Walk on….

  Each evening as it get’s dark I hear the geese flying overhead and love to listen to their melancholy calls. You can just about see them in this pic. As the hour has gone back it’s now dark at four thirty. I love autumn but the long dark evenings can be depressing and leave …


A few weeks ago all hell broke loose, and it’s taken me about that long to get over it. It all began when we had to have this aging 60 foot Leylandii tree taken down as it was dying and was beginning to sway in a rather alarming manner. A nice chap was hired who …

Rescue update, animal buddies and a new winter home for Herbie

Remember my little miracle bird that flew headfirst into a speeding car a few weeks ago? Well, I’m DELIGHTED to announce that it’s now been released. It spent a few weeks in an aviary where it flew perfectly so now it’s back in the big wide world…..whoever would have thought it eh? AMAZING! And Missy, …

Of wildlife talks and a few very SCARY children.

Over the weekend, a colleague from the rescue and daughter and I were at Martin Mere, a Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust which is one of the world’s largest and most respected wetland conservation organisations, that is working globally to safeguard and improve wetlands for wildlife and people. This time I was giving wildlife talks and …

A bombed out church and a small miracle

For the next month, Liverpool is allowing the public free entry into Heritage Trust buildings across the city that are generally closed to the public, so I jumped at the chance of visiting St Luke’s, the old bombed out church. The Church of England church sits on a hill dominating the landscape, right next to …