs were an absolute bargain! Your garden is a delight – so productive and so many interesting things to admire; I’d love to come round and potter about for a while. I agree re: the fireplace – definitely keep the rust. xx
Thanks Veggiemummy. If you’re ever in the area please drop in! I think the rust is staying!xxx
I’d leave that fireplace as is. I agree with the others that the rust complements the images. I laughed heartily when I saw them. They’re clearly Alphonse Mucha, one of my favorite art nouveau artists. In fact, my avatar is taken from one of his series called “The Arts.” Mine is from “Poetry” — you can see the whole series here. You’ll probably spot it, but “Poetry” is in the bottom left.
As for all that gardening, I’m astonished by your vision and your energy. You heard rightly that small eggplants are delicious — like yellow squash and zucchini (which I just spelled right for the first time in forever). In fact, the picking farm where I get veggies in season has large signs posted: “If you pick any eggplant or squash that’s smaller than 5″, I will take it from you and refuse to sell it to you!”
Thanks linda. What a coincidence re your avatar, it’s always looked familiar to me, now I know why! Ha, I’m laughing re your small eggplant/squash comment. I picked several recently and roasted them, delicious they where.xxx
There’s always so much interest in your garden. I love all the little quirky things, it’s what gives a garden character. The sweetcorn looks delicious, I’m very envious, there’s no better taste than homegrown sweetcorn.
Thanks Jo, I’m a fan of quirky too. Totally agree re the taste of just picked sweetcorn.xxx
There’s certainly lots in your garden to keep you busy.
I do like your fireplace, I would leave the rust as it goes so well and complements those gorgeous tiles.
Your aubergines look good, I hope you enjoy them soon
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan. Yes, there is always a never ending list of thing to do in the garden. The rust is here to stay. I must say those aubergines were delicious when roasted.xxx
I love seeing those aubergines (lowly eggplants over here) being so resilient. Funny how you can pamper some plants and they limp along and ignore others and they seem to thrive.
That fireplace is gorgeous. I’m another vote for leaving the rust as it does seem to complement the tiles. In fact, it makes them pop!
Thanks Brenda, yes often the more you look out for a plant the worse they do. I’ve eaten the auborgenes now, they were delicious roasted. Rust it is!xxx
Am completely exhausted looking at the amount of work in your garden. The fruit and herbs and beautiful veg are gorgeous. But I can’t imagine you two managing the place on your own — and have time enough for anything else!
So sorry to hear about the roof/asbestos issue. Will be worth having it fixed in the long run, but I can appreciate the pain of expense and hassle.
What a fun find! I love how the fireplace mantel and how perfect your metal animal thing looks on top of it! Agree that the loungers were a steal — they look in great shape, too. Plus, being foldable, you don’t have to leave them out. It’s amazing what gets given away in Buy Nothing groups.
I do the same with out of date seeds — toss them out and see what comes of them. Only, mine are much much more out of date than yours. Some were exchanges with friends ages ago and I kind of kept them for sentimental reasons. Seeds are too easy to acquire
Happy autumn to you, friend.
It’s a lot easier to manage the garden since it’s been landscaped and most of the beds have weed fabric control and stones down. Having hubs working from home in the main means he helps a lot more, especially blowing leaves etc which is always an endless job from now until spring. Yes, it will be easy to store those steamer chairs in the garage until spring, like you, I’m always amazed by what people give away. Oh I get how you hang onto seeds, I do the same! I’m going to use lots of the out of date veg seeds for micro greens. Thanks Anne.xxx
Dina, you continue to amaze me with your green fingers. Your garden is bountiful! I love the fireplace and those gorgeous tiles … to my mind, the rust complements the colours.
Thanks Gill! The rust is here to stay!xxx
Wow, you’ve been busy, and your endless creativity is on display everywhere! I love the mantle! I vote for the sanding and soar varnish, but I know that if you paint it, it will be beautiful, too! Very lovely addition to your space, like the rusted tin planters.
Ugh, the garage project is one of those expensive, glad-when-it’s-done projects. I resent what those cost because of all the garden eye-candy and treats I could’ve bought instead, but I also know the maintenance stuff has to be managed. The tarp is fairly nondescript for now: good solution!
What a bounty of delicious food you’ve yielded this year. I love what your friend created with your generous gifts.
Much love to all. XO
Thanks Kitty. I’ll keep the rust! Oh, it’s always a pain when you have the disruption and expense of a new build, we have two chest freezers and the dryer in the garage too, goodness knows where they will go! Love and hugs.xxxx
I know it will all be beautiful when it’s finished, like everything touched by your gifts.
Dina I am so amazed at how much you have going on all the time and how beautiful it all is .. I am in love with the fire place spot you have created .. it would make me smile every time I look at it if I had one here too .. it is gorgeous !
I still haven’t blogged yet … I just haven’t been able to shake myself enough to get into it. I did work on the front and side garden yesterday and I am hobbling around today, haha. More yoga is needed !!
Enjoy your gardens and all that produce !
Take care
Thank Joy, so pleased you like the fireplace. wonderful to hear you have managed to garden and are getting around!!! Here’s to your full mobility returning!!!xxx