And so it begins…

My mini allotment, Little Lotte, has been busily growing leeks, lettuce, winter greens, spring onions, kale, onions and garlic throughout the winter months. Now the weather is improving I’ve planted potatoes and more onions and garlic and I’ve sown runner beans that will ramble up the fences. Now that so much clutter has been cleared …

Autumn creeping in

I can almost smell autumn in the air, it’s subtle, but it’s there. Pink hydrangeas are everywhere, but to my delight this one has voilet-ish tones. Begonia season is upon us, long may it last. Herbs be flourishing and flowering… and yellow courgettes just keep on coming. Tiny leek seedlings have survived torrential downpours, [that …

Out came the sun

After a totally dry April, it’s rained most of May. Today we actually got a glimpse of the sun, but it remains very cold here. Many seeds are yet to even germinate and those that have are growing very slowly, especially the kale and leeks. The herbs are beginning to fill out in the wheelbarrows …


There has been an explosion of blossom and new growth, a little later than usual, but so welcome. The apricot has finished flowering and fingers are crossed for fruit. Now the plum and damson are flowering and the cherry and apple are close behind. It’s surprising the blossom has survived the sudden change in the …

Beware the Belladonna

As it’s that time of the year when we’re  all working away in our gardens,  I thought I’d write a post about some of the UK’s most poisonous plants. Over five thousand people a year become ill through contact with plants, and the National Poisons Unit estimates that over ten people die, and hundreds are hospitalised …