Off on a jolly and a few random things

I just love these edible containers at our local train station, especially as folk are encouraged to help themselves when the crops mature! The hollow log planters, in the back garden border, have almost disappeared. They are doing an excellent job of protecting the plants from our three boisterous dogs. I was fascinated by this …

An update on Peanut and what was lurking in the water

I’ve been concerned by the absence of butterflies this year, so when they finally, arrived en-masse, I drew a breath of relief. Maybe the heat and the buddleia drew them in. They have arrived late though as the buddleia and honeysuckle are almost going over. I simply lose time watching them fluttering about their daily …

The plight of the hoglets and a newly promoted hospital dog

The Eagles were enjoyed, and the Albert Dock admired on the way home. Schools have been visited, and their commitment to green issues applauded! Filming took place at the rescue, for a Channel 4 programme about rescued animals, which is due to air in August. This couch has been hauled up and down the UK, …

A little perspective, summer growth, wildlife update and out and about

Fruitlets, soft fruit and veggies are romping away. As fast as the berries and currants ripen, the birds eat them, which is fine by me as I’m not that precious about them, and there’s always plenty left for us. The mixture of sunshine and showers has meant that I haven’t had to water anything so …

A garden romping away from me and other news

Slug free hostas…yay…but for how long? The hostas have multiplied across the gardens over the last couple of years, which is weird given there’s a thriving community of slugs and snails and no frogs, thanks to that big freeze a couple of winters ago. Perfect lupin blooms, although the leaves already have mildew. Rain-battered campanula. …

Veggies, playing out and introducing Buddy to Hallie

Another week has flashed by in a blur, but a good blur, with NO drama, and yet, there is always a little drama…fledglings are everywhere, so I’m keeping Buddy out of the back garden, yet still he hunts rodents in the courtyard. He’ll eventually dig his way through to the garden next door. Loud. Dramatic. …

THAT DOG, the veggie patch and the greenhouse

The veggie patch is coming along nicely, with veggies, wind-sown wildflowers and weeds, all thriving.  The garlic, potatoes and broad beans are romping away. As are the shallots, hidden here behind the broad beans, potatoes and weeds. Fruit bushes are being contained here, until a new border is cleared for them. I have another thirty …

Littl’uns at the rescue and other bits and bobs

A member of staff hand-feeding a baby bunny. And so it begins, little guys arriving at wildlife. Four baby rabbits were dug up by something or other, and now need hand-feeding. Initially, the staff were taking them home for evening feeds, now, thankfully, they just need feeding during the day. These guys will be released …