Getting nowhere and now, going nowhere either!

A few days ago something underneath my clapped out old car fell off, so it’s back in the garage where hopefully it will be rejuvenated….for the umpteenth time! It’s an old VW and despite roaring along and shuddering like a tank, it’s usually really reliable. So, unless I want to be housebound for a week, …

Of mice, manic motorists and a wounded hubs

Well, it’s a new year and it’s a lovely to watch the stars that shine so brightly on these cold winter nights. Each day becomes a little longer and I hear the song of more and more birds who are beginning to sing, along with sound of the endless drip, drip, dripping. It’s been such a wet year and …

Ghostly goings on

As we always get lots of youngsters trick or treating on Halloween, I decided to “spook up” the stocks in the garden. I bought a couple of cheap skeletons and semi burried one and placed the other in the stocks in tattered clothing. A couple of pumpkins finished the scene off. Now…..we live next door …

The loveliest spot that man hath ever found….Wordsworth

Having just spent a week in Rydal, the beautiful area between Ambleside and Grasmere, synonymous with the poet William Wordsworth, it’s easy to understand how the sheer unspoilt beauty of the place inspired him. Every which way you look your senses are assaulted by hills, lakes, rivers, waterfalls and forests, and the ever changing weather makes it all the more atmospheric. The …