Walk on….

  Each evening as it get’s dark I hear the geese flying overhead and love to listen to their melancholy calls. You can just about see them in this pic. As the hour has gone back it’s now dark at four thirty. I love autumn but the long dark evenings can be depressing and leave …


A few weeks ago all hell broke loose, and it’s taken me about that long to get over it. It all began when we had to have this aging 60 foot Leylandii tree taken down as it was dying and was beginning to sway in a rather alarming manner. A nice chap was hired who …

Shine on…

Oh what a glorious time we’ve had! Over the last seven days we’ve had a mini heatwave and the plants, animals and people are simply loving it. My fruit bushes are romping away, as is the Rhubarb…….which then, amazingly, turns into this. Courtesy of my wonderful neighbour Barbara, not at all bad eh? The fruit trees …