A new decade beckons

My Beautiful Girls! Daughter and Littl’urchin Christmas eve. Littl’urchin opening her very first present. I bought it and thankfully, she liked it! Daughters’ presents to me, oh…that rose…sighs. Hubs and I opening presents. I was spoilt as usual, lots of tickets to shows, jewelry…I don’t do jewelry, but love crystals, so must post pics sometime…  …

All things bare and bountiful

Birds, branches and bedraggled beech nuts. Wilting hibiscus. Sodden leaves and boisterous dogs. Raised beds and bird sown yew tree. Entangled vines. Iris seed pods. Glowing dogwoods. Fading, papery hydrangeas. In other news… I’ve been out and about rather a lot recently, but my favourite’s are… when the “Whatever the Weather Girls” took themselves across …

Autumn images

Flowers from beautiful daughter. One of many days out with my girlfriends. My adorable girls in the pumpkin patch, the Gods are smiling down on them! Littl’urchin and I in the cornfield. Littl’urchin growing up FAR too fast. Dogwood leaves clinging on for dear life! The last gasp of the dahlias. Daughters’ swop-shop, the first …

Curly cat, Heidi hog and an abundance of fallen leaves

This may look like the back of someone’s head, but it’s my pygmy hog, Heidi, all curled up. The problem I have with Heidi at this time of the year, is that she’s not a native hedgehog. Given she’s an African species and is only a quarter of the size of an adult native hedgehog, …


Derwent water We’ve just spent a week in the Lake District. This time we abandoned our usual haunt in Rydal and ventured on to pastures new, with the dogs. We stayed in a cottage in St John’s in the Vale, around six miles outside Keswick. It was utterly isolated given there were only a few …