A catch-up

I seem to have lost time of late and blogging has seriously fallen behind, so here I am to rectify that.

Spring has come and gone in a whirl of fruit and cherry blossom, fingers are crossed for a wonderful crop of fruit later in the year.

The wallflowers have been a delight, I started with a simple orange variety which has morphed into an abundance of reds, purples and pinks.

Above is a few odds and ends I’ve clumped together. A favourite peony growing beneath an acer, my aloe vera which is spreading its arms like an octopus in an attempt to reach other plants and an orphaned bunny, one of seven, that were successfully reared by our wonderful wildlife staff.

I’ve never known such a wet winter and spring, surprisingly the plants don’t seem to mind. There have been some lovely sunny days of late but we’re now back to rain.

All veggies are now sown and are romping away in their final growing positions, more of that in my next post, along with the roses which are beginning to bloom.

Most of the herbs are flowering, much to the delight of the bees and the lavender is about to burst into bloom. Strawberries are only a few weeks away along with other soft fruit. It looks like it’s going to be a bumper year!

I’ve been helping out in reception in the rescue for the last few months and as a special treat the wildlife staff bring me baby birds to feed in between answering the phone. Oh my, you can’t beat that!

Can you make out the blackbird nesting in the woodshed? The birds have chosen some odd sites for nesting this year. Along with this blackbird, I have a wren in a lantern in the front, a dunnock in the bamboo and a host of nesting birds in the large bay tree.

There were also lots of tadpoles this year, we seem to have frogs everywhere.

And Finally…

Littl’urchin has demanded that she have a patch of garden to herself. She’s sown sunflowers, cosmos and planted a pink geranium that she had me dig up from another part of the garden.

She’s currently into pressing flowers at the moment and is forever picking flowers in the garden to press, but heaven forbid I touch her pink geranium flowers for pressing!

Until next time, take care guys.xxx


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  1. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Goodness! It’s quite a time since you posted …
    I’m just stopping by to say hello and hoping all is well.

    All the best Jan

  2. Hello, it’s good to see this post with lots of lovely pictures, and it’s certainly all looking colourful in your garden.
    Lucky you having so many different birds nesting.
    Good choices by Littl’urchin as cosmos and sunflowers are two of my favourite flowers.
    Take care. xx

  3. I so enjoyed seeing all the beauty in your garden. The substantial work you put in really has paid off — everything looks perfectly sited.I especially smiled at the little patch that Lil’Urchin has taken for her own. There’s always room for a new gardener! I don’t think I would have recognized the baby bunny as a rabbit. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one so young; how wonderful that the whole litter were successfully raised!
    We had a terrible storm last night, and I’ve not seen my cardinal parents and youngsters since. They’ve always come morning and evening; I do hope they didn’t perish. There no way to know, of course. I’ll just have to wait.

  4. I haven’t been blogging much recently…just so much going on…so I’m catching up on a few at the moment.
    Lovely to see your garden in spring, isn’t it amazing! Littl’urchin is growing up and she will be another gardener for sure!
    It was interesting to see the hungry birds waiting for you. We have had lots of baby birds in autumn which is all wrong, but they all seem healthy and happy.

  5. Beautiful abundance of colour and verdant luscious ness

  6. Lovely to see a post from you and catch up with your news. Your garden is looking very colourful, and it seems you’ve passed the gardening bug onto your granddaughter.

  7. What a treat ! I have missed your updates over the past couple of months. It’s good to see your garden full of life and colour. And nesting birds. You have obviously inspired your granddaughter if she wants her own patch.
    I couldn’t make out which animal the bunny was as I didn’t see any long ears ! And the baby birds are gorgeous.
    Hope you are all keeping well Dina XXX

  8. Your garden is an absolute delight; wonderful things everywhere you look. Oh that orphaned bunny! And feeding the birds sounds such fun. Littl’urchin is a hoot. I love the fact that she wants her own bit of garden and that she is very protective of her geranium! Looking forward to hearing all about your veggies. xx

  9. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Lovely to see this post and catch-up with you.

    Your garden is looking wonderful. the plants and flowers so colourful … they must have appreciated the rather wet weather you had 🙂

    So nice to see L’Urchin’s garden, it’s wonderful when the youngsters get involved with gardening.

    Enjoy this last week of May, I really don’t know where this year is going, it’s flying by so quickly.

    All the best Jan

  10. I have had some weeks off blogging too. But lovely to come back and find your news Dina. Youe garden is amazing, so full of colour and interest. And of course it wouldn’t be the same without some baby animals and an update on your little treasure who is growing up fast.

  11. Your garden is certainly colourful Do you have wood pigeons, They not only steal our fruit but the new leaves on the trees too

  12. I can’t believe your garden – it’s always full to bursting with amazing healthy plants! You’d have felt right at home in the Garden of Eden … but don’t touch that apple tree!

  13. Everything in your garden looks marvelous Dina. It has been good to see the photos and hear your news about birds nesting, caring staff at the rescue centre and your granddaughter getting involved with gardening activities. Best wishes, Linda.

  14. Oh, my, Snowbird! What a magical world you’ve created. I would love to know what the huge purple blooms are near the end of the post.

    Everything looks magnificent and I love the wallflowers and clematis so much.

    The bunny and birds would drive me to distraction. I’m so happy they’re thriving under the rescue’s and your care.

    Hooray for L’Urchin’s garden!!! And hooray for you, dear one, and all the love and beauty you share with the world!

  15. So glad to see you and your garden again! And pleased that things just keeping rolling along despite overly wet weather.

    You’ve been busy busy with the growing and tending and training an under-gardener I see.

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