Hello Spring

I can’t recall a spring as pretty as this one in many a year. The garden has burst into life and delights are everywhere. Flowering cherry, cherry, plum, apple and pear blossom float on the breeze and litter the lawns like confetti. This year I’m hoping to make apple juice as I have a huge …

The good life

There has been an awful lot of playing out of late. Meals with my besties, family and friends, along with Mother’s day celebrations, my thirtieth and daughter’s first. Soho A jolly was enjoyed in London, using the room we carried over from Christmas that was cancelled due to Sam’s surgery. We ate at Mildred’s, a …

It’s beginning to look a lot like spring

Spring seems earlier than usual this year. It’s rather odd as the snowdrops, crocus, iris and daffs are doing very little in the sunnier, south-facing front garden but are bursting into bloom in the back. Usually, it’s the other way round. I absolutely love the iris popping up in all the side planters on the …

Four seasons

Last week we had snow, sleet, rain, mist, wind and sunshine, each day is totally unpredictable. The temperatures are fluctuating between 10 and -3, on a daily basis. People, wildlife and plants have no clue what’s going on, at all. This is not our norm. Neither does POOR daughter. Baby girl has had a sudden …

A mixed bag

The solanum jungle in the courtyard has been cut back as we have builders coming in soon, to replace all the gutters and guttering. I am grateful that hubs did the honours, as I have been nursing a gripey back since Christmas eve. It was almost better until I took a tumble yesterday, somehow I …