All things bright and beautiful, all creatures……

Acer unfurling. I wouldn’t say spring has sprung, but it’s beginning to get there! Apricot blossom. Hoping for fruit this year. Flowering Cherry, confetti season is upon us. Magnolia stellata, utter perfection. The Montana is taking it’s time! Sam loves playing in the cave formed by it’s stems. I ventured into the wilderness that is …

A couple of new fences, ancient ivy, a small miracle, and off a-travelling

This aged fence should be the miracle, hanging on as it did! It was literally held together by ivy and once that was removed it began to fall down! Is it just me, or does that ancient, source of all ivy, to the left of this pic, gnarled branches and all, have an eye? Be …

Cracking on

It’s been all systems go this week. At last, this wall is ivy free, and order has been restored, to this little bit of the courtyard anyway. It’s been an absolute battle, especially scraping the remnants off the wall, in the end, hubs burnt it off, well, singed it enough for me to paint over …

A new back garden

Damn, why is that nettle growing on my Groundmans’ barrow? So, my new back garden. It’s certainly different, and so much better. It’s a huge relief to finally have the new flags laid in the back garden and front drive. Despite having excellent builders, it’s certainly been disruptive, and destructive. It’s all about omelettes and eggs …

And so it begins

The time has come…The Walrus said…. I have to sort the back garden, once and for all. Clearly, a lawn is never going to work with three dogs hell bent on racing around, so it’s time to get rid of what’s left of it. As it’s a time of disruption, we decided to replace our …

Wildlife and gardens…..trying to keep up

Have a quick look at the birds on the feeder outside the kitchen window. Over the years I have released dozens of doves, which have successfully bred with the feral pigeons I’ve released, producing some seriously, pretty crosses, and an ever-growing flock for me to feed. The white bird has a few black spots on …

Fairy toadstools and hopeless birds

  Billy-Bob, Bella and Ben have settled into a cosy routine. Each day, they’re outside the bedroom window waiting for me to feed them. At night, Billy-Bob and Bella cuddle up and Ben sleeps on the bathroom window sill. They rarely venture far, occasionally, they hang out on my neighbour’s roof or potter around the …